Content Posted in 2020
0,1479% Redundancy, Alex J. Quiz
2019 Annual Meeting Sessions, Society of Hindu-Christian Studies
2020 Annual Meeting Sessions, Society of Hindu-Christian Studies
23 Days, Zoe Wilkinson
29 Days and Counting, Emma Littau
72 Orchids, Lilly Hinckley
9/11 Conspiracy Theories, Jules Walther, Alyssa Pellegrini, Paloma Atilano, and Rhianna Walzer
9,3-Configuration Puzzle, William Howard
A Bass Drummers’ Salute, Drake Howard
Academic, Lucas Johnson
Accessibility and Simplification, Leah Bechtold
A collection of Letters I Have Not Received from my Former Love, Andie Klarin
Add a Vowel, Steve Kahan
Adding a Third Vowel, Susan Thorpe
A Feature on Fatima, Angelica Letcher
Afterwords, Steven Kahan
A Game of Phones: Capitalizing on Health Applications, Gamification, and Improving Patient Outcomes, Kim Hazel
A history of Butler University, Thomas B. Fields
Alliterative Pangrams, Tristan Miller
Alternate Additions, Susan Thorpe
A Matter of Perspective: Reportage Style in District 9 (2009), M. Mert Örsler
america, Natalie Shaffer
American Culture Against the Hmong, Annekah Connolly
An Aching for Affection, TJ Quinlan
Analytical Variables Leading to the Involvement of Consumers and Farmers in Sustainable Urban Agriculture in the Indianapolis Region, Olivia Holabird
An Analysis of the Representation of Black Men in Modern U.S. Television Commercials., Jackson Borman
An Asian-American Reads the Īśavāsya Upaniṣad: First Steps Toward a Hindu Diaspora Theology of Liberation, Shashank Rao
++- and so much more, Leah Bechtold
A New Happiness?: Reading Literature with Deleuze and Guattari in 2020, Fiona Connolly
An “Often Formidable Sting”: Chinese American Female Aviators in the WASP during World War II, Claudia Vinci
Another President Prediction, Jeremiah Farrell
Anxiety-Inducing Effects of Alcohol and Caffeine in C57BL/6J Mice, Melissa Evans
Appraisal models of intercultural communication apprehension among sojourners., Rong Ma and Dale Hample
A Puzzle to Honor Dr. Stephen Bloom, Jeremiah Farrell
Artificial Organs: SynCardia Heart, Kaity Keesling
A Steve Bloom Puzzle, Jeremiah Farrell
A Study of the Theology of Dr. John Thomas, Founder of the Christadelphians, William Lester Thompson
Back Matter, Manuscripts Staff
Batman the Philosopher-King: The Juxtaposition of Plato’s Ideal City and Batman’s Gotham, Kolton Bailey
Becoming an insurance company may be easier than partnering with one, Zachary S. Finn
Becoming-Pite: An Application of Deleuzian Theory to Chrystal Pite’s Choreography, Kyra Laubacher
Behind the Beautiful Forevers Connection Paper 2, Brook Tracy
Behind the Rose-Colored Glasses, Kara Connelly
Bigram Sentences and Trigram Sentences, Susan Thorpe
Bird Ways, Roger E. Rondeau
Book Review: Hagiography and Religious Truth: Case Studies in the Abrahamic and Dharmic Traditions, Jon Paul Sydnor
Book Review: Heathen, Hindoo, Hindu: American Representations of India, 1721-1893, Jeffrey M. Brackett
Book Review: Hindu Pluralism: Religion and the Public Sphere in Early Modern India, Reid B. Locklin
Book Review: Imaginations of Death and the Beyond in India and Europe, Herman Tull
Book Review: Infinite Paths to Infinite Reality: Sri Ramakrishna & Cross-Cultural Philosophy of Religion, Patrick Beldio
Book Review: In the Bosom of the Father: The Collected Poems of Benedictine Mystic, Edward T. Ulrich
Book Review: Keshab: Bengal’s Forgotten Prophet, Edward T. Ulrich
Book Review: Learning from Other Religious Traditions: Leaving Room for Holy Envy. Edited by Hans Gustafson, Erik Ranstrom
Book Review: Learning Interreligiously: In the Text, In the World, Michelle Voss Roberts
Book Review: Meaning and Method in Comparative Theology. By Catherine Cornille, Daniel Soars
Book Review: Possessed by the Virgin: Hinduism, Roman Catholicism, and Marian Possession in South India, Claire C. Robison
Book Review: Privileged Minorities: Syrian Christianity, Gender, and Minority Rights in Postcolonial India, Arun W. Jones
Book Review: Raimon Panikkar: A Companion to His Life and Thought. Edited by Peter C. Phan and Young-chan Ro, Michael Barnes S.J.
