Content Posted in 2009
5-by-5 Palindromic Word Squares, M. D. McIlroy
6000 Words, Darryl Francis
6-by-6 Double Word Squares, M. D. McIlroy
7x7 Computer-Generated Word Squares, M. D. McIlroy
A 100-Letter Word Square, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A 1961-Point One-Move Scrabble Score, Darryl Francis
A 4470-Point Scrabble Game, Jeff Grant
A 5-Dimensional Magic Die, David S. Dillon and Jeremiah Farrell
A 700-Word Palindrome, D. L. Polonsky
AADDEENNOORR, Darryl Francis
A Backgammon Tournament in Mathematics Puns, Win Emmons
A Bible Crossword, Edward L. Lee
A Biblical Detection Problem, John McClellan
A Biblico-Botanical Problem, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A Biological Spectrum of the Flora of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park, Stanley A. Cain
Able, Baker, Charlie ..., Ernst T. Theimer
Able Was I Ere I Saw Elba, David L. Stephens
A Bouquet for Gardner, Jeremiah Farrell and Thomas Rodgers
A Bouquet of Christmas Anagrams, L. E. Card
Above and Below, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A British Pronunciation Guide, Darryl Francis
A Bryocenological Study of Some Epiphytic Mosses of a Central Indiana Woods, Betty L. Wilson
Accidental Tautonyms, Jeff Grant
A Challenge, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A Challenge to Will Shortz, Mickey Maurer
A Charade Crossword, Ernst T. Theimer
A Chemistry Lesson, Darryl Francis
A Classification of Words, Maxey Brooke
A Clueless Crossword, Darryl Francis
A Collacon on "Collacon", George H. Scheetz
A Color Ado, Darryl Francis
A comparative ecological study of two forest stands in the Illinoian Drift Plain area of southern Indiana, Jack B. Secor
A comparative pollen analysis of two bogs within the boundaries of the late Wisconsin glaciation in Indiana, Byron W. Moss
A comparative study of the bacterial content of vanilla and chocolate ice cream from two Indianapolis producers, Leander C. Parker
A comparative study of three Indiana bogs, Carl O. Keller
A comparison of market milk from ten Indianapolis companies by use of direct microscopic method of analysis, Ina Stanley
A comparison of strip and quadrat analyses of the woody plants on a central Indiana river bluff, Stanley A. Cain, Ray C. Friesner, and John E. Polzger
A comparison of total bacteria counts of raw and pasteurized milk, Donald H. Holmes
A Conflict of Cultures: Alsace-Lorraine, 1871-1918, Karen Lynn Eiler
A consideration of Gomphonema parvulum Kutz, John H. Wallace and Ruth Patrick
A Contrast of Bilingual and Monolingual Children in regards to Semantic and Syntactic Language Acquisition, Jessica Michelle Pfister
A Critique of a Critique, Mary J. Youngquist
Acro-Crosswords, Walter Shedlofsky
A Crossword Puzzle Square, Joseph Teeters
Acrostic Equations, Anil
Acrostic Poems in Bloom, Walter Shedlofsky
Acrostic Poems: Poe's Cosmic Art?, Walter Shedlofsky
A Crucial Quiz, Darryl Francis
A Curious Crossword, Wei-Hwa Huang
A Day in Linguistic History, Charles Elliott
Additional records for algae, including some of the less common forms, C. Mervin Palmer
Additions and Corrections, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Additions to the Algal Flora of Indiana, Charlene Coffing
Additions to the filamentous Myxophyceae of Indiana, Kentucky and Ohio, William A. Daily
A Decade of Neologisms, Darryl Francis
A Definitive Pocket Webster List, Murray R. Pearce
A Dictionary of Common English Trigrams, A. Ross Eckler and Faith W. Eckler
A Dictionary of Common English Trigrams (contd.), A. Ross Eckler and Faith W. Eckler
A Dictionary of Common Trigrams, A. Ross Eckler and Faith W. Eckler
A direct microscopic study of the effect of temperature on bacterial count of milk, Charles F. Hill
A Double Word Square Contest, William Sunners
Adsorption Studies of Cytochrome c on a Silica Nanoparticle Surface, Carrie Ann Hedge
Aerst Transposals, Jeff Grant
A Few Last Words, Darryl Francis
Affine Word Geometries, Oscar Thumpbindle
A Fifteen-Letter Pyramid, Pamela H. Brang
A Five-Acre Forest Survey at Shades State Park (Indiana). A Study of Sampling Methods, Charles L. Trotter
A five-year dendrometer record in two trees of Pinus strobus, Ray C. Friesner and Gershom Walden
A Flurry of Phobias, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A Forbidden Word, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A fossil pollen analysis of Fox Prairie bog, Hamilton county, Indiana, Robert L. Prettyman
A fossil pollen study of Kokomo bog. Howard county, Indiana, John W. Howell
A fossil pollen study of two northern Indiana bogs, Frank A. Hamp
A Foul Ghoul Soul Loves Good Blood Food, Richard Lederer
A Fourteen-Letter Pair Isogram
A Futuristic Fantasy, Susan Thorpe
A Geography Lesson, Darryl Francis
A Grammatical, Lexical, Exgetical, and General Treatise on the First Epistle General of John, John Wilbert Barnett
A Helico-Spherical Cocktail Party, John F. Collins
A High-Scoring Scrabble Game, Ron E. Jerome
A Hollow Diamond, Palmer C. Peterson
A Hyperhypercube of Side Two, Delphi Knoxjaqzonville
A Key and Annotations for Some Characeae Collected in Wyoming, Fay Kenoyer Daily and C. L. Porter
Albuquerque Words, Steve Kahan
Algae of Marion County, Indiana, C. M. Palmer
Algae of Steuben County, Indiana, C. M. Palmer
Algae Previously Unpublished for Panama, Winona H. Welch
A Literary Word Chain, Mary J. Youngquist
A Literary Word-Sequence Debut, Judith Tarr Isquit
All the Perfumes of Arabia, Leonard R. N. Ashley
All-Vowel Hawaiian Words, Prince Djoli Kansil
All Words Are Interesting, Pamela H. Brang
All Writers Not Men of Letters, Mohan Lal Sharma
A Logological Symbol for the Cause of Peace, Howard W. Bergerson
A Logology Cash Contest, Ralph G. Beaman
Alphabetical Circumambulations, Willard R. Espy
Alphabetical Triliterals, Palmer C. Peterson
Alphabet Rings of Trigrams, A. Ross Eckler
Alphabet Soup, Mary J. Youngquist
Alphabet Sports, John Muirhead
Alphametics for Ten-Digit Squares, Leslie E. Card
Alpine Timberlines in the Americas and Their Interpretation, R. Daubenmire
Alternating Monotonies, Ralph G. Beaman
A Man for All Seasons, Betsy Burr
A Mel Stover Recollection, Bob Friedhoffer
American Transpositions, Darryl Francis
A microtome knife cooler, Ray C. Friesner
Amoebic Charades, Susan Thorpe
A Moment in Archaeology: A Reflexive Examination of the Culture of Meaning-Making in Archaeological Fieldwork, Jonathan W. Irons
A Myfterious Ufage, George R. Berryman
An Acrogemalic Apologia, Willard R. Espy
Anacrograms 3: Quotations, A. Anil
An Adventure into the Unknown, Dmitri A. Borgmann
An After-Dinner Mint, Ralph G. Beaman
Anagramantics, James I. Rambo
Anagram Calendar - Arranged Almanac, Dave Morice
Anagram Crossword Logic Puzzle, Mark J. P. Wolf
Anagramming One Poem Into Another, A. Ross Eckler
Anagrams and Mutations, Xavier Balilinkinoff
Anagrams and the Birthday Problem, A. Ross Eckler
Anagrams: Ars Magna?, Judith Tarr Isquit
An All-Consonant Crossword, Darryl Francis
An All-Vowel Crossword, Darryl Francis
Analysis and Direction for the Changing World of Breakfast Cereal Advertising: A Content Analysis of 1998-99 Television Advertisements, Megan Ann Lane
An Amazing Spelling Trick, Martin Gardner
Anamonics, Jeff Myers
An Anagram Anniversary, Jezebel Q. Xixx
An Anagram Classification System, A. Ross Eckler
An analysis of the environmental and hormonal effects on the growth and development of the moss Ceratodon purpureus, Megan Knight
A Near-Miss 10-by-10 Word Square, A. Ross Eckler
A Near-Perfect French 9-by-8 Word Rectangle, A. Ross Eckler
A Near Solution to Mercer's Pentomino Poser, A. Ross Eckler
An Easy (?) Crossword Puzzle, Edward L. Lee
An ecological study of the floodplain forest along the White River system in Indiana, Mordie B. Lee
An ecological study of the heath balds of the Great Smoky mountains, Stanley A. Cain
An ecological study of the Klein woods, Jennings County, Indiana, Carl O. Keller
An ecological study of the relationship between direction of slope, elevation, and forest cover in Brown County, Indiana, Carl R. McQueeney
An ecological survey of Berkey woods: A remnant of forest primeval in Kosciusko county, Indiana, J. E. Potzger and Ray C. Friesner
An ecological survey of the Crawford Woods, Clark County, Indiana, Jack B. Secor
An Editorial, Dmitri A. Borgmann
An Element Letter Square, Temple G. Porter
An Epiphany of Eponyms, Jeff Grant
A New 100-Letter Word Square, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A New High-Scoring Scrabble game, Ralph G. Beaman
A New Logology Cash Contest, Ralph G. Beaman
A New Method for Separation of Fossil Pollen From Peat, Florence Geisler
A New Pentomino Puzzle, J. A. Lindon
A New Reference, Ramona J. Quincunx
A new species of Streptanthus (Brassicaceae) from Three Peaks in Lake County, California, Rebecca W. Dolan and Richard O'Donnell
An Examination of the Correlation between Shoot Apical Meristem Size and leaf Heterophylly in Pisum sativum, Cynthia Mary Halfman
An Exercise in Heteronymy, Walter G. Leight
Anglo-Foreign Words, Walter Penney
"An Horrible Usage", George R. Berryman
Animals in Disarray, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Animated Anagrams, John McClellan
An Interesting Megaspore Species Found in Indiana Block Coal, G. K. Guennel
An Interlaced Charade, R. Robinson Rowe
An Oasis from the Stasis: More Linguistic Observations, Paradoxes, and Miscellanea, Don Hauptman
An observation on the effectiveness of root pressure, Ray C. Friesner
An Old Reference, Ramona J. Quincunx
An Olympic Quiz, Darryl Francis
An Onomastic Study (Part 1), Dmitri A. Borgmann
An Onomastic Study (Part 2), Dmitri A. Borgmann
An Onomastic Study (Part 3), Dmitri A. Borgmann
An Onomastic Study (Part 4), Dmitri A. Borgmann
An Order 5 Affine Geometry, Norwich Bumstead
A Note on Catoptrons, John McClellan
A Note on Translation, John McClellan
Another Charade Crossword, Ernst T. Theimer
Another Interlaced Charade, R. Robinson Rowe
Another Unidictionary Nine-Square, A. Ross Eckler
An Overview of Isograms, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Antibiotic behavior patterns of living cultures of Pseudomonas, Robert L. Kent
Antibiotic producing organisms isolated from the White River Canal, Indianapolis, Indiana, Fred C. Mindach
A Numerical Analogue to the Word Square, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Anything I Can Do, U Can Do Too, Mary J. Youngquist
Apathy and the Birth of Democracy: The Polish Struggle, David S. Mason
A Perfect Word, Anil
A phytosociological study of the herbaceous plants in two types of forests in Central Indiana, John E. Potzger and Ray C. Friesner
A Plurality of Singular Verse, Willard R. Espy
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Jeremy Morse
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Poem: Magic Word, Martin Gardner
A Poem: Natural Order, Jeremy Morse
A Poem: Pop-Star, Jeremy Morse
A pollen profile from Reed bog, Randolph County, Indiana, Charles D. Griffin
A pollen profile of Otterbein bog, Warren county, Indiana, Ruth R. Richards
A pollen study in the tension zone of lower Michigan, John E. Potzger
A pollen study of thirty-two species of grasses, Florence Geisler
A preliminary study of growth in beech, Fagus grandifolia, by the demographic method, Ray C. Friesner
A preliminary study of Lemanea in western North America, C. Mervin Palmer
A Preliminary Study of the Crossing Relationships of Capsicum baccatum, William A. Emboden Jr.
