Content Posted in 2012
100 Quality 6-By-6 Word Squares, Dmitri A. Borgmann
10-By-10 Squares: Another Update, Frank Rubin
10-By-10 Squares: Progress Report, Frank Rubin
120 Supervocalic Permutations, Eric W. Chaikin
1970-Point One-Move Scrabble, Jeff Grant
300 Pharmacograms, Darryl Francis
368,435,456 Sonnet Anagrams, Mike Keith
38 Self-Descriptive Number Names, A. Ross Eckler
50 Best Canadian Placename Transpositions, Darryl Francis
5-By-5 Latin Word Squares, Leonard Gordon
5X5X5 Word Cubes By Computer, Donald E. Knuth
600 Transposals of UK Place Names, Darryl Francis
620 7x7 Squares WIth Geographical Palindromes, Zoran Radisavljevic
6x6 Magic Word Squares, Leonard Gordon
8-Letter and 9-Letter Word Networks, Leonard Gordon
A 15-by-15 Transposition Square, Luc Kumps
A 42-Letter Pangrammatic Window, Sean A. Irvine
A (5,4) Word Chain Network, Leonard Gordon
Abbreviations Without Ambiguities, A. Ross Eckler
A B C D E, Susan Thorpe
ABCDE in Dutch, Hugo Brandt Corstius
A Bilingual Pun is Twice the Fun, Richard Lederer
A Biography of Z. T. Sweeney, Robert E. Reeves
Able Was I Ere I Saw Yreka Bakery, Alfred Allen
A Bombastic Christmas: Discussion... Food!, Ara Shirinyan
Absolute Difference Words, Rex Gooch
Abstemious, Price, Fibonacci, Square Words, Rex Gooch
A Calculated Display, Susan Thorpe
A Card Trick Mnemonic Revisited, A. Ross Eckler
Accidental Ouroboros Word Worms in Running Text, Mike Keith
A Challenge Answered, Leonard Gordon
A Challenge Answered, Darryl Francis
A Chantant Ant Anthology, Roger E. Rondeau
A Checklist of Transposable People, Jeff Grant
Acknowledging the Corn, Peter Newby
A Classificiation of Metalleges, Darryl Francis
A Collection of Book Reviews, Edward Ulrich
A Collection of Nine-Squares, Richard Sabey
A Comber Comes a Cropper, Harry B. Partridge
A Conversation with Joe Blair, Mick Powers
Acrostic Variations, Susan Thorpe
A Day At The You Knighted Nay Shuns, John Holgate
Add A Million Words To Your Vocabulary, Nyr Indictor
A Dictionary of Letter Words, William E. Brandt Jr.
A Dutch Bigram Network, George J. Levenbach
Adventure in the Supermarket, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Advice to the Lovelorn, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Advice-Versa, Stephen Sniderman
Aeginrst Transdeleted, Darryl Francis
Aeinrst Extended, Darryl Francis
Aeinrst Transposals on the Internet, Darryl Francis
Aeinst +1 Words, Darryl Francis
AEIOU: 120 Known Human Beings, Eric Chaikin
AEIOU: A Thirty-Year Quest, Susan Thorpe
AEIOU In Order, Susan Thorpe
AEIOU In Order - Again!, Darryl Francis
AEIOU: Supervocalics in Webster's Third, Eric W. Chaikin
AEIOU Words In Biology: Part 1, Susan Thorpe
AEIOU Words In Biology: Part 2, Suan Thorpe
AEIOU(Y) Equations, Susan Thorpe