Book Review: Reading the Hindu and Christian Classics: Why and How Deep Learning Still Matters. By Francis X. Clooney, S.J., Andrew J. Nicholson
Book Review: Refutation of Rebirth by Roberto de Nobili, SJ. Edited and translated by Anand Amaladass, S.J., Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
Border Security and Immigration Policy: The Fight against Terrorism, Caroline Klenck
Born To Be Sexist: Analysis of Everyday Sexism, Raven Robinson
Breaking Cultural Chains, Holden Hartle
Caste, Conversion, and Care:Toward an Anthropology of Christianity in India, Sarbeswar Sahoo
Caucus Race Puzzle Master, Sam Stucky
Characterization of heavy metal bioremediation pathways in local moss species, Zachary Hanquier
Characterization of pH-based Inactivation of Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV), Jenna Nosek
Chicken Nuggets, Hamzat Ipesa-Balogun
Choosing to Ignore what I Found Underwater, Erin Morrisey
Christ-Centered Bhakti:A Literary and Ethnographic Study of Worship, Nadya Pohran
Ciphers and Structures, Alex J. Quiz
Circumventing the Snake Oil: An Analysis of CAM Cancer Therapies, Chris Zeheralis
Classism and the Fervent Pursuit of the American Dream: A Further Look into Tom Ripley in The Talented Mr. Ripley, John Waterman
Climate Change Mitigation and the U.N. Security Council: A Just War Analysis, Harry van der Linden
Colors in The House on Mango Street, Melanie Klaben
Comparison of Patient Outcomes in a Pharmacist-Led Parenteral Antimicrobial Therapy Program, Zachary W. Howe, Lindsay Saum, and Jennifer McCann
Corruption Subverts Itself, Emma Gifford
Counseling on Exercise: The Pharmacist's Role, Katelyn Hettinger
Cracking a Nut: Jackson’s Critique of Society and the Pressures on the Mentally Ill, Lucas Johnson
Cracking the Aura of the Appeal, Sydney Plautz
Cross-Cultural Misapprehensions, Becky Dean
Crosswords for Each Chapter in Annotated Alice, Ashley Post
Cryptozoology, Grace Whitacre, Ryne Ruscheinski, Cindy Kirkman, and Grace Lansden
Cultivating intergroup emotions: An intergroup threat theory approach, Anita Atwell Seate Atwell Seate, Rong Ma, Hsin-Yi Chien, and Dana Mastro
Cyber Jihadism: An Analysis on How the Cyber Sphere Has Altered Islamic Terrorism, Simon Spangenberg
Determining the role of mutant p53-mediated inflammation in hematopoietic stem cell expansion, Katherine Strube
Different Perspective, Lauren Bear
Doubled Letter Sentences, Susan Thorpe
Drowning in Depression: A Reading of William Cowper’s “The Castaway”, Katrina B. Skalko
Editor’s Introduction, Gopal Gupta
Editor’s Introduction, Gopal Gupta
Editors’ Introduction: Radical Philosophy and Politics Amid the Climate Crisis and the Coronavirus Pandemic, Harry van der Linden and Reed M. Kurtz
Employee Satisfaction and Stock Performance, Michael Snyder
English morpheme accuracy, diversity, and productivity measures in school-aged bilingual children, Gabrielle Raab
Episode Eight: Hollywood and James at 15, Susan Neville
Episode Five: The Man From Occupied Territory (Israel), Susan Neville
Episode Four: The Columbia Years, Susan Neville
Episode Nine: Poetry, Susan Neville
Episode One: Old White Guy Gets Woke, Susan Neville
Episode Seven: 'LA Woman' Eve Babitz, Susan Neville
Episode Six: Civil Rights Reporting (Journalist), Susan Neville
Episode Ten: Profiles, Susan Neville
Episode Three: Emmett Till Trial and C. Wright Mills, Susan Neville
Episode Two: Kurt Vonnegut, Susan Neville
Evaluating the impact of Verigene® organism identification on antimicrobial stewardship recommendations, Rebecca Gerske
