Celebrating Rāmānuja at 1000: The Heritage and Promise of the Study of Rāmānuja in a Christian-Hindu Comparative Theology
Editor's Introduction
Gopal Gupta
The God of Love and the Love of God: Thinking With Rāmānuja About Grace in Augustinian Christianity
Ankur Barua
Act Properly: Rāmānuja and Luther on Works
Rakesh Peter Dass
Rāmānuja at 1000: The Heritage and Promise of the Study of Rāmānuja in a Christian-Hindu Comparative Theology
Francis X. Clooney S.J.
Abhiṣiktānanda: A Reception History1
Enrico Beltramini
Writing, Living, and Editing Hindu-Christian Studies: Appreciation for Bradley Malkovsky’s Contribution
Michelle Voss Roberts
VIEWPOINT: Rethinking My Religion
Bradley Malkovsky
2018 Annual Meeting Sessions
Society of Hindu-Christian Studies
Book Review: "'Without Ceasing to Be a Christian': A Catholic and Protestant Assess the Christological Contribution of Raimon Pannikkar
Francis Clooney SJ
Book Review: A.J. Appasamy and his Reading of Rāmānuja: A Comparative Study in Divine Embodiment
Arun W. Jones
Book Review: Body Parts: A Theological Anthropology
Katherine C. Zubko
Book Review: Mirage (Kanal in Tamil)
Amitha Santiago
Book Review: Khrist Bhakta Movement: A Model for an Indian Church? Inculturation in the Area of Community Building
Kerry P.C. San Chirico
Book Review: The Past, Present, and Future of Theologies of Interreligious Dialogue
James Elisha Taneti
Book Review: The Human Icon: A Comparative Study of Hindu and Orthodox Christian Beliefs
Rico G. Monge
Book Review: Teaching Interreligious Encounters
Stephanie Corigliano
Volume 31, Full Contents
JHCS Staff