Volume 60, Issue 1 (1992)
Front Matter
Manuscripts Staff
In Your Paddock in the Cold
Fran Quinn
In Memory of Richard Cassell
Michael Martone
Cambridge 1990
Tim Ayers
All Things Are Falling
Jim Zeigler
now he is growing
Christian Carl
Displaced People
John Strott
Ed Shaughnessy in the Eye of God
Fran Quinn
do this in memory of me / Other Side of Nothing
Christian Carl and Jim Zeigler
Begin the Counting / a question of surface
Jim Zeigler and Christian Carl
excerpt, 13 Songs from the Stygian Sleep / California
Michael Osborne and Shannon Murphy
a tomato poem
Christian Carl
Scaring the Hell out of Me
Stacia Mellinger
Tear Drop Poem
Frank Braun
Honest Abe---
Mark A. Clements
So Loved, My Car
Tina Pfaff
Black Beetle
Frank Braun
Feeling the Forty Thousand
Tim Ayers
The Lion in the Sun
Fran Quinn
Jim Zeigler
A Proposal Poem
Mark A. Clements
Petals Floating Quietly in My Blood
Stacia Mellinger
Volume 60, Issue 1: Full Issue
Manuscripts Staff

MSS Staff
John StrottMark Clements
Faculty Advisor
Susan NevilleEditorial Board:
Shannon MurphyJaemy Hwang
Karen Johnson
Tom Faust
Sean Howard