Volume 12, Issue 1 (1944)
Each Man's Soul
Mary Alice Kessler
The Autumn Sun Slants Gently Down
Margaret Byram
"My Father's Business"
Betty Jo Fark
The Fallacy of Isolationism
Dorothy Ziegler
From Dogfight to Teamwork
Donald White
My Great-Grandmother...
Lilla Adams
...Grandma O' Mine
Doris Campbell
Headless Horsemen
Doris Colligan
The Engulfed Cathedral
Joanne Viellieu
Two Literary Immortals
Diann DeWeese
Wendell Willkie
Francis Talkington
Many Are Called
Patricia Hanley
They Will Do It Every Time
Donald Goben
Mitosis (The second lesson in Botany)
Alma Miller
Chicago's Street of Streets
Barbara Consodine
Basement Room
William Tobin
A Winter Paradox
Betty Ferguson
A Strange Stable
Donita M. Evans
Return to Shangri La
Norma Messmer

lone Colligan, EditorJeane Siskel, Exchange Editor
Margaret Byram
Lena WIllkie
Dorothy Ziegler
Barbara Fark
Muriel Holland
Virginia Dubois
Marjorie Yelvington
Annabelle Simmons
Margaret Brayton
Rosemary Haviland
Doris Daley
James Eldridge
Dolores Steinsberger
Dorothy Masters
Emma Lou Steinbach
Ruth Bowers
Joan Fuller