Everyday Injustices for Annawadians, Lillie Foley
Examining Zika Virus: Transmission, Diagnosis, Treatment, and Prevention, Noura Taybeh
Experiential Depth: Understanding a Hindu-Muslim Relationship through a Trinitarian Theology of Religions, Kalpesh Bhatt
Exploring the functionality and role of the Interdomain Loop (IDL) of Mouse Hepatitis Virus (MHV) Protease nsp5, Benjamin Nick
Faith, Doubt, and Reason - Conclusion and Epilogue, Brent Hege
Fashion Corporate Social Responsibility on Instagram, Brittany Bluthardt
Feelings of Indigo, Letitia Bortey
Feminism is a Revolution, Taylor Lenz
Finding Faith in the Unknown, Rachel Morand
FIR: A Close Up Look at Butler University’s Faculty-in-Residence Program, Sarah Braunstein
Florida Man Plans Wasp Extinction, Zoe Hanquier
Football Wusses, Roger E. Rondeau
For Martin Gardner A Puzzle and Game, Jeremiah Farrell
Fragility, Erin Morrisey
Fragment from a Weekday Morning, Steven Miner
Freedom in Professional Sports, Jennifer Bair, Tali Friedman, Danyelle Constant, Whitney Wituski, and Graham Toole
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 53, Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 53, Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 53, Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 53, Issue 4
Front Matter, The Mall Staff
Front Matter, Manuscripts Staff
Get Your Head in the Game: On and Off the Field, Katelyn Le
Global Resonances of the Black Lives Matter Movement, Claire C. Robison
good/bad, Natalie Shaffer
Healing and Hope in a Time of COVID-19, Climate Calamity, and Broken Communities, Rita D. Sherma
Healthcare Across the Atlantic Ocean: Looking at Healthcare in the United States vs. the United Kingdom, Anna Kemper, Collin Cahill, Thomas Rousseau, Hayley Sutherland, and Julianna Neuger
Help a fan out? Effects of fandom type and task type on people’s behavioral intentions toward different types of fans in a collaborative effort, Anita Atwell Seate Atwell Seate, Rong Ma, E. L. Cohen, and Irina Iles
He Was a Man, Madelin Lapp
Hex Game, Ashley Post
High Consumption and Global Justice, Harry van der Linden
Hmong Reduction in the Melting Pot of American Society, Katie Gordon
Homophonic Couplets, Brian Garrison
Homophonic Letter Groups, Susan Thorpe
Homophonic Letter Groups - Plus One, Minus One, Susan Thorpe
"Hootie" Palindromes, Jim Puder
How To Tell A Lie, Karrington Tabor
Hunger, A.M. VandenElzen
I Can't Ignore This, Erin Morrisey
If Donald Trump was a Feminist, Elizabeth Palumbo
If We Had a Kid, - Darrel -
I’m Always Too Late, Emily Schaller
Immanuel Kant (Reference Entry), Harry van der Linden
Immigration and Identity: Looking at America, Kate Callihan, Sarah Diviney, Stephen Dyer, Sarah Mapes, and Alexandrea Schlafer
Immigration (Reference Entry), Harry van der Linden
Impairment or underestimation? Negative illusory bias in depressive symptoms and theory of mind, Jaclyn Boyer
Increasing and Decreasing, Susan Thorpe
Indiana Social-Emotional Learning Competencies: A Neurodevelopmental, Culturally Responsive Framework, Brandie M. Oliver and Christy T. Berger
Indigenous People Throughout the Transatlantic World: An Examination of How Different Groups Interact with Freedom, Kate Fulton, Andrew Kenzith, Katie McGannon, Jannai Bates, and Jp Clark
Interview with Madeline Miller, Lilly Hinckley
Interview with Meg Wolitzer, Josie Levin
In This Best of All Possible...Words!, Don Hauptman
Is Burning Escaping?, Addison Reckard
Isogram Transdeletion Pyramid, Alex J. Quiz
