International Studies
The Kurdish Question
Document Type
Oral Presentation
Indianapolis, IN
Subject Area
International Studies
Start Date
13-4-2018 9:30 AM
End Date
13-4-2018 10:15 AM
Barrett McCormick (Marquette University)
The Kurdish question has been in place since fall when the Iraqi Kurdistan held a referendum on independence in Northern Iraq. Since the referendum, Iraqi Kurdistan has faced economic and military problems against the provinces they control by the Iraqi government. The Kurdish question has come more into major news since the peshmerga has been able to hold ISIS and has been a strong ally for the West. Looking to a post ISIS caliphate it comes to light what happens to the Kurdish populations in Iraq and Syria. These two states have failed their Kurdish minority’s through the century by ethnic genocide. The question comes does this Persian ethnic group in an Arabic majority country deserve to be allowed to have their own independence.
The Kurdish Question
Indianapolis, IN
The Kurdish question has been in place since fall when the Iraqi Kurdistan held a referendum on independence in Northern Iraq. Since the referendum, Iraqi Kurdistan has faced economic and military problems against the provinces they control by the Iraqi government. The Kurdish question has come more into major news since the peshmerga has been able to hold ISIS and has been a strong ally for the West. Looking to a post ISIS caliphate it comes to light what happens to the Kurdish populations in Iraq and Syria. These two states have failed their Kurdish minority’s through the century by ethnic genocide. The question comes does this Persian ethnic group in an Arabic majority country deserve to be allowed to have their own independence.