A Presidential Quiz, Thomas L. Bernard
A Presidential Rectangle, Sam Harlan
A Proposal for an Isomorph Dictionary, A. Ross Eckler
A Proposed Non-Support Law, Charles Herbert Bass
A Pseudo-History of Alphabetical Characters, A. Anil
A Puzzler, Harold Jacobs
A quadrat study of Meltzer woods, Shelby county, Indiana, Carl O. Keller
A quantitative study of the phytoplankton of Lake Michigan collected in the vicinity of Evanston, Illinois, William A. Daily
A quantitative study of the phytoplankton of the White River canal, Indianapolis, Indiana, Charleen Coffing
A Quarter Century of Botany at Butler University, John E. Potzger
A Rare Tolypella New to the United States of America, Fay Kenoyer Daily
A Readable Polyphonic Cipher, A. Ross Eckler
A rebellious son? Hugo Odeberg and the interpretation of John 5.18, James F. McGrath
A Reconstructable Crossword Puzzle, Darryl Francis
A Repeat Performance, Darryl Francis
A Revised Spelling Rule, A. Ross Eckler
Arfarfanark: Under the Afluence of Incohol, A. Ross Eckler
A Scrabble Cube Problem, Josefa Byrne
A Seasonal Puzzle, Dick Hess
A Second Look at Word Cycles, Faith W. Eckler
A Simplified Medium for Use in Tissue Cultivation of Poliomyelitis Virus, Thomas W. O'Neil
A Special Type of Word-Shift Square, Susan Thorpe
A Spelling Rule, Ramona J. Quincunx
A State Capital Letter Square, Temple G. Porter
A Statename Chain, Darryl Francis
A Statistical Study of a Heech-maple Association at Turkey Run State Park, Mabel M. Esten
Asteroid Names, Darryl Francis
A Still Unsolved Problem, J. A. Lindon
A study in soil moisture, acidity and evaporation in an upland woods at Turkey Run State Park, Mary Fritsche Cundiff
A study of abundance of stems per acre in relation to age of stand, Charles D. Griffin
A study of asymmetrical growth from the stumps of Quercus velutina, Ray C. Friesner
A study of bacteria found in the distribution system of a water plant, Mabel Grace Morris
A study of fruit diseases occurring in a mid-western market, George W. Fischer
A study of Lemanea in Indiana with notes on its distribution in North America, C. M. Palmer
A Study of Numinous Experience, Dama C. Cofield
A study of organisms in soil samples from southern Indiana which inhibit the growth of Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus, Doris Colligan
A Study of Seed Dormancy in Eighteen Species of High Altitude Colorado Plants, John Pelton
A study of some growth factors affecting asymetical growth in trees, Matthew Harmon
A study of the distribution of the grasses of Indiana, Howard L. Cook
A study of the effect of plant operations upon the bacterial count of milk, Albin N. Smolelis
A study of the influences of Lucretius and Epicurean philosophy on Vergil, Paul Fink
A Study of the Winter Diatoms (Bacillariophyceae) Flora in Fall Creek, Indiana, Robert G. Lipscomb
A Survey of Fifteen Forest Stands in the Early Wisconsin Drift Plain of Indiana, Johanna Jones
A Survey of Letter-Frequencies, Leslie E. Card and A. Ross Eckler
A Survey of Small Squares, Maxey Brooke
A Survey of the Ecology of Tecoma stans, John Pelton
A Synopsis of the Coccoid Myxophyceae, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
A Szekler for Eckler, Enoch Haga
A Tale of Cities and Towns, Leslie E. Card
A Tart Reply to Napoleon, David L. Stephens
A Thesis on the Fragment of the Gospel of Peter, Verle Wilson Blair
A Tight Squeeze, Louis B. Delpino
A Time for All, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Atlas Shrugged, Oscar Thumpbindle
Attention, Peditastelli!, John McClellan
At the Outer Limits, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A Twelve-Square?, Rex Gooch
Aun't, Sir Jeremy Morse
Automynorcagrams, Howard W. Bergerson
A View from the Summit, Merlin X. Houdini IV
Awesome Will Be Laid To Rest, Michael Turton
A Whitman Echo, Howard W. Bergerson
A Word Game of Triples, R. Robinson Rowe
A Word Game With License Plates, Jean C. Sabine
A Word Path Puzzle, Charles Bostick
A Wordsworth of Sports History, Richard Lederer
A Wordy Digression: The Game of Hipe, Peter Winkler
A Wry Look at Palindromic Verse, J. A. Lindon
Back Cover, Oscar Thumpbindle
Back to Albuquerque Again, Steve Kahan
Badding Practise in Cennerfield?, Allan Sly
Bailey's Hexameters, Jeremiah Farrell
Balanced Word Division, Merlin X. Houdini IV
Banking on Privacy, Dick Wolfsie
Barack Obama, Resort to Force, and U.S. Military Hegemony, Harry van der Linden
Base 26, Philip M. Cohen
Base Foreign Words, David Kahn
Beginnings and Endings, Darryl Francis
Beheading, Andy Liu
Beheadments, Ralph G. Beaman
Bible Letters, Edward L. Lee
Bibliography of Scientific Papers by John E. Potzger
Bibliography of the Late Ray C. Friesner
Big Amy on Wee Knights, Ralph G. Beaman
Biliteral Crossword, E. S. Sande
Bionym, John Holgate
Biosynthesis of Glutamic Acid, Wee Chong Tan and Bernard Malin
Bishop Spooner Goes On Holiday, A Anil
Blends, Portmanteaus, Centaurs, Sterling Eisiminger
Bluebeetles and Bean Guns, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Book Review, Timothy M. Rogers
Book Review of "Indian Religions: Renaissance and Renewal", Chad M. Bauman
Book Reviews, Philip M. Cohen
Book Reviews, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Book Reviews, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Book Reviews, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Book Reviews, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Book Reviews 147-148, Ray C. Friesner
Book Reviews 163-165, Ray C. Friesner
Book Reviews 202, Ray C. Friesner
Book Reviews 22-24, Ray C. Friesner, C. M. Palmer, and Mabel M. Esten
Book Reviews 42-44, Unknown Author
Book Reviews 63-64, Ray C. Friesner
British Word Puzzles (1700-1800), William F. Shortz
British Word Puzzles (1800-1850), William F. Shortz
Brush Up Your Webster's, Alden Myles and John Standish
Buchi Emecheta : A Novelist's Image of Nigerian Women, Kirstin Lynne Ellsworth
Butler Freshmen Hunt for Library Treasure, Sheridan Stormes
Calendar Acrostics, Willard R. Espy
Canadianisms?, Andy Liu
Cardinal Numbers in Town Names, Edward R. Wolpow
Cardinal Transposals, Darryl Francis
Caroline, Darryl Francis
Cartoon, Jed Martinez
Cartoon, Jed Martinez
CBB Words, J. A. Lindon
Certain aspects of the H-ion concentration of the soils of a central Indiana river bluff, Stanley A. Cain and Ray C. Friesner
Certain floristic affinities of the trees and shrubs of the Great Smoky mountains and vicinity, Stanley A. Cain
Chair Aids Tool Is Into, Willard R. Espy
Change in Christology: New Testament Models and the Contemporary Task, James F. McGrath
Characeae of Nebraska, Fay K. Daily
Characteristically, Jeff Grant
Characteristics of the Original Vegetation in Some Prairie Counties of Indiana, Dean Finley and John E. Potzger
Charade Sentences, Hearst Sill Rogers
Charade Swifties, J. A. Lindon
Chara Kieneri, a new species from Nebraska, Fay Kenoyer Daily
Charles de Gaulle's influence on contemporary French culture and on France's rejection of genetically modified food, Susanna Lenore Foxworthy
Chemical Elements Inside of Other Elements, Antonio Joaquin Franco Mariscal
Chesswords, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Chlorophyll therapy and its relation to pathogenic bacteria, Mabel M. Esten and Albert G. Dannin
Chomosome Numbers in Fagus Grandi Folia and Quercus Virginina, Helen Aufderheide
Christmas, Darryl Francis
Christmas Illustration, John McClellan
Chromosome Numbers in Certain Species of Helianthus, Florence Geisler
Chromosome numbers in ten species of Quercus, with some remarks on the contributions of cytology to taxonomy, Ray C. Friesner
City Slickers, Cherry Pickers, Leonard R. N. Ashley
"Clapophora Balls" Collected in Steuben County, Indiana, Fay Kenoyer Daily
Clerihews: A Personal History, Rollin Stearns
Climax Conditions and the Ecological Status of Pinus Strobus, Taxus Canadensis and Tsuga Canadensis in the Pine Hills Region of Indiana, Ray C. Friesner and John E. Polzger
Coastal plains flora in Indiana botanical areas, Virginia Lamerson