Jekyll and Hyde, Lauren Bear
jfk's assassination: conspiracy, Alysa "Mae-Mae" Han, Jake Callaghan, and Samantha Mauter
Just Military Preparedness and Irregular Warfare, Harry van der Linden
Just Military Preparedness: A New Category of Just War Theory, Harry van der Linden
Kantian Ethics (Reference Entry), Harry van der Linden
Kenya Transposals, Jeff Grant
Knowing Your Enemy, Mackenzie Tetrick
Lamentation and Restoration, Laurie L. Patton
Language-Deprived Environments: Neonatal Intensive Care Units and Hearing Loss, Margaret Caesar
Large Word Squares in Latin, Eric Tentarelli
Letter from Martin Gardner to Tapan Kumar MukherJee 27 April 88, Tapan K. Mukherjee
Letter from the Editor, Erin Dark
Like Dogs, Maddi Eary
Losing or Gaining a Letter Makes a Phrase, Susan Thorpe
Magic Square Magic, Jeremiah Farrell
Magic Squares Revisited, Jeremiah Farrell
Making Cultural Heritage Artifacts into 3D Digital Objects Using Photogrammetry : Final Report, Olivia MacIsaac, Kristen Allen, and Tatum Turner
Manifest Destiny, Lilly Hinckley
Mannered Rejection, Sarah Seyfried
Mary's Little Mule, . Anil
Masthead, Erin Dark
Matching Transposed Letter Patterns, Susan Thorpe
Mathemagical Birdhouse, Cassidy Tiberi
Mean Sidewalks, . Anil
Mean Sidewalks, . Anil
Mean Sidewalks, . Anil
Media & Trust: Exploring the Differences Between Traditional and New Media Forms, Alexandra Jones
Medical Rhetoric and the Sympathetic “Inebriet”: 1870–1930, Carol Reeves
Middlemarch, Susan Thorpe
Missing Positives, . Anil
Model-Based Cluster Analysis of Indiana Social Security Beneficiary Data, Gwendolyn Spencer
Montey: A Word Game Hustle, Jeremiah Farrell
More Coincental Self-Similarities, . Anil
More Than Panels, Leah Bechtold
More Word Ways?, Jeremiah Farrell
Motivation for a Better Future, Kierra Cooney
Moving Up and On, Karrington Tabor
My Dad Always Waves Goodbye: A Meditation During Quarantine, Alexi Eastes
Native American Iconography: Analyzing Peele’s Critique of American Imperialism in Us, Lucas Johnson
New G4G Auction, Jeremiah Farrell
No Country for Young Rappers: The Similarities Between Lewellyn Moss and Kendrick Lamar, Kyle Schwartz
No More Babbling! Providing “Just in Time” Instructions, Examples, and Project Development Guidance on Key Assessments Using the Sound Booth, Susan R. Adams and Kristen Allen
Not Your Average Fairy tale, Tatum Weiss
Numbers in Words, Darryl Francis
Numerically Palindromic Words, Susan Thorpe
Nursey Free Verse, . Anil
Ode to a Pianist's Identity Crises, Alexa Quezada
Of Blessed Memory, Miriam Berne
On Śrīla Prabhupāda’s Insistence that“‘Christ’ came from ‘Krishna.’”, Ronald V. Huggins
On the Inside of the Window, Cami Berman
On the Secondary Nature of Kaṁsa’s ‘Massacre of the Innocents’ in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa, Ronald V. Huggins
On the Use of Past and Present Values in the Marketing of Butler University, Kathleen Berry
Out of the Wasteland, Darby Brown
Palindrome vis a vis Carcinic: Short Note, Tapan K. Mukherjee
Palindromic Vowels, Susan Thorpe
Parent Interaction between an Infant with a Cochlear Implant and Additional Disabilities, Lillian J. Southern
Paris, Lilly Hinckley
Paternalism and Autonomy in Transgender Healthcare, Charles Finley
Path in the Clouds, Emma Littau
Peanut Butter, Madeline Eary
Perceived Harm Level of Personal Listening Devices and Effects on Task Performance, Laura White
"Perfect" Magic Squares, Jeremiah Farrell and Karen Farrell
Personal, Karrington Tabor
