Here you will find scholarly and other professional works of faculty in Economics, Finance, and Business Law.
Submissions from 2021
Ambiguity Aversion and Experiential Learning: Implications for Long-Term Savings Decisions, Bryan Foltice and Rachel Rogers
Submissions from 2019
Misperception of Exponential Growth: Are People Aware of their Errors?, Henning Cordes, Bryan Foltice, and Thomas Langer
The Influences of Locus of Control, Debt, and Framing on Retirement Contributions, Bryan Foltice and Patrick Ilcin
Prenatal Stress and Birth Weight: Evidence from the Egyptian Revolution, Ronia A. Hawash
The Impact of State Fiscal Policy on States' Resilience Entering the Great Recession, Kathy A. Paulson Gjerde, Peter Prescott, and Jennifer Rice
Submissions from 2016
Pomegranate Juice Can Do THAT? Navigating the Jurisdictional Landscape of Food Health Claim Regulation in a Post-POM Wonderful World, Hilary G. Buttrick and Courtney Droms Hatch
The Impact of Board Structure on IPO Underpricing, Steven D. Dolvin and Jack E. Kirby
Examining the Use of Nutrition Information on Restaurant Menus, Courtney Droms Hatch
In Equations We Trust? Formula Learning Effects on the Exponential Growth Bias, Bryan Foltice and Thomas Langer
Cultural Influnces on Risk Tolerance and Portfolio Creation, Mark K. Pyles, Yongping Li, Shifang Wu, and Steven D. Dolvin
Submissions from 2015
Curtain Call Executive Services, Steven D. Dolvin
Fundamentals of Investments, 7th ed., Steven D. Dolvin and Thomas W. Miller
How to Decrease the Amortization Bias: Experience vs. Rules, Bryan Foltice
Individuals Approaching Retirement Have Options (Literally) To Secure a Comfortable Retirement, Bryan Foltice
Exponential Growth Bias Matters: Evidence and Implications for Financial Decision Making of College Students in the U.S.A., Bryan Foltice and Thomas Langer
Profitable Momentum Trading Strategies for Individual Investors, Bryan Foltice and Thomas Langer
Submissions from 2014
CPA Firms’ Hiring Preferences and the 150-Hour Requirement, Bruce A. Caster, Wanda Casseaux, and Courtney Droms
An Update on the Performance of Actively Managed ETFs, Steven D. Dolvin
Can Venture Capitalists Tame the Wolves? An Analysis of Fraudulent Underwriters, IPO Characteristics, and VC Certification, Steven D. Dolvin
The Efficacy of Trading Based on Moving Average Indicators, Steven D. Dolvin
Seasonal Affective Disorder and IPO Underpricing: Implications for Young Firms, Steven D. Dolvin and Stephanie A. Fernhaber
Submissions from 2013
IPO Underpricing: The Owner’s Perspective, Steven D. Dolvin
Subsidizing Non-Polluting Goods vs. Taxing Polluting Goods for Pollution Reduction, Robert S. Main
The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, Security Analyst Monitoring Activity, and Firm Value, Sheryl-Ann Stephen and Vincent P. Apilado
Submissions from 2012
Herding Behavior in Student Managed Investment Funds, Craig B. Caldwell and Steven D. Dolvin
The Impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act (SOX) on the Cost of Equity Capital of S&P Firms, Sheryl-Ann Stephen and Pieter J. de Jong
Submissions from 2011
Off the Rack Versus Savile Row: The Value of Custom Tailoring for Equity Investors, Steven D. Dolvin and John Gonas
The Influence of Simulation Performance on Student Interest, Steven D. Dolvin and Mark K. Pyles
Submissions from 2010
Immigrant business enterprises: A classification framework conceptualization and test, Roberto Curci and Robert Mackoy
Further Examination of Equity Returns and Seasonal Depression, Steven D. Dolvin, Mark K. Pyles, and Qun Wu
Asset Allocation for Retirement: Simple Heuristics and Target-Date Funds, Steven D. Dolvin, William K. Templeton, and William Rieber
Improving financial information literacy in introduction to financial accounting, Anne Kelly, Teresa Williams, Brad S. Matthies, and J. Burdeane Orris
