English Literature & Creative Writing
Document Type
Oral Presentation
Indianapolis, IN
Subject Area
English Literature & Creative Writing
Start Date
11-4-2014 9:00 AM
End Date
11-4-2014 10:30 AM
Melissa Eden (Hanover College)
In this paper, I examine the Court of Chancery as an institutional predator in Charles Dickens's novel Bleak House. For this presentation, I will focus on Chancery as a system that uses methods that mimic biological predation to influence its institutional predation of its suitors. The Court of Chancery most closely resembles a parasitic predator, as it uses the lawyers, Vholes and Tulkinghorn, to form intimate relationships with the suitors. The lawyers are dependent upon the suitors for the survival of their careers and feed upon the material wealth and intangible power from their clients. Both lawyers prey upon their clients in order for Chancery to keep its system functioning.
The Most Dangerous Predator: The Court of Chancery
Indianapolis, IN
In this paper, I examine the Court of Chancery as an institutional predator in Charles Dickens's novel Bleak House. For this presentation, I will focus on Chancery as a system that uses methods that mimic biological predation to influence its institutional predation of its suitors. The Court of Chancery most closely resembles a parasitic predator, as it uses the lawyers, Vholes and Tulkinghorn, to form intimate relationships with the suitors. The lawyers are dependent upon the suitors for the survival of their careers and feed upon the material wealth and intangible power from their clients. Both lawyers prey upon their clients in order for Chancery to keep its system functioning.