AEIOU(Y) Together, Susan Thorpe
AEIOUY Words, Susan Thorpe
Aerst Transposals, Jeff Grant
A Few Tricky Limericks, Douglas Greenwood
A Foul Ghoul Soul Loves Good Blood Food, Richard Lederer, Bob McKenty, and Alexian Gregory
A Four Seasons Word Network, A. Ross Eckler
Afterberners: An Assemblage of Nouns, Peter Newby
A Further Modified Ten-Square, Jeff Grant
A Geography Quiz, T.A. Hall
A Guide to Body English, Richard Lederer
A "Hare-Owing" Experience, Robert F. Fleissner
A History of Word Puzzling, Mary J. Hazard
A Homovocalic Survey, Susan Thorpe
Ain't Ain't the Same No More, Glenn G. Dahlem
"AITCH" Aches (Pierce on it!), A. Ross Eckler
A La Merci Des Bad Farceurs, Paul Maxim
"Alas, Alack!" Revisited, Trip Payne
Alice-Slice-Slick-Slack-Snack-Snark, A. Ross Eckler
A Line-End Alphabet Poem, Sir Jeremy Morse
All-Diagonal 4-Squares With Common Words, Rex Gooch
All-Diagonal 5-Squares With Simpler Words, Max Gutmann
All-Diagonal Eight-Squares, Rex Gooch
All-Diagonal Seven-Squares From The Oed, Rex Gooch
All-Diagonal Six-Squares With Familiar Words, Rex Gooch
All is Vanity, Faith W. Eckler
All Numbers Less Than 100 Are Interesting?, Dave Morice
All Roads Lead From Shakespeare, Michael Keith
All That She Had On Was The Radio, A. Ross Eckler
A Lode For Logastelli, Eric Albert
A Logological Game of Bridge, A. Ross Eckler
A Logological Geoquiz, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A Logological Tribute, Walter Shedlofsky
Alphabetically Ordered Prose, Richard Sabey
Alphabetical Patterns, A. Ross Eckler
Alphabetic Clusters, Jeff Grant
Alpha(Betic) To Omega, Jan Anderson
Alphabetic Trigrams and Tetragrams, Jeff Grant
Alphabet Plus Alpha, Nyr Indictor
Alphabet Poems: A Brief History, Nyr Indictor
Alphamagic Squares, Lee Sallows
Alphametish Cabell, Mike Keith
Alphanumerically Truthful Equations
Alphanumerically Truthful Equations, Rex Gooch
Alphomes, Susan Thorpe
Alphomic Phrases, Susan Thorpe
A Magical Pair of 6x6 Chemical Squares, Mike Keith
A Magic Tour of Europe, Jeremiah Farrell
A Maximal Panning Tree, A. Ross Eckler
Ambidextrous and Antidextrous Words, Rex Gooch
America Is A British Village, Peter Newby
A Mess Essay, Mama Mia!, A. Ross Eckler
A Modest Proposal, Bob Maier
A Modified Ten-Square, Jeff Grant
A Myth About the Bard, J. Karl Franson
An Abecedum of the Word for God, Alfred Lubran
An Abelian Alphabet?, Bernard E. M. Wren
Anacrograms 2: Acronyms; Singles; Phrases
Anacrograms: Prolegomenon To Acrostic Anagrams
An Adventurous Ramble in the Congo, Milos Emhecht
Anagramania, Charles Suhor
Anagram by Computer, Mike Morton
Ana-Gram-Mar Chains, Christopher McManus
Anagrammed Pseudonyms, O. V. Micaelsen
Anagramming Spiro Agnew, Mike Morton
Anagramming The Bible, Michael Keith
Anagram Quiz 5, Anil .
