Volume 3, Issue 4 (1935)
Front Matter
Manuscripts Staff
Mr. Tippet and the Archbishop
Joseph Rilus Eastman
Add to Angling: Prize Story, 1936
Robert W. Straughn
Prize Poetry, 1936
Louise Dauner
"The Kid" and "Love"
Virginia Cunning and Mary Catherine Funkhouser
For Blood and Wine are Red
William DeClark
Wooden Pillow, A Review
Mary Catherine Funkhouser
Life With Father, A Critical Essay
Doris Goldsmith
The Dinner
Melvin Cranfill
Four Thoughts on Four Themes
Charles Aufderheide
Stones to Mark the Path
Betty Richart
Man's Opinion of Himself
Hilton Atherton
On Predestination
Samuel Gordon
Volume 3, issue 4: Full Issue
Manuscripts Staff
Grace Ferguson, Editor-in-Chief
Jane Beuret
Rebecca Blackley
Louise Dauner
Joseph Rilus Eastman
Mary Catherine Funkhouser
Elizabeth Messick
Gene Smith
Margaret Spencer
Max Stuckey