Cohen, Collective Responsibility, and Economic Democracy, Harry van der Linden
Cohen's Socialist Reconstruction of Kant's Ethics, Harry van der Linden
Comparative Homophonic Trios, A. Anil
Comparison of pollen spectra from bogs of Early and Late Wisconsin glaciation in Indiana, Dayton A. Swickard
Compass Point Sudokus, Christopher McManus
Concatenating Letter Ranks, Roger Bilisoly
Concentrated Consonants, Temple G. Porter
Confidentiality of Library Records, Lewis R. Miller
Connecting With the Campus Community: Promotional Success Through Collaboration and Outreach, Teresa Williams
Consecutive Palindromic Triads, Steve Kahan
Consecutive Palindromic Triads, Steve Kahan
Constructions of Femininity: Women and the World's Columbian Exposition, Lauren Alexander Maxwell
Contrasts in certain physical factors in Fagns-Acer and Quercus-Carya communities in Brown and Bartholomew counties, Indiana, Ray C. Friesner and John E. Potzger
Convertible Acrostics, J. A. Lindon and Walter Shedlofsky
Correlation of Elongation in Primary and Secondary Branches of Pinus resinosa, Ray C. Friesner and J. Johanna Jones
Correlation of elongation in primary secondary and tertiary axes of Pinus strobus and P. resinosa, Ray C. Friesner
Correlation of elongation in White and Red Pine with rainfall, Jerry Anne Motley
Correlation of microclimatic factors with species distribution in Shenk's woods, Howard county, Indiana, Ray C. Friesner and Charles M. Ek
Country Carnival, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Cover, Publication Information
Crazy California, A. Ross Eckler
Creating an Institutional Repository "on the Cheap", Brad Matthies and Kenetha Frisby
Creative Involvement with the Texts: Bernhard Goetz and the Ancient Historians, Paula Saffire
Croakers and Swift Croakers, James I. Rambo and Mary J. Youngquist
Crostic Puzzle, Julie Sussman
Cryptic Puzzle, Oscar Thumpbindle
Cubic Word Squares, A. Ross Eckler
Cubism, Paul Remley
Curious British Placenames, Darryl Francis
Curious Monikers, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Curtailed Curtailments, Ralph G. Beaman
Cut and Come Again, Mohan Lal Sharma
Cycle Structure of Words, Walter Penney
Dean Ray C. Friesner (A Tribute)
Definitely, Ralph G. Beaman
Definitive Tail Homophones, Anil
Degaraged, Depiped, and Derotored, Jeff Grant
Dendrometer studies on five species of broadleaf trees in Indiana, Ray C. Friesner
Developing a Pharmacy Professional Elective Course: Underserved Populations, Courtney Ann Hedrick
Development of a Chemically Defined Medium for Biosynthesis of Capreomycin by Streptomyces capreolus, LaVerne D. Boeck
Dictionary Didoes, Yale Chapman
Dictionary Limericks 2, Max Gutmann
Dictionary Limericks 3, Max Gutmann
Difference Words, A. Ross Eckler
Difference Words Ride Again, Tom Pulliam
Differential Selection in Juniper Populations from the Baum Limestone and Trinity Sand of Southern Oklahoma, Marion T. Hall and Claudia J. Carr
Digital Commons Annual Report, Brad S. Matthies
Digital Diversions, Susan Thorpe
Distillation, Mary W. Matthews
Distinct Dozens, Steve Kahan
Distribution of Indiana Orchidacae, Margaret E. Brunson
Distribution of Quercus muhlenbergii in Indiana, William Reynolds and John E. Potzger
Dmitri Shostakovich, Lady Macbeth, and the Soviet Government, Bianca Nicole Dudeck-Wiseman
Doctor Jones and the Lawless Lords of Logomycin, J. A. Lindon
Doctor Smith and the Lawless Lords of Logomycin, Cruel Zorbi
Doggy Dog World!, Dick Wolfsie
Don't Repeat a Word of This!, Pearl L. Feldman
Do Physical Self-Efficacy and Physical Self-Concept Mediate the Relationship Between Past Sports Participation, Past Gym Grades and Physical Activity Across the Life-Span?, Christopher Frederick Ketcham
Double Crossed, Ralph G. Beaman
Double-Duty Words, Tom Pulliam
Double Triples, Steve Kahan
Down But Not Out!, Oscar Thumpbindle
Dr. Friesner, Botanist-Teacher, J. Johanna Jones
Dudeney's Switch Puzzle, Howard W. Bergerson
Dutch Treat, George J. Levenbach
Early American Word Puzzles (Part 1), William F. Shortz
Early American Word Puzzles (Part 2), William F. Shortz
Early American Word Puzzles (Part 3), William F. Shortz
Early American Word Puzzles (Part 4), William F. Shortz
Eckler Enigmas, Jeremiah Farrell and Karen Farrell
Eckler Sudoku, Christopher McManus
Economic Migration and Justice, Harry van der Linden
Edna Waterfall, Howard W. Bergerson
Effect of Five Antibiotics in Varying Concentrations on Growth of Young Corn Plants, William E. Harris
Eight-Letter Numerical Tautonyms, Leslie E. Card
Eight-Letter Two-Pair Words, A. Ross Eckler
Elemental Crossword, Mark J. P. Wolf
Elementary, My Dear Reader, Darryl Francis
Elementary, My Dear Watson!, Merlin X. Houdini IV
Eleven Positions, Frederick Dawson
Embryology and Evolution, Malo Marius Amunson
English: Best For(e) Play with Words, A. Ross Eckler
Enivo?, Ralph G. Beaman
Entries from an Anagram Dictionary, Darryl Francis
Ephemeral Mechanisms and Historical Explanation, Stuart Glennan
Erotemes, Merlin X. Houdini IV
Erythromycin, Studies of Its Mode of Action, Frank Streightoff
Etc, David Morice and Susan Thorpe
Ethical Engagements Over Time: Reading and Rereading David Copperfield and Wuthering Heights, Marshall W. Gregory
Even More Consecutive Palindromic Triads, Steve Kahan
"Everybody Loves a Baby ...", George J. Grieshaber
Examination of Water Supply of Indianapolis, Alonzo S. Roberts
Exchanging Antonyms, Susan Thorpe
Exercise Your Brain with Bananagrams, Matthew M. Maurer
Exotic Varieties of Four-Square, Rex Gooch
Explaining, Assessing, and Changing High Consumption, Harry van der Linden
Expression of the Gene d1 in the First Three Leaves of Zea Mays L., Jeanette S. Pelton
Expression of the Gene d1 in the Scutellum of Maize, Jeanette S. Pelton
Extending the Number Names, John Candelaria
Extraterrestrial Linguistics, Solomon W. Golomb
Factors Favoring the Persistence of a Relic Association of Eastern Hemlock in Indiana, Rexford F. Daubenmire
False Plurals, Darryl Francis
Family I. Chroococcaceae, part 1, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Family I. Chroococcaceae, part 2, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Family I. Chroococcaceae, part 3, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Family II. Chamaesiphonaceae, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Family III: Clastidiaceae, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Fat Deposits in Certain Ericacere, Oran B. Stanely
Fibonacci Words: "Howl, Sex Orgy Poet!", A. Anil
Final Bigrams, Philip M. Cohen
Find the Phyla, Temple G. Porter
First reports for the algae Borzia, Aulosira and Asterocytis in Indiana, William A. Daily
Five Language Beauties, Joop van der Vart
Flack Jackets and Increased Salvation, Don Hauptman
Flight and Hand Imagery, Jennifer L. Fosnough-Osburn
For a Lewis Carroll Society, A. Vorpal Penn
Forest and Prairie in Three Northwestern Indiana Counties, Fred W. Rohr and John E. Potzger
Forest Communities in Versailles State Park, Indiana, Forest Stearns
Forests of the past along the coast of southern Maine, John E. Potzger and Ray C. Friesner
Forest succession in the Trout Lake, Vilas county, Wisconsin area: A pollen study, J. E. Potzger and Ruth R. Richards
Forest Succession in the Valparaiso and Packerton Moraines in Indiana, John L. Oliver
Forty-Three Names, Darryl Francis
Foshee Magically Interpreted, Jeremiah Farrell
Fossil diatoms from Lakeville Bog, Indiana, Jack R. Weaver
Foster Compounds, R. Robinson Rowe
Four-Letter Words, Jezebel Q. Xixx
Four out of Five, Murray R. Pearce
French Homophones, Guy Lapalme
Friesner Memorial Table of Contents
From SOBER to DRUNK, Dmitri A. Borgmann
From Square to Hyperhypercube, Darryl Francis
From Unillillion to Ultimillillion, Rudolf Ondrejka
Front Cover and Publication Information
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Front Cover, Table of Contents
Front Cover, Table of Contents
Further Websterian Errors, Darryl Francis
