Biological Sciences | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | Butler University

Biological Sciences strives to provide students with broad training in biology and a solid foundation of core courses in the liberal arts. With a strong emphasis on student research, the department provides students with lab and field opportunities where they may explore at the molecular, cellular, organismal and population levels of biological organization.

Below you will find scholarly and other professional works of faculty in the Biological Sciences.


Submissions from 1992


A Complete Index to the Butler University Botanical Studies, a Journal of Original Research Published by Butler University 1929-1964, Rebecca W. Dolan


Plant Fatty Acid Biosynthesis and Its Potential For Manipulation, John Ohlrogge, Dusty Post-Beittenmiller, Alenka Hloušek-Radojčić, Katherine M. Schmid, and Jan Jaworski

Submissions from 1991


The Friesner Herbarium (BUT) of Butler University, Rebecca W. Dolan

Submissions from 1990


Expression of Acyl Carrier Proteins in Spinach, Katherine M. Schmid and J. B. Ohlrogge


A Root Acyl Carrier Protein-II from Spinach is also Expressed in Leaves and Seeds, Katherine M. Schmid and John B. Ohlrogge


The Distribution and Phylogenetic Significance of Desmethylsterols in Chenopodium and Atriplex: Coexistence of Δ7- and Δ5 -sterols, Sihua Xu, Glenn W. Patterson, William R. Lusby, Katherine M. Schmid, and Thomas A. Salt

Submissions from 1988


Distribution of Cyclopropenoid Fatty Acids in Malvaceous Plant Parts, Katherine M. Schmid and Glenn W. Patterson


Effects of Cyclopropenoid Fatty Acids on Fungal Growth and Lipid Composition, Katherine M. Schmid and Glenn W. Patterson

Submissions from 1986


Sterols of Amaranthaceae, Sihua Xu, Glenn W. Patterson, and Katherine M. Schmid