Volume 13, Issue 2 (1945)
The Mullein
Allyn Wood
Allyn Wood
Stormy VVeather
Tom Beckwith
Une Belle Jour En Normandie
David Craig
The Hand Of Fate
Muriel Holland
Winged Suicide
Jack Demlow
The New Recruit
William T. Sharp
Mrs. Harper
Marjorie Little
Autobiography [Part III]
Irene Brown
Sleigh Bells Ring
Joanna Jennings
The Blades That Severed Two Lives
William Hardman
Kelly's "Rock Of Gibralter"
Barbara Barth
The Incident of the Apple
Jeanne McCoy
Gentlemen, Be Seated
William Miller
Teeth Tales
Virginia Rodman
Grandmother Looks On
Rosemary Ronsheim
The Village Store
Bill Osborn

Senior Staff
Rosemary Haviland, EditorMargaret Brayton
Elizabeth Nelson
Lena Moulton
Muriel Holland
Mary Alice Kessler
Virginia Dubois
Barbara Gene Lucus
Allyn Wood
Rosalind Martin
Helen Carter
Doris Colligan
Mary Fritsche
Jackie Fable
Ruth Ellen Pohlar
Freshman Staff
Marshall N. Samms, EditorRosemary Ronsneim, Vignettes, Editor
Nancy Dreesen
Catherine Morris
Mary Caroline O'Dell
Constance Harvey
Jeanne McCoy
Henrietta Hurt
Paul Bailey
Linn Hudson
Jeannette Snyder
Betty Jean Reddick
Frances McClellan
John Cokain
Robert Stevens
Harriette Elder