Gamenung Mid Wordum, Paul Remley
General Distribution of the Species Aster Found in Indiana, Dorothy Parker
Generic Edges, Susan Thorpe
Generic Limericks, Oscar Thumpbindle
Genetic change following fire in populations of a seed-banking perennial plant, Rebecca W. Dolan, Pedro F. Quintana-Ascencio, and Eric S. Menges
Genocide: Emotional Adjective or Legal Term: Public Misunderstanding and the Expedient and Effective Implementation of International Criminal Law, Ida Rose Nininger
German-English Word Squares, George J. Grieshaber
Gird Yourself for Word Girders, Tom Pulliam
Glacial and Post-Glacial Charophytes from New York and Indiana, Fay Kenoyer Daily
Going up and coming down in Johannine legitimation, James F. McGrath
Goodbye, Hob Collingwood, Ralph G. Beaman
Good Grief!, Merlin X. Houdini IV
Got That Rhythm, Maxey Brooke
Growth correlations in five species of deciduous trees, Charles W. Reimer
Growth Data from Sections of Acer saccharum, Chester W. Miller
Growth-rainfall trend coefficients shown by six species of hardwoods in Brown County, Indiana, Ray C. Friesner
Growth Responses of Alpine Potentilla diversifolia and Achillea lanulosa to Gibberellic Acid, Jeanette S. Pelton
-Gry Revisited, Darryl Francis
Hail Mary, Full of Constraints, A. Anil
Hard-to-Find Words in Web 3 (A-D), Ralph G. Beaman
Hard-to-Find Words in Web 3 (D-G), Ralph G. Beaman
Hard-to-Find Words in Web 3 (G-K), Ralph G. Beaman
Hard-to-Find Words in Web 3 (K-N), Ralph G. Beaman
Hard-to-Find Words in Web 3 (N-P), Ralph G. Beaman
Hard-to-Find Words in Web 3 (P-T), Ralph G. Beaman
Hard-to-Find Words in Web 3 (T-Z), Ralph G. Beaman
Hark the Bark, Maxey Brooke
Harmonious Opposites, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Hello and Goodbye, A. Anil
Help Fill the Word Gap!, Temple G. Porter
Hepaticae from the Federal District, Mexico. I., Dorothy Parker
Hep-Vocab, Jean Hall
Here's to "U", Steve Kahan
Hermann Cohen’s Political Philosophy and the Communitarian Critique of Liberalism, Harry van der Linden
He, She, It, Tey, Philip M. Cohen
Hewn-Ever, City-Head-You Occasion, A Anil
Hexagons and Their Edges, Susan Thorpe
Hey, Look What I Can Do, Mary J. Youngquist
Hidden Opposites, Mary J. Youngquist
High Scoring Scrabble, Darryl Francis
History and Fiction in the Acts of Thomas: The State of the Question, James F. McGrath
History of Classification, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
History of forests in the Glacial Lake Chicago area, G. K. Guennel
Holiday Limericks, Joseph Teeters
Homographs and Pseudo-Homographs, Donald A. Drury
Homophone Pairs, Charles W. Bostick
Homophones, J. A. Lindon
Honorable Mentions, Jim Puder
Hot Buns, Win Emmons
How It Began, David Schulman
How Not to Name a Product, Dmitri A. Borgmann
How to Find a Word, Dmitri A. Borgmann
How to Logologically Select the Vice-President, A. Ross Eckler
How to Name a Product, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Hsi Hsi and the Rhinoceros, Philip M. Cohen
Hybridization Between Juniperus Ashei Buchholz and Juniperus Pinchoti Sudworth in Southwestern Texas, Marion T. Hall, J. F. McCormick, and George G. Fogg
Hydrogen Ion Reaction of Native Inidana Fern Soils, Joe R. Craw
I Am Firm, You Are Obstinate, Aaron Martin Cohen
Iatrologs and Iatronyms, Darryl Francis
I Cue the Alphabet, Joseph T. Shipley
I Have a Pet Name for You, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Illustrations, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
I Love You More Than..., Simon Nightingale
Imitating Ho Chi Minh, Rudolph W. Castown
"Immigration," "Immanuel Kant", and "Kantian Ethics", Harry van der Linden
Impeach!, Jezebel Q. Xixx
Implementing Quantum Random Walks in Two-Dimensions with Application to Diffusion-Limited Aggregation, Colin Frederick Sanberg
Inane Addenda, A. Ross Eckler
In Defense of the Anachuttle, Walter Shedlofsky
Index, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Index V. 10, 1951-1952, Ray C. Friesner
Index V. 11, 1953-1954, J. E. Potzger
Index V.1, 1929, Ray C. Friesner
Index V.2, 1931 - 1932, Ray Friesner
Index V.3, 1933 - 1936, Ray C. Friesner
Index V.4, 1937 - 1940, Ray C. Friesner
Index V.5, 1941 - 1942, Ray C. Friesner
Index V. 6, 1943-1944, Ray C. Friesner
Index V. 7, 1945, Ray C. Friesner
Index V. 8, 1946-1948, Ray C. Friesner
Index, V. 9 1949-1950, Ray C. Friesner
Indian Words in English, Mohan Lal Sharma
In-Famous Classics, Mary J. Youngquist
Infatuation, Win Emmons
Initial Bigrams, Philip M. Cohen
Initial Whimseys, Walter Shedlofsky
In Search of a Name, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Insertion of the Enzyme Cyclopropane Fatty Acid Synthase into Plastids through Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation, Jason L. Rush
Insiders, Jim Puder
Instructions to Authors, Subscribers
Instructions to Authors, Subscribers
Instructions to Authors, Subscribers
Instructions to Authors, Subscribers
Instructions to Authors, Subscribers
Instructions to Authors, Subscribers
Instructions to Authors, Subscribers
Instructions to Authors, Subscribers
Instructions to Authors, Subscribers
Integrating CD-ROM: Some Advice From the Field, Lewis R. Miller
Internally Capitalized Words, Darryl Francis
Interrelationship of nitrogen and photo-period on the flowering, growth, and stem anatomy of certain long day and short day plants, Alice Phillips Withrow
In the Name of, Mary Edna Arnold
Investigating Ring Closing Metathesis Product Favorability by Varying the Alkyne Substituent on a Dienyne, Meagan E. Hinze
Investigation of Kalanchoe homeobox 1 (Kh1) Gene in Apical Meristems of Kalanchoe pinnatum, Jessica Lynn Kirkpatrick
I See Where You Are Coming From, Leonard R. N. Ashley
I See You, 'N Double You, Henry Petroski
ISO Classical Pronunciation Guide 1992 & 1993, Sheridan Stormes
Isolated Letters, Darryl Francis
Is the Veteran a Better Student Than He Was a Civilian?, Richard E. Emery
I've Got Your Number, Leonard Ashley
Japanese Number Puns, A. Martin Cohen
Japlish - English Made In Japan, Aaron Martin Cohen
Jesus, the Punster, Faith W. Eckler
Jim and the Bible, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Job Hunt Rhetoric: The Conversation behind the Successful Search, Sheridan Stormes and Gordon Theil
Johannine Christianity: Jewish Christianity?, James F. McGrath
John E. Potzger 1886-1955, W. D. Billings
John Wesley's Doctrine of Sin and Man, Carl F. Dunker
Kant, the Duty to Promote International Peace, and Political Intervention, Harry van der Linden
Keys to species and varieties of ferns and fern allies of northeastern North America, Ray C. Friesner
Key to genera of ferns and fern allies, Ray C. Friesner
Kickshaws, D. Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, D. Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, D. Morice
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, Ralph G. Beaman
Kickshaws, Faith W. Eckler
Kickshaws, Philip M. Cohen
Kickshaws, Darryl Francis
Kickshaws, Charles W. Bostick
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, Philip M. Cohen
Kickshaws, Maxey Brooke
Kickshaws, Willard R. Espy
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws Revisited, David L. Silverman
Knight's Challenge Answered, Jim Puder
Kriss Kross Kraft, Edward L. Lee
La Belle France et la Bete Noire, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Language Levels, Ramona J. Quincunx
Language Levels: Another Look, Ramona J. Quincunx
Language of Science Fiction Fandom, Philip M. Cohen
Last Trip to Albuquerque, Steve Kahan
Latin Square Word Puzzles, Donald Knuth
Leaping Letters, Susan Thorpe
Leapin' Lizards -- L.O. Annie, Ralph G. Beaman
Learn Now, Subscribe Later!: A Method of Developing Audiences for Opera Through a Commitment to Outreach in Theory and Practical Examples, Grant Douglas Meachum
L'Egal Franglais, Harry Mathews
Lemanea herbarium packets containing more than one species, C. Mervin Palmer
Lesser Breeds Without the Law, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Letter Banks, Ed Pegg Jr.
