
The Effect of Music on Collegiate Athletes' Performance

Document Type

Oral Presentation


Indianapolis, IN

Subject Area


Start Date

13-4-2018 3:45 PM

End Date

13-4-2018 4:15 PM


The purpose of the study is to see if music increases or decreases participant’s performance in a competitive sports environment. Our study consists of observing two collegiate men's and women’s sports teams, golf and track. How the genre of music affects the performance of each individual on each team is observed. The athlete will listen to a specific genre of music before performing their event, then each athlete’s performance will be measured based on their individual statistics. Different genres of music have varying effects on athletes. Hutchison and Sherman’s (2014) research has shown that there have been beneficial effects when music and exercise are combined. It has been found that there is an increase in the intensity of a workout when the tempo of the music is increased (Hutchison, & Sherman, 2014). The purpose of our study is to see the effect that music can have on individual athletes. Psychology

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Apr 13th, 3:45 PM Apr 13th, 4:15 PM

The Effect of Music on Collegiate Athletes' Performance

Indianapolis, IN

The purpose of the study is to see if music increases or decreases participant’s performance in a competitive sports environment. Our study consists of observing two collegiate men's and women’s sports teams, golf and track. How the genre of music affects the performance of each individual on each team is observed. The athlete will listen to a specific genre of music before performing their event, then each athlete’s performance will be measured based on their individual statistics. Different genres of music have varying effects on athletes. Hutchison and Sherman’s (2014) research has shown that there have been beneficial effects when music and exercise are combined. It has been found that there is an increase in the intensity of a workout when the tempo of the music is increased (Hutchison, & Sherman, 2014). The purpose of our study is to see the effect that music can have on individual athletes. Psychology