Political Science
Blowing the Whistle on Whistleblower Protection Laws
Document Type
Oral Presentation
Indianapolis, IN
Subject Area
Political Science
Start Date
11-4-2014 9:00 AM
End Date
11-4-2014 10:30 AM
Bobbi Gentry (Millikin University)
Many whistle blowers have stepped forward to call out wrongdoings within the government. Sometimes these individuals are able to keep their identities secret, such as the infamous Deep Throat in the Watergate scandal. Other times, however, whistleblowers have their identities become public knowledge, such as Joe Darby in the Abu Ghraib case. With various pieces of legislation such as the Whistleblower Protection Act, different steps have been taken to deal with the issue of whistleblowers. However, are these efforts helpful? Certain criteria are developed in order to determine the effectiveness of these various pieces of legislation, applying them to case studies from the past fifteen years.
Blowing the Whistle on Whistleblower Protection Laws
Indianapolis, IN
Many whistle blowers have stepped forward to call out wrongdoings within the government. Sometimes these individuals are able to keep their identities secret, such as the infamous Deep Throat in the Watergate scandal. Other times, however, whistleblowers have their identities become public knowledge, such as Joe Darby in the Abu Ghraib case. With various pieces of legislation such as the Whistleblower Protection Act, different steps have been taken to deal with the issue of whistleblowers. However, are these efforts helpful? Certain criteria are developed in order to determine the effectiveness of these various pieces of legislation, applying them to case studies from the past fifteen years.