Letter-Distributions of Words, A. Ross Eckler
Letter Structure of Long Words, Ralph G. Beaman
Letter to the Editor, D. A. Drury
Lettuce Prey, William Webster
Levine's Isomorph Dictionary, A. Ross Eckler
LibGuides Reflections and Best Practices, Scott Pfitzinger and Sheridan Stormes
Life-forms and biological spectra of the flora of Bacon's swamp, Indiana, Alice Phillips
Light Stuff, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Lightweights and Heavyweights, Darryl Francis
Limerickshaws, Dave Morice
Limerickshaws: The Grand Finale, David Morice
Linguistic Catches, Martin Gardner
Linguistic Illusions, Darryl Francis
Liquid Carbon Dioxide Extraction of Various Food Flavors: Evaluation and Analysis, Deven Lee Shinholt
Literary Cardinals, Darryl Francis
Living Terror, Merlin X. Houdini
Location of Specimens and Acknowledgments, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Logological Enlightenment, Anil
Logological Geography, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Logological Poetry: An Editorial, Howard W. Bergerson
Logology in Hollywood, John Holgate
Lomorock, Solomon W. Golomb
Long Well-Mixed Transposals, A. Ross Eckler
Look Back!, A. Ross Eckler
Look Back!, A. Ross Eckler
Look Back!, A. Ross Eckler
Look Back!, A. Ross Eckler
Loony Logos, Mary J. Youngquist
Loony Logos Revisited, Mary J. Youngquist
Loose Canons: Media Mistakes and Curiosities Provoke Wry Ripostes, Don Hauptman
Magic with Bizarre Poems, Martin Gardner
Magic Word Dice, Jeremiah Farrell
Magic Words, Mohan Lal Sharma
Making and Breaking the News: The Media in Sports Personnel Decisions, John Goddard Dedman
Malaproverbs, Mary J. Youngquist and Harry W. Hazard
Many Happy Hot Cross Buns to Leigh Mercer, J. A. Lindon
Martin Gardner's Word Magic Enthralls Broad Ripple Teens, Jeremiah Farrell
Marx's Political Universalism, Harry van der Linden
Mary's Lamb, Win Emmons
McGovern Words, Darryl Francis
Meaningful Anagrams, Boris Randolph
Mechanisms and the Nature of Causation, Stuart Glennan
Mechanisms, Causes, and the Layered Model of the World, Stuart Glennan
Medical Magic, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Megalosesquipedalia, Ralph G. Beaman
Membership of the Polish United Workers Party, David S. Mason
Merry Am Webster!, Tom Pulliam
Metamorphosis, Sir Jeremy Morse
Mexican Memory, John McClellan
Missing Persons, Steve Kahan
Missing Words, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Mnemonics for Number Sequences, A. Ross Eckler
Modern Sator Squares, Jeff Grant
Modification of Vascular Tissue in Midvein of Quercus Alba Leaves Induced by Gall Development of Cynips Pezomachoides Erinacei, E. F. Kenoyer
Molds found in Indianapolis markets, Paul Lentz
Molds on vegetables in Indianapolis retail markets, Walter A. Miller
Montreal, Darryl Francis
Mood and Tense in Genesis, Mary Edna Arnold
More Accidental Tautonyms, Jim Puder
More Baileyisms, Arthur I. Schulman
More Beginnings and Endings, Leslie E. Card
More Consecutive Palindromic Triads, Steve Kahan
More Cryptographic Puzzles, Walter Penney
More Distinct Dozens and Then Some, Steve Kahan
More Enigmatic Rebi, Philip M. Cohen
More Geographic Mnemonics, Charles E. Karrick
More Hidden Opposites, R. Robinson Rowe
More Multiple-Letter Words, Darryl Francis
More Specialty Definitions, Bernard G. Couvillion
More Stately Forms, Palmer C. Peterson
More Viae, Darryl Francis
More Vowel Trigrams, Frank Hardington
More Well-Endowed Chairs, Frank Oberlander and Mary Oberlander
More Word Chess, Jean C. Sabine
Morphology, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Most-Perfect Word Magic, Oscar Thumpbindle
Mrs. Malaprop, The Ad(Wo)Man, M. H. Greenblatt
Multiple Anagrams, John McClellan
Musical Nouns of Multitude, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Must You Join the Queue?, A. Ross Eckler
My Last Words, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Mysterious Acrostics, Jezebel Q. Xixx
Mystery News, Dmitri A. Borgmann
My Visit to Grant's Tome, Lacey Echols
Naming the Numbers, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Nanomechatronics, Ed Pegg Jr.
Natrix, Ralph G. Beaman
Natural Horrors, Merlin X. Houdini IV
Near-Heterogrammatic Double 5-Squares, Rex Gooch
New Word Palindromes, Dmitri A. Borgmann
New Word Recreations, Oscar Thumpbindle
New York Times Crossword Goofs, Will Shortz
New York Times Crossword Goofs (continued from Vol. 40, February 2007), Will Shortz
Nitella capillata A. Br. in North Carolina, Fay Kenoyer Daily
Nitella spanioclema Groves & Bullock-Webster var. nidifica var. nov., from Alabama, Fay Kenoyer Daily
Nixon and the Bee, A. Ross Eckler
No-Dictionary Scrabble, Ralph G. Beaman
Nomenclatorial changes in the genus Solidago--Corrections, Ray C. Friesner
Nomina Excludenda, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Nonogram Christmas Card, Simon Nightingale
Nontraditional Synthesis of Organometallic compounds and Allylic Alcohols, Andrew J. Hesse
Note on Repeated Letter-Shuffling, J. A. Lindon
Notes on Cultivated Junipers, Marion T. Hall
Notes on distribution and bio-ecology of Characeae, Walter Kiener
Notes on Palindromes, Robert Funt
Notes on the Algae -- III, William A. Daily
Notes on the Algae -- I, II, William A. Daily
Notes on the Algae - IV, William A. Daily
Numerical Tautonyms, Darryl Francis
Numero(logo)logy, Darryl Francis
Nuts, Maxey Brooke
Nymo Rhymes, Jay Ames
Obama and McCain Cross Words, A. Ross Eckler
Obamanastics, A. Ross Eckler
Occupational Avoidance, Mary J. Youngquist
Octopi, Michael Keith and Diana Keith
Odd One Out, Susan Thorpe
Odes from the Odd Topics Society, Howard G. Baetzhold
Odes from the Odd Topics Society, Howard G. Baetzhold
Odes from the Odd Topics Society, Howard G. Baetzhold
Odes from the Odd Topics Society, Howard G. Baetzhold
Of Connor and Cottonwood, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Of Sex and Fear, Merlin X. Houdini IV
Oh, Say, Darryl Francis
O.K., Ralph G. Beaman
Old Wine in New Bottles, Mary J. Youngquist
Olympic Observations, Darryl Francis
Omak Me Yours Tonight, Willard R. Espy
On Composing Palindromic Poetry, Howard W. Bergerson
One Flea Spare: The Hope of Life in Spite of Death, Mandy Melissa Barrett
One-Letter Words, Darryl Francis
One of Six and Another of Half a Dozen, Colm Mulcahy
One Plus One Equals One, Charles E. Karrick
On Figures of Speech, John McClellan
Onomancy, Xavier Balilinkinoff
Onomasticon I, George H. Scheetz
On Searching for Three-L Lamas, Faith W. Eckler
On Word-Length and Dictionary Size, John Henrick
Open Season on Snarks, A. Vorpal Penn
Optimization of a Polydimethylsiloxane Based Passive Sampler of Common Household Volatile Organic Compounds, Jennifer Lynn Osborne
Oulipo, Harry Mathews
Our Diamond Anniversary, Merlin X. Houdini IV
Our Move, Darryl Francis
Out of India: Immigrant Hindus and South Asian Hinduism in the United States, Chad M. Bauman and Jennifer Saunders
Overlapping Sequences, Susan Thorpe
O Ye of Little, Susan Thorpe
Pairindromes, A. Anil
"Palindromes and Anagrams", Jezebel Q. Xixx
Palindromic and Acrostic Poems, J. A. Lindon
Palindromic Charade Sentences, James I. Rambo
Palindromic Letter-Sequences, Leslie E. Card and A. Ross Eckler
Palindromic Movie Reviews, Win Emmons
Palindromic Poems, J. A. Lindon
Pangram Variations, A. Ross Eckler
Patriots, Plumbers, and Our Better Angels: The Establishment of Ethos in the Rhetoric of the 2008 Presidential Campaigns of Sens. John McCain and Barack Obama, Ryan Matthew Hehner
Pattern Wordlists, David Shulman
Pattern Words, Murray R. Pearce
People-ized Bird Words, Doris Klindt Gundersen
Perestroika in Central Europe, David S. Mason
Personal Encounter, A. Anil
Pharmacy Security: A Survey on Pharmacists' Perceptions and and Preparedness to Handle Prescription Fraud and Pharmacy Robbery, Amy Nicole Lenell
Phone Messages, Steve Kahan
Phycologists of India, C. Mervin Palmer
Phytosciology of the Cox woods: A remnant of forest primeval in Orange county, Indiana, J. E. Potzger, Ray C. Friesner, and Carl Keller
Piddletrenthide, Darryl Francis
Pied Poetry, Martin Gardner and J. A. Lindon
Pinus virginiana in the Forest Primeval of Five Southern Indiana Counties, Mildred I. Ross
Plagiarism in the classroom, J. Beasley and Sally Neal
Plankton Algae of White River in Marion County and Morgan County, Indiana, C. M. Palmer
Plankton and its relationship to chemical factors and environment in White River canal, Indianapolis, Indiana, Eugene R. Hupp
Plant succession at Long Pond, Long Island, New York, Dorothy Parker
Playing About With Word Squares, J. A. Lindon
Play Tic-Tac-Toe Ambidextrously, Jeremiah Farrell
Pluralities (Part 1), Ralph G. Beaman
Pluralities (Part 2), Ralph G. Beaman
Pocket Ghost, A. Ross Eckler
Pocket Webster Comparison, William Sunners
Poems in Praise of English Phonology, Charles F. Hockett
Political Apathy in Poland, David S. Mason
Political Research in Martial Law Poland, David S. Mason
Pollen Analysis of a Peat Deposit in Livingston County, Illinois, Charles Donald Griffin
Pollen frequency of Abies and Picea in peat: A correction on some published records from Indiana bogs and lakes, J. E. Potzger
Pollen from Moss Polsters on the Mat of Lac Shaw Bog, Quebec, Correlated with a Forest Survey, John E. Potzger, Albert Courtemanche, Br. M. Sylvio, and Francis M. Hueber
Pollen spectrum of Lake Cicott bog, Cass county, William M. Smith
Pollen Study in the Gatineau Valley, Quebec, John E. Potzger and Albert Courtemanche
Pollen study of Cranberry Pond, near Emporia, Madison county, Indiana, Jean Barnett
Pollen study of five bogs in Price and Sawyer counties, Wisconsin, I. E. Potzger
Polyomino Word-Puzzle Results, Donald A. Drury and J. A. Lindon
Polyploidy among plant species extraneous in Indiana, Frances I. Scott
Pondering With Pegg, Ed Pegg Jr.