Simple Pigovian Taxes vs. Emission Fees to Control Negative Externalities: A Pedagogical Note, Robert S. Main
Pedagogical Strategies for Teaching Moral Minimalism, Richard McGowan
Submissions from 2009
Three Stories and Their Morals, Robert B. Bennett
Trade Usage and Disclaiming Consequential Damages: the Implications for Just-in-Time Purchasing, Robert B. Bennett
Spanish Foreign Direct Investments in Latin America: Internationalization Strategies and Financial Management Practices, Roberto Curci and Guillermo Cardoza
Earnings Guidance: How Should Companies Interact with the Market?, Steven D. Dolvin
Ringing the Bell: Does it Matter and Why?, Steven D. Dolvin, Hinh Khieu, and Mark Pyles
REIT IPOs and the Cost of Going Public, Steven D. Dolvin and Mark Pyles
Analysts Get SAD Too: The Effects of Seasonal Affective Disorder on Stock Analysts’ Earnings Estimates, Steven D. Dolvin, Mark K. Pyles, and Qun Wu
The Apollo Fallacy and its Effect on U.S. Energy Policy, Peter Z. Grossman
U.S. Energy Policy and the Presumption of Market Failure, Peter Z. Grossman
The JEC Revisited: Did Debt Undermine Stability?, Peter Z. Grossman and Kathy A. Paulson Gjerde
Collaborative Standards, Voluntary Codes and Industry Self-regulation, Lawrence J. Lad and Craig B. Caldwell
Racing to Success by Identifying Key Performance Drivers, Kathy Paulson Gjerde and Susan B. Hughes
Submissions from 2008
Institutions Matter: Why the Herder Problem is not a Prisoner's Dilemma, Daniel H. C. and Peter Z. Grossman
The Influence of University Financial Education on Asset Allocation, Steven D. Dolvin, John S. Gonas, and Mark K. Pyles
Information Asymmetry and the Cost of Going Public for Equity Carve Outs, Steven D. Dolvin, Karen M. Hogan, and Gerad T. Olson
Underpricing, Overhang, and the Cost of Going Public to Preexisting Shareholders, Steven D. Dolvin and Bradford D. Jordan
Market Efficiency at the Derby: A Real Horse Race, Steven D. Dolvin and Mark K. Pyles
If Ethanol is the Answer, What is the Question, Peter Z. Grossman
How Do Environmental and Natural Resource Economics Texts Deal with the Simple Model of the Intertemporal Allocation of a Nonrenewable Resource, Robert S. Main
Submissions from 2007
“Off the Rack” versus “Savile Row” The Value of Custom Tailoring for Equity Investors, Steven D. Dolvin, Brent W. Ambrose, and John Gonas
Seasonal Affective Disorder and the Pricing of IPOs, Steven D. Dolvin and Mark K. Pyles
Prior Debt and the Cost of Going Public, Steven D. Dolvin and Merk K. Pyles
Tracking Performance: When Less Is More, Kathy Paulson Gjerde and Susan B. Hughes
Potential Tax Law Changes and Income Property Values, William D. Terando and Marvin L. Bouillon
The Impact of the Repeal of the Stock-for-Debt Exception on Corporate Bankruptcy Restructurings, William D. Terando and Wayne H. Shaw
Submissions from 2006
Legal History Meets the Honors Program, Robert B. Bennett
The Effect of Instructional Technologies on the Finance Classroom, Steven D. Dolvin, J. Michael Morgan, and Mark Pyles
Financial education and asset allocation, Steven D. Dolvin and William K. Templeton
Submissions from 2005
Can Cognitive Error Explain the IPO Partial Adjustment Phenomenon?, Steven D. Dolvin
Foreign Firms and the Cost of Going Public in the U.S., Steven D. Dolvin
Venture Capitalist Certification of IPOs, Steven D. Dolvin
Market Structure, Changing Incentives, and Underwriter Certification, Steven D. Dolvin
The Psychological Foundation for an Integrated Course in Law and Ethics, Richard McGowan
Adjusting the Inventory Account when Companies Use LIFO: Explanation and Application to Distribution and Chemical Industries, James F. Sander and Susan Hughes
A Survey of AACSB Accredited Institutions and the Use of Work Experiences as part of the Business Curricula, Karel A. Updyke and james F. sander
