Volume 11, Issue 2 (1943)
The Meetin'
Robert Cornett
An Afternoon
Mary Chappell
Lucifer and The Light Lady
Joy Higdon
"Saturday's Child Has Far To Go"
Mary Elizabeth Black
The Spot of Ink
Lucy Kaufman
The Banker
Doris Daley
Mariclon's Cove
Mary Alice Kessler
Fantasies of The Night
Lena Willkie
The Girl With The Tan Hair
Jean Pittenger
The Heart of America
Eileen Hoover
The Thicket
Joan Hayden
Land of Zion Reborn and Hebrew Revived
Raymond Y. Sussman
The November Persecutions of 1938
Anastasia Schwarzleder
Superman Grandpa
Carl Shultz
A Modern Drugstore
Richard G. Finley
A Great Master
Maxine Demlow