Post-Algonquin and Post-Nipissing Forest History of Isle Royale, Michigan, J. E. Potzger
Prefix Meals, Don Hauptman
Preliminary Fossil Pollen Analysis of the Merrillvill, Indiana, White Pine Bog, Alva J. Lindsey
Preposterous Precincts, Jim Puder
Preservation and Microscopical Techniques, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Preservation of Some Algal Cultures by Lyophilization, W. A. Daily and J. M. McGuire
Presidential Affairs, Palmer C. Peterson
Presidential Anagrams, A. Ross Eckler
President Smith, Where Are You?, A. Ross Eckler
Primer Time, Ralph G. Beaman
Principia Websteriana, Ralph G. Beaman
Probing the Rebus, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Problematic Proverbs, Edward L. Lee
Productivity, relevance and natural selection, Stuart Glennan
Progress in succession in the Pennington grove of Pinus virginiana, John E. Potzger and Esther W. Potzger
Progressive Ideas, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Prologue as Legitimation: Christological Controversy and the Interpretation of John 1:1-18, James F. McGrath
Properties of Sequences, Simon Norton
Pros And Cons, Anil
Prosodic Resonance, F. Juniper
"Pseudofeverishly", Dmitri A. Borgmann
Public opinion in Poland's transition to market economy, David S. Mason
Public Opinion Reform in China, David S. Mason and Ken Colburn
Punching Out a Tennis Slogan, Richard Lederer
Punc Lib Charades, A Anil
Puncture, Michael Kline
Punctured Poetry, Mary J. Youngquist and Harry W. Hazard
Punderful Etymologies, Richard Lederer
Punk Quiz 6, A. Anil
Punk Whiz 4, A. Anil
Punk Whiz 5, A. Anil
Punk Whiz 7, A Anil
Punk Whiz 8, A Anil
Pure Consonant Tetragrams, Maxey Brooke
"Put That In Your Pipe And Chew It!", Don Hauptman
Puzzlemints, A. Anil
Quantitative Relationships of Terrestrial Mosses with Some Coniferous Forests at Mt. Rainier National Park, N. Higinbotham and Betty Wilson Higinbotham
Quantitative study of the phytoplankton of Lake Michigan at Evanston, Illinois, Kenneth E. Damann
Questioning Just War Theory, Harry van der Linden
Questioning the Resort to U.S. Hegemonic Military Force, Harry van der Linden
Rafinesque and the Taxonomy of Indiana Vascular Plants, Ray C. Friesner
Ramps and Rhombs, Christopher McManus
Reading Habits of Behaviorally Disordered Males: A Study, Lewis R. Miller, Robert L. Aaron, and Elizabeth Smith
Real Word Squares, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Reas'ning But To Err, Temple G. Porter
Rebus Poetry, Willard R. Espy
Recent Findings in French Recreational Linguistics, Pierre Berloquin
Recruiting a Lady: The Depiction of the Women's Army Corps, Amanda Rutherford
Redmen for Well-Read Men, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Re-Evaluation of the Diatom Species Nitzschia frustulum (Kutz.) Grun., Charles W. Reimer
Refractory Rhymes, Ralph G. Beaman
Relation of annual ring formation to rainfall as illustrated in six species of trees in Marshall county, Indiana, Ray C. Friesner and Gladys M. Friesner
Relation of Certain Vegetative Characterisitcs of Stipa spartea to Survival from Defoliation, John F. Pelton
Re: Morse, Philip M. Cohen
Remote Pager, Max Maven
Renaming the Extended Numbers, John Candelaria
Renaming the Numbers, Rudolph Ondrejka
Return of the Palimerick, Jim Puder
Return to Albuquerque, Steve Kahan
Revenge, Win Emmons
Reversible Verses, David B. Woodside
Review of Alexander Kaufman, Welfare in the Kantian State (1999), Harry van der Linden
Review of Barbara Thiering, "Jesus of the Apocalypse. The Life of Jesus after the Crucifixion”, James F. McGrath
Review of Hans Reiss, editor, Kant, Political Writings (1991), Harry van der Linden
Review of Helmut Holzhey, Cohen und Natorp (1986): Volume I, Ursprung und Einheit; Volume II, Der Marburger Neukantianismus in Quellen, Harry van der Linden
Review of Joan De Jean's Fictions of Sappho, Paula Saffire
Review of Kenneth Baynes, The Normative Grounds of Social Criticism: Kant, Rawls, and Habermas (1992), Harry van der Linden
Review of Kenneth E. Bailey, Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels, James F. McGrath
Review of Lawrence H. Shiffman "Reclaiming the Dead Sea Scrolls. The History of Judaism, the Background of Christianity, The Lost Library of Qumran", James F. McGrath
Review of Philip Arieti's Interpreting Plato, Paula Saffire
Review of Richard Dien Winfield, The Just Economy (1988), Harry van der Linden
Review of Richard L. Velkley, Freedom and the End of Reason: On the Moral Foundation of Kant's Critical Philosophy (1989), Harry van der Linden
Review of Roger J. Sullivan, An Introduction to Kant's Ethics (1994), Harry van der Linden
Review of Sharon Anderson-Gold, Unnecessary Evil: History and Moral Progress in the Philosophy of Immanuel Kant (2001), Harry van der Linden
Review of The Crisis of Secularism, Chad M. Bauman
Review of The World of Classical Myth, Paula Saffire
Revision of the Coccoid myxophyceae, Francis Drouet and William A. Daily
Rex Gooch Remembered, Susan Thorpe
Rhyme and Rine, Maxey Brooke
Rhyming Phenomena in English Words, Iris M. Tiedt
Robert K. LaFollette and American Foreign Affairs, Madelynne K. Chandler
Rocket Surgery, Don Hauptman
Roman Holiday, Boris Randolph
Rose Macaulay: Satirist, Suzanne F. Carey
Ross Eckler: He Didn't Know What "Retire" Meant, Don Hauptman
Rosswords, Susan Thorpe
Russian Alphamagic Squares, Lee B. Croft
Russian-English Word Squares, George J. Grieshaber
Russian-to-English Homographs, Lee B. Croft
Sacred Manuscripts Boast Secret Ciphers, Susan Thorpe
Satanix, Darryl Francis
Science and Magic at the Supermartorama, Temple G. Porter
Scottish and Irish Elements of Appalachian Fiddle Music, Matthew S. Emmick
Scrabble a la Russe, Robert Cass Keller
Scrabble Algebra, David Morice
Scrabble Pangrams, Darryl Francis
Scrambled Animals, Howard Pinckard and Charles O. Cunningham
Sea-changed Words, Alice Gorki and Dimitri Miller
Search for a Knox gene in Kalanchöe pinnatum, Ryan Michael Gleason
Secondary Succession in Stands of Red Maple - Sweet Gum - Beech Forests in Ripley County, Indiana, J. E. Potzger and A. N. Liming
Secret Language, Maxey Brooke
Selected Works Manual, Kenetha Frisby
Self-Expressive Number Names, A. Ross Eckler
Sentence Carried Out, A. Anil
Sequences Within, Susan Thorpe
Sequential Tetragram Permutations, Darryl Francis
Seven and Thirteen, Dave Morice
Seven-Letter Words, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Shaded Fright on Hade Street, Walter Shedlofsky
Shakespearean Line-by-Line Acrostics, A. Ross Eckler
Shakespeare's Lost Palindrome, James Fanning
Shepherdesses, Jeff Grant
Shiftgrams Again, Darryl Francis
Shifting Vowels & Consonants Independently, Susan Thorpe
Short People, A Anil
Short People from Word Ways, A Anil
Shrinking Violets, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Sight-Reading Substitution Ciphers, Jean C. Sabine
Signature Spoonerisms, Anil
Simon Says, Simon Nightingale
Simpler Riten English Is Posibl, Kenneth H. Ives
Singing of Satnam: Blind Simon Patros, Dalit Religious Identity, and Satnami-Christian Music in Chhattisgarh, India, Chad M. Bauman
Six-Letter Numerical Tautonyms, Leslie E. Card
Six-Letter Transposals, A. Ross Eckler
Six Vowels, Two of the Other, Delphi Knoxjaqzonville
Slang Around the House, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Slavery, Willis M. Blount
Sociological and Psychological Predispositions to Serial Murder, Katie Marie Krueger
Soil Moisture and the Nature of the Tsuga and Tsuga-Pinus Forest Associations in Indiana, Ray C. Friesner and John E. Potzger
Soil reactions of the Pteridophytes of the Megunticook Lake Region near Camden, Maine, Jeanne A. Malott
Solid and Hypersolid Forms, Ronnie Kon
Solidarity Enters the Fray, David S. Mason
Solid Phase Amide Synthesis Using Staudinger-Vilarrasa Coupling and Microwave Irradiation, Ryan Patrick Schmidtz
Some Comparisons Between Virgin Forest and Adjacent Areas of Secondary Succession, John E. Polzger and Ray C. Friesner
Some Cryptographic Challenges, David L. Silverman
Some Cryptographic Puzzles, Walter Penney
Some ecological factors in secondary succession: upland hardwood. II. Soil reaction and plant distribution in the Sycamore creek region, Stanley A. Cain and Ray C. Friesner
Some Effects of Temperature on the Growth of Chara zeylanica Willd, Robert G. Anderson and Robert C. Lommasson
Some Irregular Haiku, A Anil
Some Mathematical Anagrams, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Some necessary nomenclatorial changes in the genus Solidago, Ray C. Friesner
Some Neglected Ways of Words, Ben Rogers
Some Notes on Anthocyanin Formation in Leaves With Cut Veins, Agatha Griffin
Some of my Favorite Squares, Jeff Grant
Something in the Air, Jim Puder
Son of a Giant Sea Tortoise, Philip M. Cohen
Specialty Definitions: For Jet Age Compartmentalized Society, or Picking Neu Roses Along the Psycho Path, Louis B. Delpino
Species of Tolypella in Nebraska, Fay Kenoyer Daily
Speech Play, Philip M. Cohen
Spelling Reform, Mark Setteducati
Spiraling Alphabets, Ben Rogers
Spoonergrams, Jim Puder
Spoonergrams II, Jim Puder
Spooneristic Variations, Susan Thorpe
Spoonertoons 4: Fortune of Reversal, Don Hauptman
Spoonertoons 5: Drawing a Sign in the Land, Don Hauptman and Jim Siergey