Personal and Professional Connections are Premium: An Assessment of Mandatory Waiting Periods in the American States, Brittany Head
Poetic, Natalie Shaffer
Polluted Air Leading to Health Problems: Call to be Ecofriendly, Anna Bannister
“Polyhedral Pluralism”: Pope Francis, Deep Pluralists and the Practice of Hindu-Christian Studies, Reid B. Locklin
Polyomino Crossword Puzzle, Emily Pool
Poor and unpopular: How verbal ability and theory of mind predict peer rejection in a socioeconomically diverse environment, Ellen Rispoli
Powerlessness in Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Keira McKinley
Primrose and Other Stories, Demetra Koras
Proactive Politics, Emma Lovett
Problem Dog, Joseph Vainisi
“Put Me In Coach!”: How Pharmacists Can Contribute to Elite Sports, Mel Sturgill
Quips of the Tongue: More Amusing Media Boners, with Puckish Rejoinders, Don Hauptman
Rags to Metaphorical Riches, Erin Giesler
Red Towers, Sean Kisch
Reexamining the use of tentative language in emails: The effects of gender salience and gender typicality, Rong Ma and Anita Atwell Seate Atwell Seate
Regarding Ari, Who Works at a Laundromat in Central Florida, Andie Klarin
Reitz or Wrong: An Industrial, Environmental, and Political Analysis of Evansville’s “Lumber Baron”, Jarrod Koester
Remembering Willard Espy, Faith W. Eckler
Remember that party last night? Examining the effects of binge-like alcohol on memory, Anna Thomas
Removing Like Letters From a Word to Leave Another Word, Susan Thorpe
Removing the First Letter or the Last Letter Leaves a Word, Susan Thorpe
Response to Sarbeswar Sahoo and Eliza Kent, Nathaniel Roberts
Review of Kaitlynn Mendes, Jessica Ringrose, and Jessalynn Keller, Digital Feminist Activism: Girls and Women Fight Back Against Rape Culture, Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh
Review of Nathaniel Roberts’ To Be Cared For:The Power of Conversion and the Foreignness of Belonging in an Indian Slum, Eliza F. Kent
Right in Their Backyard, Maddie Farnsworth
sam sax Literary Event, Melanie Reyes
sam sax Writers Series, Amanda Meier
San Diego, Jeremiah Farrell and Karen Farrell
Saying “Bi Bi” to Exclusive Feminism, L. F.
Seeing Is Believing, David Shaw
Seeing Is Believing, David Shaw
Self-Descriptive Number Names, Alex Quiz
Sex Trafficking, Marleau McGinnis, Megan Costello, Luke Manship, Andy Bennett, and Malik Wirges
Shatter the Glass, Tomi Clark
Slim Thick, Shelby McCallister
Snow at the Cemetery, Anna Swenson
Some New Magic With "Most-Perfect" Magic Squares, Jeremiah Farrell
Sound Reversals, Susan Thorpe
Spoonerism Name Game, Redux, Don Hauptman
Statement on Racism, Casteism, and Religious Chauvinism, Society of Hindu-Christian Studies
Stirring Movements, Brian Clow
Stress: The Silent Sickness, Neethu George
Supporting Open Access Through a Student-driven Journal, Jennifer Raye, Olivia MacIsaac, Sheel Patel, Anne Perez, Morgan Ragsdale, and Spencer Lindgren
Table of Contents, JCHS Staff
Table of Contents and Front Matter, BJUR Staff
Take a Hike – No Really, It’s Good for Your Health, Nathan Weller
Tautonymic Vowels, Susan Thorpe
Tennis Palindromes, . Anil and Jeff Grant
Terrible Am I, Child?, Camille Arnett
The American Nightmare, Melissa Ryan
The Atlantis Conspiracy Theory, Bella Nash, Nikki Mitchell, Julie Johnson, and Katie McCullough
The Battle of Representation: Analyzing the Role of the Senate in the Late Republic of Rome and the United States, Gracie Munroe
The Butler-Tarkington Community Member Views on the Perceived Gentrification, Julio C. Trujillo, Jr. and Ethan Daniels
