Volume 38, Issue 2 (1970)
Front Matter
Manuscripts Staff
That’s All I Remember
James R. Warum
August Reunion
E L. Williams
A Modest Proposal
Judy Tilton
In Profundis
Karlis E. Rusa
Dead Blues
Bonnie Britton
Where Thoughts Dwell: An Anthology
Cindy Schamel, Jo Anne Stokes, Ray Prible, and Leslie Van Koughnett
From a Bus Window
Martha Moldt
For Tony: 1941-1969
Martha Moldt
You are Too
Debbie Corwith
The Salvation of Elliot Walker
Martha Moldt
And Only Blood Will Remain
Randy Moser
Lilacs for Karen
E L. Williams
The Man in the Iron Cage
Diane Vavul
Volume 38, Issue 2: Full Issue
Manuscripts Staff