Spoonertoons 6: "With Phallus Amore Thought", Don Hauptman and Jim Siergey
Stately Forms, Palmer C. Peterson
Stately Words, Darryl Francis
Sticks and Stones ..., Ralph G. Beaman
Still More Consecutive Palindromic Triads, Steve Kahan
Still More Specialty Definitions, Al Muller
Still More Websterian Errors, Darryl Francis
Strange Paradoxes, Jezebel Q. Xixx
Strange Pronunciations, Ralph G. Beaman
Stratigraphy and Preliminary Pollen Analysis of a Lake County, Illinois, bog, Russell C. Artist
Strike-Outs: Even-Letter Deletions, Stanley L. Payne
Studies in Forest Ecology, Ray C. Friesner and John E. Potzger
Studies in Forest Ecology II., Ray C. Friesner and John E. Potzger
Stutterances, J. A. Lindon
Subwords: A Subdivision of Neologistics, Anil
Success Has Its Challenges Too, Sally Neal and Edward Gonzalez
Successive De(le(ti)o)ns, Tom Pulliam
Sudoku Lines Factorised, Jeremy Morse
Sudoku Patterns, Christopher McManus
Superl, Charles Elliott
Super-Quiz No. 1, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Super-Quiz No. 2, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Super-Quiz No. 3, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Super-Quiz No. 4, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Super Titles, Temple G. Porter
Surrealistic Art Objects, Paul Remley
Survival of hemlock seedlings in a relict colony under forest conditions, Ray C. Friesner and J. E. Potzger
Syllabilities, Ralph G. Beaman
Symmetries of the Alphabet, A. Ross Eckler
Symmetry - Ytremmys, Ralph G. Beaman
Synonymic Deletions, Tom Pulliam
Synonym Pudding, A. Ross Eckler
Synthesis of Hydroxycyclopentenones via Titanium Complexes, Joeseph David Frasca
Syzygy, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Tall Words, Darryl Francis
Taxonomy of Streptanthus sect. Biennes, the Streptanthus morrisonii complex (Brassicaceae), Rebecca W. Dolan and Lawrence F. LaPre
Teachers’ Link to Electronic Resources in the Library Media Center, Teresa Williams
Technology Partnerships: The PALNI Success Story, Vince Lucas, Larry Fry, and Lewis R. Miller
Telanagrams, Don Laycock
Temperature Inversions in the Pinyon-Juniper Zone of a Nevada Mountain Range, W. D. Billings
Ten-Letter Triangular Progressions, A. Ross Eckler
Ten Logotopian Lingos (Part 1), J. A. Lindon
Ten Logotopian Lingos (Part 2), J. A. Lindon
Tense Exchanges, Susan Thorpe
Terse Verse (And Worse), Mary J. Youngquist
The 8800 Puzzle, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Acid Ranges of Some Spring Flowering Herbs with Reference to Variations in Floral Color, Rexford F. Daubenmire
The Advantages of Odd Exclusions, Robert I. Scott
The A-E-I-O-U-Y Problem, Darryl Francis
The Africanization of Roman Catholic and Presbyterian Churches In Krobo-Odumase, Ghana, Lori Elizabeth Godich
The Alcohols, Charles E. Baker
The Alert Boss and Fair Clerk, Anil
The Alleged Incapacity of the Romans for Speculative Thought, Retta Valeria Barnhill
The Amorphous Amoeba, Jean C. Sabine
The Apple-Sauce Chronicles, Louis Phillips
The Arithmetic of Word Ladders, Rudolph W. Castown
The Art of the State, Darryl Francis
The Aspect of Freedom in Paul's Theology, M. Eugene Boring
The Assination of English, Temple G. Porter
The Automynorcagrammatical Raven, Howard W. Bergerson
The Baleful Tale of Hale and Gale, Scott Hattie
The Beech Line in Northwestern Indiana, John E. Potzger and Carl O. Keller
The Big Challenge, David L. Silverman
The Cabin Creek raised bog, Randolph County, Indiana, Ray C. Friesner and John E. Potzger
The Case of the Acro-Double, Walter Shedlofsky
The Case of the Ambiguous Cipher, A. Ross Eckler
The CEO of Word Ways, Darryl Francis
The Changing Attitudes Toward Consonance and Dissonance In Various Historical Periods, Edith H. Carter
The Characeae of Indiana, Fay Kenover Daily
The Characeae of Indiana - A Preliminary Report, Fay Kenoyer Daily
The Characeae of Nebraska - Additions and Changes, Fay Kenoyer Daily and Walter Kiener
The Chromosome Relations of Solidago Rigida, Noe L. Higinbotham
The Classical Background as a Factor in the Spiritual Development of Walter Pater’s ‘Marius the Epicurean’, Margaret Harris
The Concise Dictionary of Two Letter Words Revised Edition
The Cryptic Crossword, Walter G. Leight
The Cryptogram: English in its Glory
The Cuban Missile Crisis: Was Kennedy's Way the Best Way?, Lisa Anne Erb
The Cultivation of Endamoeba histolytica and the in-vitro Chemotherapeutic Testing of Amebacides, Maurice E. Callender
The Day Indianapolis Died, David S. Mason and Gary Kyxer-Sheeley
The Dead Sea Scrolls Today, James F. McGrath
The Demon Championship, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Digrams of Webster's Unabridged Dictionary, E. N. Gilbert
The direct microscopic analysis of milk over a period of one year from three creameries serving Indianapolis, George W. Wade
The distribution of the ferns and fern allies found in Indiana, Sarah Clevenger
The Duruflé Requiem: A Guide for Interpretation, Karen Lou Cooksey
The effect of anthocyanin filters on plant behavior and development, Howard E. Manning
The Effect of Certain Bacteria upon the Growth of Trichomonas vaginalis in vitro, John F. Lawlis Jr.
The Effect of Interrupted Translocation Upon Loss of Chlorophyll in Leaves During Autumn Coloration, Agatha Griffin
The Effect of Large Amounts of Certain Vitamins of the B Group on the Growth Rate and Morphology of Certain Bacteria, Alice Jeanne Gillum
The Effect of Precipitation and Temperature on Annualr Ring Growth in Four Species of Quercus, Arnold Kleine, Johne E. Potzger, and Ray C. Friesner
The effect of precipitation on annular-ring growth in three species of trees from Brown County, Indiana, Chester W. Miller
The Effects of Various Physical and Chemical Agents on a Staphylococcus Bacteriophage, Donald H. Holmes
The Efficacy of Certain Substituted Phenols and their Salts as Fungicidal Agents, Gene M. LeFave and Bruce L. Skiles
The Enigmatic Rebus, Philip M. Cohen
The Esthetics of Synonymy, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Evolution of a Palindrome, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Evolving Style of Libby Larsen, Alicia Cook
The Faded Bloomers Rhapsody, Howard W. Bergerson
The Flora of the Shades State Park, Indiana, and the Geographical Distribution of the Species, Jack McCormick
The Forest Primeval of Indiana as Recorded in the Original U.S. Land Surveys and an Evaluation of Previous Interpretations of Indiana Vegatation, John E. Potzger, Margaret Esther Potzger, and Jack McCormick
The Forest Primeval of Marion and Johnson Counties, Indiana, in 1819, Marilyn Bowman Blewett and John E. Potzger
The Francis Xavier O'Brien Problem, A. Ross Eckler
The genus Liatris in Indiana, Carl O. Keller
The Genus Solidago in Northeastern North America, Ray C. Friesner
The Genus Sphaerellopsis in Indiana, Rex N. Webster
The genus Trillium in Indiana, Ray C. Friesner
The Great Scrabble Competition
The Growth and Development of English Law, Willis M. Blount
The Ham Gram, Hamilton V. Huster
The Heteroliteral Raven, A. Ross Eckler
The Highest One-Move Scrabble Score, A. Ross Eckler
The Homoliteral Raven, A. Ross Eckler
The Ideal Woman as She Is Represented by the Best English Writers from Chaucer's Time to the Present, Emma C. Stradling
The Jewish Sacrifices, E. W. Brickert
The "Jotto" Problem, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Keystone of Logology, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Lady, or the Tiger?, Fred Abrams
The Language Game, Philip M. Cohen
The Left and Humanitarian Intervention, Harry van der Linden
The Life History of the Freshwater Red Alga Tuomeya fluviatilis Harv., Rex Nathaniel Webster
The Logologicomathematical 7x7 Puzzle, Jeremiah Farrell and Robert Friedhoffer
The Logology Class in Transposal, Ralph G. Beaman
The Longest Dictionary Words, A. Ross Eckler
The Longest Palindrome, Jeff Grant
The Longest Word, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Long Hyphen, Darryl Francis
The Lost Word, Ralph G. Beaman
The Magic Spell, Bob Friedhoffer
The Merrillville White Pine, Alva J. Lindsey
The MIDDLE CLASS: Increasingly Fond Memories of a Grim Past, David S. Mason
The Miracles of Jesus, John Wilbert Barnett
The Most Dangerous Word, Judith Todd Isquit
The Multiple-Letter Word Hunt, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Mystery of Black Island, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Name Game, Darryl Francis
The National Philosophy Test, Temple G. Porter
The National Philosophy Test - II, Temple G. Porter
The National Philosophy Test - III, Temple G. Porter
The National Philosophy Test - IV, Temple G. Porter
The Net Lake Enigma, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The New Model Five-Jog Knight, Jim Puder
The New Resistance, B. A. Booper
The New Typewriter, Ralph G. Beaman
The Nonpattern Sonnet Pathetique, Howard W. Bergerson
The Numeracy of Alternate Letters, Susan Thorpe
The OED Supplement (A-G, H-N), Darryl H. Francis
Theology, A Anil
The One-Letter Rebus, Philip M. Cohen
The Only True God: Early Christian Monotheism in its Jewish Context, James F. McGrath
The origin of the flora of the chestnut oak upland region of Indiana, Joanna S. Guss
The Palindromic Astronaut, John M. Meyer