Anagram Quiz 6, . Anil
Anagram Quiz 7, . Anil
Anagram Quiz 8, . Anil
Anagrams and Antigrams: An Antigram, Michael Keith
Anagrams, Anyone?, David Shulman
Anagrams by Hand, Harry L. Stern
Ana Gram, The Juggler, Richard Lederer
An Alice Puzzle, Oscar Thumpbindle
An Alphabet Reversal Verse, A. Ross Eckler
A Name Game, Leonard R.N. Ashley
An American Army --, Edward Wolpow
An Anecdote: Agile Acrobat Avoids Accident, Lionel R. Simard
An A to Z of Ten-Squares, Rex Gooch
An Automatic Palindrome Generator, Bill A. O'Connor
And Sound As Sweet By Any Other Name?, Andrea Cantrell and Stephen J. Chism
An Early Work on Palindromes, Herbert Pfeiffer
An Elegy, Howard W. Bergerson
An Essay Concerning Human Understanding, Joshua Unikel
A New Approach to the Ten-Square, A. Ross Eckler
A New Approach to Transpositions, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A New Fourteen-Letter Transposition, Darryl Francis
A New Kind of Transposal Square, A. Ross Eckler
A New Look at the Jotto Problem, A. Ross Eckler
A New Presidential Rectangle, Darryl Francis
A New Transposal of Texas, Darryl Francis
A New Word Game, Enoch Haga
A New Wordsworth Word Square, Ted Clarke
A New Year's Diet, Darryl Francis
An Exceptional Story, Robert C. Layton
An Existential Alphabet, Nyr Indictor
Anglophone Friend or Foe?, Thomas L. Bernard
Anguish Languish, A. Ross Eckler
Animal Play, Susan Thorpe
An Improved Presidential Rectangle, Leonard Gordon
A Nine-Square With A Non-Palindrome Diagonal, Rex Gooch
A Nine-Square With The Remaining Diagonal, Rex Gooch
An Insomniac's Research Report, Frederick Crane
An Intense Application of the Principles of Grace, Lauren Leslie
An Interview with Richard Rodriguez, Susan Lerner
An Italo-Hebraic Bilingual Homophonous Poem, Ghil 'Ad Zuckermann
Annihilating an Anacyclic, Bill A. O'Connor
Announcement: Best Book in Hindu-Christian Studies
Ann Owed, Hugh Denham
A Note on 3-Dimensional Graphs, Leonard Gordon
Another Dictionary Curio, Christopher McManus
Another Mary Sonnet, Michael Keith
Another Palindromic Insertion, Jeff Grant
An Outing After Supper, Matthew Baker
An Overlap Chain of Town Names, Edward R. Wolpow
Answering The Sallows Challenge
Answers and solutions to puzzles in this issue
Answers To Bellamy's 500 Charades, A. Ross Eckler
Antarctic Words, Jeff Grant
Ants Are All Over, Robert C. Layton
An Unabbreviated 26-Letter Pangram, Jeff Grant
Anything Trilinear, Darryl Francis
A Pair of Pears Posers, Peter Newby
"A Pale Gold Raven" and Other Poems, John J. Bulten
A Palindromic Trilogy, Brian A. Lenertz
A Pangrammatic Six-Square, Jeff Grant
A Pastoral, Tim DeJong
A Poem, Martin Gardner
A Premodern Palindromic History, Howard Richler
A Presidential Word-Search, Ted Clarke
A Puzzler's Paradise, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A Quantitative Approach to Interestingness, A. Ross Eckler
A Ragman Lure, Pram Nag and Lido, Douglas C. Greenwood
A Recreational Linguistics Library, David Morice
A Reedable-Deerable Alphabet, Nyr Indictor
A Remarkable Revelation?, A. Ross Eckler and Darryl Francis
Arithmetical Morphology, Ted Clarke
Arthur's Alphabetic Annals, Dave Morice
Art Xtra, A. Ross Eckler
A Ryde Through The Country, William Young
A Sadistic Tic Tickler, Roger E. Rondeau
Ascending Magnitudes For K-Graphs, Dan Tilque
A Scrabble-Tile Poem, Michael Keith
A Screwball Baseball All-Star Team, William Young
A Seat In Loge A, Edward W. Wolpow
A Self-Enumerating Crossword, Lee Sallows
Asian Mormons, Stuart Kidd
Asleep In The Garden Of Dromes and Drows, James Puder
A Smaller Presidential Rectangle, Lee Sallows
A Soup Can Can Can-Can; Can You?, A. Ross Eckler
A Spooner-Assisted Ten-Square, Jeff Grant
Assorted Palindromes, Barry A. Duncan
A Statename Chain Revisited, Dan Tilque