The Condition of Permanent War: Is There a Way Out?, Harry van der Linden
The Connection Between Current Events and Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Sofia Smock
The Connection of Flowers to Cultural and Feminine Identity, Jacey Cornett
The Effect of Color, Preference, and the Interaction of Color and Preference on Short-Term Memory, Shreya Patel
The Effect of Natural Extracts on Border Cell and Centripetal Cell Migration in the Developing Drosophila melanogaster Egg Chamber, Kirandeep Kaur
The Effect of Self-Preservation on Humanity, Shannon Farrell
The Effects of a GLP-1 Receptor Agonist on HbA1c and Weight in Comparison to Standard Therapy in a Veteran Population, Isaac Warshawsky
The effects of prototypicality and gender salience on liking and friendship potential of a female interlocutor, Rong Ma, Anita Atwell Seate Atwell Seate, and Nick Joyce
The Green New Deal: Promise and Limitations, Harry van der Linden
The Illuminati Conspiracy, Ava Worthington, Kayla Stevens, Olivia Haraway, and Taylor Coleman
The Impact of Gender Diversity and Tokenism on the Attractiveness of an Organization, Lilly Thuma
The Impact of Nurse Stress, Job Distress, Job Satisfaction and Mood on Patient Outcomes, Madelynne Wright
The Impact of State Fiscal Policy on States' Resilience Entering the Great Recession, Kathy A. Paulson Gjerde, Peter Prescott, and Jennifer Rice
The Impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) on the Cost of Equity Capital of S&P Firms, Sheryl-Ann Stephen and Pieter J. de Jong
The Influence of Swami Satyananda’s Meditation on John Main’s Christian Meditation, Jaegil Lee
The Infringement of Rightful Justice, Alaina Fleming
The Knapsack Subproblem of the Algorithm to Compute the Erdos-Selfridge Function, Brianna Sorenson
The Life, the Soul, and Caring for them Both, Maya Joseph
The Loch Ness Monster, Jake Overman, Owen Bullock, Miranda Dehaai, and Rebekah White
The Longest Words Using the Fewest Letters, David M. Rheingold, Austin Byl, Evan Crouch, Elizabeth Krodel, Celia Schiffman, and Nico Toutenhoofd
The Lost Colony of Roanoke, Kaylin Todor, Kaitlyn Rines, Madeline Neely, and Reagan Markland
The Mall: Writing from Butler University's First Year Seminar 2019-20, The Mall Staff
The Mandaean Book of John: Text and Translation, James F. McGrath and Charles G. Häberl
The MARTIN Game, Jeremiah Farrell and Karen Farrell
The Mathemagical Game of Martin Gardner, Asif Hossain
The Moon Landing Hoax, Emily Fales, Lauryn Lintner, Mason Runkel, and Paola Ariza
The Motivations and Perceived Benefits of Student Participation in Dance Marathon, Emily J. Nettesheim
The Nose Inheritance, Josie Levin
The Not So Hidden Dangers of Vaping, Hannah Lee
The Oracle of Opprobrium: Reinhold Aman, 1936-2019, Tristan Miller
The Pipe Dreams of Mango Street, Annie Faulkner
“The policy of intimidation had been so successfully managed that many colored men kept away from the polls”: Violence in the Reconstruction Era South, MaryKatherine Klaybor
The Powerless Witness: A Bystander’s Account of Elsie’sMurder in Fritz Lang’s M, Elizabeth Chapa
The Power of #MeToo, Samantha Zechiel
The Role of Gender in the Perception of Lipreading, Emma Richards
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Security Analyst Monitoring Activity, and Firm Value, Sheryl-Ann Stephen and Vincent P. Apilado
The Scunthorpe Problem, Darryl Francis
The Specificity Behind the Sparkle: The In’s and Out’s of Disney Choreography and Park Productions, Laura Theisen
The Struggles of Being a Female in a Mumbai Undercity, Lauren Estes
