Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 7 (2021)
Table of Contents and Front Matter
BJUR Staff
The Campus as Commons: Educational Anchor Institutions and their Implications for Political Economy
Cameron N. Conner
The Impact of Nurse Stress, Job Distress, Job Satisfaction, and Mood on Patient Outcomes
Madelynne Wright and Abbey Collins
On the Hybrid Nature of Brown Dwarfs
Karla M. Rojas
Complex Regional Pain Syndrome: A Scholarly Review
Joseph O'Brien
Virtue and Animal Ethics: An Interdisciplinary Study
Alison K. Oliver
Musical Hybridization and Political Contradiction: The Success of Arthur Honegger’s Antigone in Vichy France
Emma K. Schubart
The Stratification of Justice: Evaluating the Relationship between Gender, Race, and Crime
Catherine Bain
“OK Boomer!”: How a Pejorative can Promote Societal Change through Humor, Impoliteness, and Carnivalesque
Gwendolyn M. Goodhead
Mulier est Urbis Confusio? —The Function of Rhea Silvia, Tarpeia, and Horatia as Exempla in Livy’s The Early History of Rome
Bhadrajee S. Hewage
Privilege & Voting for Predators: Exploring the Relationship between Privilege and Voting for Sex Offenders
Reilly Simmons
Rockin’ the GRE: The Effects of Preferred, Non-preferred, and Classical Music on College Students’ Cognitive Test Performance
Hannah B. Bolander and Sean Callahan
Painting a Pretty Picture: The Role of Social Desirability in the Memory Self-Efficacy of Young and Older Adults
Keegan G. Sawin and Rachel Henderson
Volume 7 Full Text
BJUR Staff

Tara T. Lineweaver
Design Editor
Jennifer Coronado
Copy Editor
Stephanie Stringham
Inaugural Editor
Kenneth D. Colburn, Jr.
Volume 7 Reviewers
Andrew Levy
Mandy Hall
Joel Martin
Brian Day
Carol Reeves
Brian Giesler
William Walsh
Ania Spyra
Clare Carrasco
India Johnson
Rocky Colavito
Chris Bungard
Krista Cline
Tonya Bergeson
Kenneth Colburn
Brenda Quincy
Margaretha Geertsema-Sligh
Xianming Han
Shyam Sriram
William Rieber
Amy Peak