Introductory Information and Introduction
Harold Coward
"Deo, Non Fortuna": Christian, Time, and Technology
David J. Hawkin
Christianity and Time
Robert Cummings Neville
Y51K and Still Counting: Some Hindu Views of Time
Vasudha Narayanan
Time in Hinduism
Harold Coward
The Love of God in the New Testament and in the Tulsikrt Ramcaritmanas
L. Thompson Wolcott
Viewpoint: Conversions in India: An Interim Report on the Discussion on the Hindu-Christian Studies List January-March 1999
Francis X. Clooney
Book Reviews: "Inkuluration in Tranquebar" and "Brahmabandhab Upadhyay"
Francis X. Clooney
Book Review: "The Common Task: A Theology of Christian Mission"
John J. Thatamil
Book Review: "No Other Gods: Christian Belief in Dialogue with Buddhism, Hinduism, and Islam"
Lance E. Nelson
Book Review: "Ascent to the Depth of the Heart. The Spiritual Diary (1948-1973) of Swami Abhishiktananda (Dom H. Le Saux)."
Anand Amaladass
Book Review: "Encounters with Hinduism"
Scott Daniel Dunbar