Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 3 (2017)
"Enchantment Dissolved": A Reexamination of the Hymn's Authorship and Significance in the Commonplace MS. Hannah Swynock
Hannah Bradley
Uncovering the Mystery of Machu Picchu
Barbara Cardona
Social Relevance and Innovation in Public Radio
Malak Habbak
Incremental Strategy-Oriented Feedback Promotes Positive Leadership Perceptions and Feedback Reactions
Lauren D. Murphy
Surgery as a Science: The Intellectual and Practical Evolution of European Surgery from the 16th to the 18th century
Molly Nebiolo
Gender Differences in Participation in and Motivations for Sexting: The Effects of Gender Role Attitudes, Masculinity, and Femininity
Katie M. Springston
Tango: A Spanish-Based Programming Language
Ashley M. Zegiestowsky

Inaugural Editor
Kenneth D. Colburn, Jr.
Associate Editor
Tara T. Lineweaver
Design & Copy Editor
Franny Gaede
Volume 3 Reviewers
Chad Bauman
Bruce Bigelow
Jess Butler
Krista Cline
Rocky Colavito
John Cornell
Elise Edwards
Allison Harthcock
Panos Linos
Antonio Menendez
William Rieber
Robin Turner
Kevin Wang