The Value Driven Pharmacist: Basics of Access, Cost, and Quality 2nd Edition, Carriann Smith, Annette McFarland, Chad Knoderer, Joseph Jordan, Trish Devine, and Jessica Wilhoite
The Virtues of Comparative Theology, Daniel J. Soars
The Wall: An Unexpected Connection, Rebekah Davidson
The Well, Lydia Zidan
“This is who we are!” National identity construction and the 2014 FIFA World Cup, Anita Atwell Seate Atwell Seate, Rong Ma, Irina Iles, Thomas McCloskey, and Shawn Parry-Giles
This Side Up, Don Hauptman
Tiger Lilies, Courtney Worley
To Break a Music Box, Ellie Allen
To the Women, Alaina Marcuz
To Wait, To Hope, To Expect, Lexi Schell
Transposal Phrases, Susan Thorpe
Transposing Opposites, Susan Thorpe
Traveling into the Unknown, Lauren Bear
Triple Word Ladder Phrases, Susan Thorpe
Underground Lipstick, Garrett Davis
[under] loam, Jordan Kalt
Undoing, Courtney Worley
Untitled, Jose Martinez
Up on the Downs, or Down on Your Uppers, David Shaw
Up! To Sacred Grounds, Erin Morrisey
Use that F-word Already, Emmah Keller
Verbo(c)ity, Roger E. Rondeau
Visual Symmetry in Chinese Writing, Paul Jackson
Volume 32, Full Contents, JHCS Staff
Volume 33, Full Contents, JHCS Staff
Volume 6 Full Text, BJUR Staff
Volume 85, Issue 1: Full Issue, Manuscripts Staff
Walmart, Garrett Davis
WA - Wordaholics Anonymous, Roger E. Rondeau
Weighing the Effects of Food Marketing to Children, Serena Panos
We Should All Be Feminists, Emily Hazelton
We Should All Be Feminists, Behind the Beautiful Forevers, and Femininity, Jessie Miller
We Should All Be Feminists Connection Paper, Citlaly Torres
Wet, Letitia Bortey
What Do You Want to Be When You Grow Up? Cognitive Flexibility Influences Career Decision Making and Related Anxiety, Emily M. Flandermeyer and Keegan G. Sawin
What I Do, Miriam Berne
What is the Distinctive Contribution that the Society for Hindu-Christian Studies Can Make in Facing Up to the Problems before India and the West?, Francis X. Clooney, S.J.
What's in my Histological Dyes Anyway?, Ashley Post
What's the Buzz on Library Publishing? Developing a Consortial Support Model for Open Access Publishing, Amanda Hurford, Sue Wiegand, and Olivia MacIsaac
When the Last Light Fades, Kaitlyn Graham
White Walls, Sierra White
Who’s There?, Leah Bechtold
Why was I not Made of Stone., Ian Callen
Willard Espy: A Coincidental Encounter, Don Hauptman
Will we be alright?, Nicole Dickson
Witty City: a New Forum for Recreational Linguists, Don Hauptman
Women in Behind the Beautiful Forevers, Paige Lang
Women’s Empowerment or Exploitation of Women? Examining the Implications of Economic Empowerment Programming, Billie White
Women’s Rights as Human Rights: A Study of Muslim Women’s Reproductive Justice in Contemporary Saudi Arabia and Egypt, Sophia Harris
Wordage, Roger Rondeau
Words Containing Canadian Province & Territory Abbreviations, Darryl Francis
Words Containing US State Abbreviations, Darryl Francis
Words Ending in Two Different Vowels, Susan Thorpe
Words Made From the Letters of Alphabetically-Adjacent Letter Pairs, Susan Thorpe
Words with Element Symbols, Darryl Francis
Words With Two Different Vowels, Susan Thorpe
Words, Words, Words, Roger Rondeau
Word Ways Ends!, Jeremiah Farrell
Word Ways v.53 no.1 Complete Issue
Word Ways v.53 no.2 Complete Issue
Word Ways v.53 no.3 Complete Issue
Word Ways v.53 no.4 Complete Issue
X Marks the Animal, . Anil
Your Best Shot at Surviving the Flu Season, Isabella Liu
Zero Redundancy!, Darryl Francis
Zhat Ting Dere, Glenn D. Dahlem