Butler Journal of Undergraduate Research
Volume 9 (2023)
Table of Contents and Front Matter
BJUR Staff
Identifying Disinformation in Scholarly Publishing
Natalie M. McLendon
An Evaluation of Women’s Social Status in Colonial Hong Kong with a Feminist Lens - Case Studies
Heng Du
The Effects of COVID-19-Induced Stress, Anxiety, and Depression on the Eating Behavior of College Women
Natalie Simpson
Agency Actualization and Artistic Awakening: The Poetic Rhetoric of Freedom School Students
Eden Doyle
Work-life and Health Experiences of Computer Science Faculty Parents of Children with Developmental Disabilities during COVID-19
Molly Armstrong
Survival of Deaf Jewish People during the Holocaust Era
Phyllis D. Rifkin
Bad Boy Bias: Linguistic Bias in the Law
Parth Sharma
Air Temperature and Diet are Not Associated with Oxygen Consumption Rate in Banded Crickets, Gryllodes sigillatus
Nicole Bailey, Connor Oakes, Rachel Sleeth, and Mallorie Smith
Effects of Anthropogenic Noise on Body Mass in Gryllodes sigillatus
Jessica L. Venturi and Joyce Zheng
Volume 9 Full Text
BJUR Staff

Tara T. Lineweaver
Design Editor
Jennifer Coronado
Copy Editor
Stephanie Stringham
Inaugural Editor
Kenneth D. Colburn, Jr.
Volume 9 Reviewers
Su Mei Ooi
Carla Jones
Stacy Wetmore
Terri Jett
Karina Hamamouche
Irune Gabiola
Jane Siegler
Krista Cline
Kate Novak
Glenn Carlstrand
Alex Roehrkasse
Ryan Daughtery
Xianming Han
Suneeta Kercood
Allison Harthcock
Fabiana Alceste
Carrie Fudickar
Mark Suchyta
Shelley Etnier
Andrew Stoehr
Amanda Waterhouse