The Pangrammatic Window, Ralph G. Beaman
The Particles in Luke, John Wilbert Barnett
The path not taken: Two approaches to preventing plagiarism, R. Stocker, R. Halverson, and Sally Neal
The Patterns of Statenames, A. Ross Eckler
The Perils of Literal Translation, M. H. Greenblatt
The Periodic Table of the Alphabet, Solomon W. Golomb
The Phytoplankton of Lake Wawasee, Kosciusko County, Indiana, William A. Daily and Everett E. Miner
The Phytoplankton of the J. W. Frisz Memorial Lagoon, Shades State Park, Indiana, William A. Daily and Jack McCormick
The Phytoplankton of Two Artificial Lakes in Hendricks County, Indiana, Grover W. Cook
The Pine Barrens of New Jersey: A refugium during Pleistocene Times, John E. Potzger
The Pioneer Period in the Study of Indiana Vascular Flora, Ray C. Friesner
The plant associations of the Carson Desert Region, western Nevada, W. Dwight Billings
The Polish Parliament and Labor Legislation During Solidarity, David S. Mason
The Political Scene, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Psychologist, the Philosopher, and the Librarian The Information Literacy Version of CRITIC, Brad S. Matthies
The Puzzle Shop of Uncle Rebus, John McClellan
The Reformatory and Choreographic Contributions of Micheal Fokine, Elaine Louise Bauer
The relation of certain ecological factors to the inhibition of forest floor herbs under hemlock, Rexford F. Daubenmire
The Reproductive Ecology of Graptemys geographica in the Central Canal, Kati Keppen Rush
The Resilience of the Lambs, A. Ross Eckler
The Saddest Word, Nohan Lal Sharma
The Seven Sixes Problem, J. A. Lindon
The Shrubs of Indiana in Their Local and General Distribution by Physiographic Divisions, Lettie P. Trefz
The Sobriquets of Ultrachess, Alice Gorki
The Soldier, Gary Foshee
The South Cape Mystery, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The stem smuts of Stipa and Oryzopsis in North America, George W. Fischer
The Strangest Crossword Puzzle, Edward L. Lee
The Strong Vs. The Weak, M. H. Greenblatt
The Terminal Man, A. Ross Eckler
The Thirteen Words, Robert Cass Keller
The Trees of Indiana in Their Local and General Distribution According According to Physiographic Divisions, Alva J. Lindsey
The Twenty-One Words, A. Ross Eckler
The Ultimate Adventure (Part 1), Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Ultimate Adventure (Part 2), Dmitri A. Borgmann
The use of acid suppressive therapy on ICU and general medicine services at a Veterans Affairs Medical Center, Rachel Anne Ranz
The Use of Algal Cultures in Experiments Concerned with Water Supply Problems, C. Mervin Palmer and Thomas E. Maloney
The Value of Rumex Acetosella as an Acid Indicator, Russell Artist
The vegetation of Round Island (Straits of Mackinac), Michigan, J. E. Potzger
The Venereal Game, Willard R. Espy
The Vinturi, Scot Morris
The Vocabularyclept Poem, No. 1, J. A. Lindon
The Vulgar Tongue, Jeff Grant
The Vulgar Tongue, Jeff Grant
The Wooden Age of Indiana’s Covered Bridges, Linda L. Boykin
The Wordplay of James Thurber, A. Ross Eckler
The Words of Songs Without Words, R. Robinson Rowe
The Word-Surgeon's Compendium, Maxey Brooke and A. Ross Eckler
They're Using Our Lingo, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Three Jog Knight, Harold Jacobs
Three Poems from One Fountain, Howard W. Bergerson and A. Ross Eckler
Three Puzzle Games on Pelargoniums, Jeremiah Farrell and Karen Farrell
Timely Neologisms, Darryl Francis
To Dissect a Butterfly, Maxey Brooke
To "Er..." Is Human: More Media Bloopers With Snappy Rejoinders, Don Hauptman
Tolypella prolifera Leonh. in Indiana, Fay Kenoyer Daily
Topographical Surveying, Nelson D. Brayton
To the Fair Fluke!, M. H. Greenblatt
Tourmaline Magic, Oscar Thumpbindle
Toward More Efficient Number Mnemonics, Mike Keith
Town-and-State Name Transposals, Darryl Francis
Trading Places, Richard Lederer and Norm Storer
Traffic: Complaints II, Tom Smith
Traffic: Complaints III, Tom Smith
Traffic: Complaints IV, Tom Smith
Training and Requirements of Indianapolis Teachers 1821-1935, Fay M. Banta
Transcendental Wordplay, A. Ross Eckler
Translingual Transposals, Darryl Francis
Transposals and Transadditions, Darryl Francis
Transposals of Given Names, Darryl Francis
Transposing 4-Letter Words, Susan Thorpe
Transposition, Yale Chapman
Triangular Progressions, Susan Thorpe
Triangular Tricks, Susan Thorpe
Tudor Nomenclature, R. Robinson Rowe
Turkish Delight, Jay Ames an exploration of a plagiarism detection tool, Sally Neal
Twelve-Letter Pair Pyramid Words, Ralph G. Beaman
Two Knights A-Jog, Jim Puder
Two-Letter Words, Darryl Francis
Two new entities in the genus Solidago, Ray C. Friesner
Two Solidago hybrids wothy of names, Ray C. Friesner
Two Superb 144-Letter Word Squares, Mary J. Youngquist
Uncontrived Messiah or Passover Plot? A Study of A Johannine Apologetic Motif, James F. McGrath
Unique Generic Locks, Susan Thorpe
Unsociable Housemaid Discourages Facetious Behavior, A. Ross Eckler
Unsolved Problems, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Unspeakable Suggestions, Stanley L. Payne
Unusual, Obscure and Preposterous, Ralph G. Beaman
Unusual Words, Susan Thorpe
Up Your Wordpower, Ralph G. Beaman
Urban Renewal, Steve Kahan
Using Mathematical Parentheses in English, Solomon W. Golomb
Using the CRITIC acronym to teach information evaluation, Brad S. Matthies and Jonathan Helmke
Variation on a Theme of Francis, Jeremiah Farrell
Variations in Engineering Features of the Nests of Several Species of Birds in Relation to Nest Sites and Nesting Materials, Walter P. Nickell
Varriation of growth rates in yellow-bellied marmots, Carmen M. Salsbury and K. B. Armitage
Vertical growth in four species of pines in Indiana, Ray C. Friesner
Very Long Rebi, P. M. Cohen
Vladimir Soloviev (1853-1900): Commentary, Paul Valliere
Vladimir Soloviev (1853-1900): Selected and edited by Paul Valliere, Paul Valliere
Volume 12 Cover, J. E. Potzger
Vowel-Consonant Patterns, Philip M. Cohen
Vowel Language, Temple G. Porter
Vowel Symmetry, Maxey Brooke
Vowel Tetragrams, Darryl Francis
Vowel Trigrams, Delphi Knoxjaqzonville
Watching and Weaving Woven Words, R. Robinson Rowe
Way/Words: Etymological Deviance, Dennis M. Welch
Web 2: Imperfect but Lovable, Tom Pulliam
Websterian Weirdies, Darryl Francis
Websterisms: In Search of Noah's Headwords, Arthur Schulman
Webster's Zones, Ralph G. Beaman
Weird Words, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Well-Endowed Chairs, Philip M. Cohen
"We Must All Hang Together ...", Robert Cass Keller
We Salute, Jeremy Morse
What Do They Mean?, Harold Jacobs
What is climax in central Indiana? A five-mile quadrat study, John E. Potzger and Ray C. Friesner
What Now? Not "Wow!": New Spoonerisms, Don Hauptman
What's In a Name?, Leonard R. N. Ashley
What's in a Name?, Boris Randolph
What's In? A Name!, Steve Kahan
What's In? A Name! - Part II, Steve Kahan
What's In? - A Name! - Part III, Steve Kahan
What's In? - A Name! - Part IV, Steve Kahan
What's In? - A Name! - Part V, Steve Kahan
What's In a Name (Powhatan?), A. Ross Eckler
What's the Good Word?, Philip M. Cohen
What's Yours, Fella?, Leonard R. N. Ashley
What Will They Think of Us?, M. H. Greenblatt
"When I Hear the Word 'Culture,' I Reach for my Pun!", Don Hauptman
Where They Are Coming From, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Whip, Whipped, and Doctors: Homer's Illiad and Camus' The Plague, Paula Saffire
Who's Afraid, Oscar Thumpbindle
Whose Science and whose Religion? Reflections on the Relations between Scientific and Religious Worldviews, Stuart Glennan
Who You Gonna Call?, Marc Allan
Why Theatre? A Study of Robert Wilson, Rachel Elinor Bennett
Windmills, Walter Shedlofsky
Word Association Crossword Puzzle, Temple G. Porter
Word Chains, Darryl Francis
Word Chess With a Vengeance, Jean C. Sabine
Word Groups, A. Ross Eckler
Word Groups With Mathematical Structure, A. Ross Eckler
Word Magic, Martin Gardner
Word Networks (Part 1), A. Ross Eckler
Word Networks (Part 2), A. Ross Eckler
Word-Pairs Differing in a Single Letter, A. Ross Eckler
Word Perfect, Dick Wolfsie
Word Play, Martin Gardner
Words from Dice, A. Ross Eckler
Words Having Three Rare Letters, Leslie E. Card and A. Ross Eckler
Words into Numbers, Darryl Francis
Words, Non-Words, Nonce Words, A. Ross Eckler
Word Squares, Alain Zalmanski and Nicolas Graner
Words With Two Doubled Letters, Philip M. Cohen
Words With Two Pairs of Like Letters, Darryl Francis
Words' Worth: A Review of Alphabet Juice, Don Hauptman
Word Tiling, Chris Cook
Word Torture, Ralph G. Beaman
Word Ways, Darryl Francis
Word Ways, Colloquy and Kickshaws, Susan Thorpe
Word Weights, Charles W. Bostick
Word Worm Maze, Mark J. P. Wolf
World Champ's Analysis, Jeff Grant
World Series - 1, Steve Kahan
Would the United States Doctrine of Preventative War be Justified as a United Nations Doctrine?, Harry van der Linden
Write to Left People, Steve Kahan
"X" as in Xerxes, Dmitri A. Borgmann
X-Terminated Words, Darryl Francis
You do what? Librarian positions within university/college teaching and learning environments, Sally Neal
Your Logological Assets, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Y U O I E A, Alan L. Wachtel
Zero Redundancy Rides Again, Darryl Francis