

Virginia Coxen


"I reckon that that there buildin' across the way jes' looks like a pile of old boards to you folks," the old man at the filling station said as he wiped the car windows. I looked across the road and saw what seemed to be a dingy, run-down loafing place for all the idlers and farmers of the community. "Well, it ain't what you're a-thinkin', ma'am. That store is Clem's whole life. See, you can tell it's Clem's store 'cause it says so right up over the door in big red letters, Clem Johnson's General Store. 'Course, now the sign's kinda faded 'cause it ain't been painted for nearly twenty years or so, jes' like the whole dern buildin'. Clem's been a-managin' that store ever since his pa died when Clem was eighteen. It used to be a right-nice lookin' place."



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