Political Science
Document Type
Oral Presentation
Indianapolis, IN
Subject Area
Political Science
Start Date
11-4-2014 9:00 AM
End Date
11-4-2014 10:30 AM
Margaret Brabant (Butler University)
The usage of targeted messaging by political campaigns has seen a drastic evolution over the past half-century. Through advancement in campaign technology, and an increasingly large amount of personal information up for sale, campaigns have continually narrowed their scope from targeting large demographic groups to targeting each voter individually through a process called microtargeting. This presentation examines both the history of microtargeting in American politics, and the potential effects of its utilization.
The Evolution of American Microtargeting: An Examination of Trends in Political Messaging
Indianapolis, IN
The usage of targeted messaging by political campaigns has seen a drastic evolution over the past half-century. Through advancement in campaign technology, and an increasingly large amount of personal information up for sale, campaigns have continually narrowed their scope from targeting large demographic groups to targeting each voter individually through a process called microtargeting. This presentation examines both the history of microtargeting in American politics, and the potential effects of its utilization.