Submissions from 2004
Business Week Board Rankings and Subsequent Stock Returns, Steven D. Dolvin
Quality and reputation: The effects of external and internal factors over time, Kathy Paulson Gjerde and Susan A. Slotnick
Submissions from 2003
Intertemporal Covariance and Correlation Stability in Mexican Stock Returns, Roberto Curci, Terrance Grieb, and Mario Reyes
American Law of Real Estate, J. David Reitzel, Robert B. Bennett, and Michael J. Garrison
Submissions from 2002
The Meaning of Property Rights: Law versus Economics? , Daniel H. Cole and Peter Z. Grossman
Toward a Total-Cost Approach to Environmental Instrument Choice, Daniel H. Cole and Peter Z. Grossman
Mexican Peso Futures and Exchange Rate Volatility, Roberto Curci and Cynthia J. Brown
A Rationale for Meeting Quotas Asymmetrically, J. Patrick Meister and Robert S. Main
The Existence of Gender-Specific Promotion Standards in the U.S., Kathy Paulson Gjerde
New Product Innovation with Multiple Features and Technology Constraints, Kathy A. Paulson Gjerde, S. A. Slotnick, and M. J. Sobel
An Investigation of Adjustable-rate Mortgage Pricing Features, William K. Templeton, Robert S. Main, and J. B. Orris
Submissions from 2001
Market Interdependence; Gold Bullion, S&P500, Mining Company ADR’s and Underlying Security Markets, Roberto Curci, Robert A. Clark, and Cynthia J. Brown
Returns on Bank Deposits in Latin America, (Is There a Free Lunch?), Robert Grosse, Evan Tanner, and Roberto Roberto Curci
European Banking After the Euro: Progress and Problems, William K. Templeton and Robert Clark
Submissions from 2000
Determinants of share price movements in emerging equity markets: some evidence from America's past, Peter Z. Grossman
The Dynamics of the Hungarian Hyperinflation, 1945-6: A New Perspective, Peter Z. Grossman and János Horváth
Submissions from 1999
Editor's Corner: The Craft of Teaching , Robert B. Bennett
Seeing is believing; or is it? An emperical study of computer simulations as evidence., Robert B. Bennett, Jordan H. Leibman, and Richard Fetter
When is Command-and-Control Efficient? Institutions, Technology and the Comparative Efficiency of Alternative Regulatory Regimes for Environmental Protection, Peter Z. Grossman and Daniel H. Cole
The Federal Trademark Dilution Act of 1995: Potent Weapon or Uphill Battle?, Erin J. Roth and Robert B. Bennett
Banking on the Euro: Changes and Challenges, William K. Templeton and Charlotte A. Bond
Submissions from 1998
The Effect of Lifting the Blindfold From Civil Juries Charged with Apportioning Damages in Modified Comparative Fault Cases: An Empirical Study of the Alternatives, Jordan H. Leibman, Robert B. Bennett, and Richard Fetter
Submissions from 1997
Using a Jury Simulation as a Classroom Exercise, Robert B. Bennett, Jordan H. Leibman, and Richard Fetter
Submissions from 1996
The Empirical Legal Research Initiative: An Interim Report to the Academy, Robert B. Bennett, Jordan H. Leibman, and Richard Fetter
A simulation approach to the choice between fixed and adjustable rate mortgages, William K. Templeton, Robert S. Main, and J. B. Orris
Submissions from 1995
Writing to Learn Business Law, Robert B. Bennett and William K. Templeton
Submissions from 1994
Formalized Planning in Small Business: Increasing Strategic Choices, L. S. Baird, M. A. Lyles, and J. Burdeane Orris
Submissions from 1993
Alliances and Networks: Cooperative Strategies for Small Businesses, L. S. Baird, M. A. Lyles, and J. Burdeane Orris
Domestic Monopoly, Quotas & Contestable Rents, William Rieber
Submissions from 1992
Socially Efficient Control of Carcinogen Emissions from Open Top Vapor Cleaners in lndiana, Robert S. Main
The Effect of Nonbank Diversification on Bank Holding Company Risk, William K. Templeton and Jacobus T. Severiens