Submission Guidelines | Manuscripts | Undergraduate Scholarship | Butler University

Manuscripts is Butler's annual undergraduate art and literary magazine. We publish students' creative work—anything from poetry and short stories to photographs and paintings. We want to showcase a variety of artists, a variety of art, and a variety of styles. Manuscripts is not only for English majors; anyone who is an undergraduate student of any Indiana college can submit his/her work. All are welcome and encouraged to submit.

  • Please submit all written work as a Microsoft Word document (.doc or .docx) and all photographs or artwork in .jpeg, .tiff, or .png format.
  • Please DO NOT include your name or any identifying information in the document itself.
  • We will accept no more than five pieces of writing and five pieces of art (ten submissions total) from the same person—so send us only your very best work.
  • Multiple submissions are acceptable, but each must be submitted separately. This form will only accept one attachment per submission. If you wish to submit multiple works, please complete multiple submission forms.
  • By submitting, you acknowledge that the work is an original by the stated author and you give Manuscripts publication rights for our magazine, website, and social media pages.

Please submit here.

NEW Spring 2016: Authors of prose submissions may be contacted by the students of Butler University enrolled in a literary editing course for collaborative learning experiences and educational purposes.