Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures | College of Liberal Arts & Sciences | Butler University

The department of Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures prepares students to live and work in an increasingly complex society.

In courses, extracurricular activities and through a wide variety of study abroad opportunities, our students gain broader awareness of the world and their place within it.

Below you will find scholarly and other professional works of faculty in Modern Languages, Literatures & Cultures.


Submissions from 2018


Study Abroad in the Neoliberal Academy: Shifting Geographies, Terri Carney

Submissions from 2007


Moi et 'Autre: identití et diversité dans un cours sur le film francophone, Sylvie Vanbaelen and Corienne Etienne

Submissions from 1999


Place a la litterature dans le cours de conversation!, Corinne Etienne and Sylvie Vanbaelen


Encircling Linearity in Carlos Saura's Peppermint Frappé, Linda M. Willem

Submissions from 1991


The Narrative Premise of Galdos's Lo Prohibido, Linda M. Willem

Submissions from 1984


Folkloric Structure and Narrative Voice in Bècquer's Leyendas, Linda M. Willem