Volume 14, Issue 4 (1946)
Dr. Mausdeth
Mary Alice Kessler
The Dilemma Of Faith
Robert Bowles
In Espalier
George Coffin
Fifty Cents An Hour
Carl Henn
George W. Coffin
Allyn Wood
Howard Michaelsen
The Frenchman
Byron M. Carmichael
Third Movement
Russell W. Finch
The Return Of The Native
Roger Chittick
Foot Doctor
King Dunbar
Memento Of A Region
Joseph D. Hopper
The Last Word
The Editor

Senior Staff
Editor: Mary Alice Kessler Exchange Editor: Mary Fritsche First Issue Freshman Staff Editor: Jeanne Malott Art Editors: Jean Farson, Allyn Wood, Ted WadeLiterary Staff:
Doris Colligan Virginia Dubois Helen Carter Rosemary Jones Rosalind Martin Pearl Rice Rosemary Ronsheim Morene Cottingham Margaret Leihr
Circulation Staff:
Nancy Ostrander Patricia Donnelly Joan Yarian Rose Alice Humke Barbara Wells Rebecca Taggart Betsy McNeeley Shirley Loy Ruthanne Gossom Muriel Holland
Freshman Staff
Editor First Staff, Midge McKay Dotti Gard Carolyn Metzger Katherine Hart Mary Butler Patricia Welch Thomas Scanlon Fred Rich John Miller Barbara Moore Patricia McCann
Editor Second Staff, Dale Marvel George McCune Wendell Phillips Patricia Ayres Jane Judd Max Shanklin Bill Walker Clarence Watterson Charlene Hayes Cyris McNutt Joan Freyn Bill Snedeker
Editor Third Staff, Kenneth W. Bush Jeanne Hodek Clarence Clarkson Paul Jordan Salvatore Puntarelli Betty Landreth Francis Nye Patty Lewis Daniel 'McConnell Carl Anderson Beverly Mussawir Joan Lindstraedt
Editor Fourth Staff, Marge Lanahan Robert V. Hirstine William York Keith Hertweck Patty Coate Martha Rankin Charles Aldous Jack Averitt Charles Michaus John Pabst Joan Childs