Volume 23, Issue 2 (1955)
Front Matter
Manuscripts Staff
The Murderer
Jane Bachman
Mr. Meeker and the Frustrated Lychanthropist
Harry White
A Dialouge (With Apologies to Socrates)
Alice Ashby
Shilling Shockers of the Nineteenth Century
Lois Griffin
Susan: Part of a Novel
Maurice F. Kenny
The Death Mask of John Keats
Robert Petty
The Abnormal Boy
Theodore Sarantos
Words of Truth
Ronnie Grey
Are Moral Values Necessary?
Charles Nakarai
Just as Good
Frederick W. Robinson
Wanted: a Course in Human Relations
Mildred L. Waters
The Happy Wanderer
Jan Sherritt
Silence and Thought
Richard Fanestil
The Power of Words
Geraldine Hingle
Live Dangerously
Raymond Banta
The Importance of the Archer-Shee Case
Phyllis Dunn
The Victim
Dave Powell
Volume 23, Issue 2: Full Issue
Manuscripts Staff

MSS Staff
Editor: Carol Manwaring
Assistant Editor: Carolyn Wilson
Associate Editors:
Jane BachmanFred Bennett
Sue Burris
Mary Sofios
Harry White
Freshman Editors:
Evelyn AndersonJanet Crull
Richard Fanestil
Marjorie Gillespie
Geraldine Hingle
Barbara Irwin
Dorothy Jacobs
Charles L Kersey
John Zore
Gene Miller
Ivlarilyn Nowling
Jack Reasor
Ted Sarantos
George Shahovskoy
Betty Smelser
Mary Stadler
Dorothy Stalker
Anne Wells
Leon V. Wilson
James Lingenfelter
Jean Logan