Asteroid Prediction Tricks, Jeremiah Farrell
A Story with a Palindromic Larom, Andrew Belsey
A study of Aphrodite in Greek sculpture, Jessie Christian Brown
A Survey of Directed Word Chains, Leonard Gordon
A survey of the Roman Catholic Church within the United States, Carl Burkhart
A Symmetric Bestiary, Leonard Gordon
As You Like The Quem Quaeritis Trope, Robert F. Fleissner
A Third Olympic Quiz, Darryl Francis
A Transaddition Ancestry, Richard Sabey
A Tribute to Greatness, Dmitri A. Borgmann
A Trivia Challenge, Peter Newby
A True Word Square, A. Ross Eckler
Attractive Opposites, Richard Lederer
A Type Collection of CVCCVCCVC Words, A. Ross Eckler
A Type of Crypt, Faith W. Eckler
Author! Author! Author!, Richard Lederer
A Verse of Necromancy, Walter Shedlofsky
Avian Tautonyms, Susan Thorpe
A Visit With Dr. Letrix, Michael Keith
Avoid False Dichotomy in Higher Education: Be both Mission-Driven and Market-Smart, Jayne M. Comstock
A Word Graph Bestiary, Leonard Gordon and A. Ross Eckler
A Word-Sequence Game, Leonard Gordon
A Word Square of the Future, Jeff Grant
A Word String Network, A. Ross Eckler
A Word-Watcher's Abecedary, Christopher McManus
AZBY-Shiftwords: Edify, Story, Richard Sabey
Azorean: New Spelling for the 21st Century, Joli Quentin Kansil
Baby Talk, Kay Haugaard
Balanced Dreams, Susan Thorpe
Balanced Word Pairs, Darryl Francis
Balanced Words, Susan Thorpe
Bananagrams, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 10, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 11, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 12, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 13, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 14, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 15, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 16, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 17, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 18, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 19, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 2, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 20, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 21, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 22, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 4, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 5, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 6, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 7, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 8, Edmund Conti
Bananagrams 9, Edmund Conti
Banananames, . Anil and A. Ross Eckler
Banangrams 3, Edmund Conti
Barack Obama as Just War Theorist: The Libyan Intervention, Harry van der Linden
Barbara's Fart Creates a Fracas, Jill Rosenthal and Tony Saletan
Barcelona, Darryl Francis
Barnyard Charades, Christopher McManus
Base 27: The Key To A New Gematria, Lee Sallows
Baseball-O-Grams, Universagrams, J. Patrick Lewis
Base Pairs, Eric Iverson
Basketball Names, Timothy J. Wheeler
Basque Palindromes, Dan Tilque
Battus in Wonderland, Hugo Brandt Corstius
Bearing October, Sarah Marcus
Begin Now, Nick Montfort
Berserk Revel Grew Tough, Ha!, Mike Morton
Best Anagrams and Antigrams, O. V. Michaelsen
Best Scrabble Game, Best Clabbers Game, Stephen C. Root and Nathan Hedt
Beyond Agamemnon, Rex Gooch
Beyond Automynorcagrams, Richard Rankin
Beyond Long Nontrivial Transposals, Kyle Corbin
Beyond Quinquennially, Joel Funk
Bienapropisms, Richard Lederer
Boing!, William Webster
Book Review: "Baby Krishna, Infant Christ," Kristin Johnston Largen, Arun W. Jones
Book Review: "Brahman and Person: Essays by Richard De Smet", Bradley Malkovsky
Book Review: "Bringing the Sacred Down to Earth: Adventures in Comparative Religion," Corinne G. Dempsey, Chad Bauman
Book Review: "Dalit Theology and Dalit Liberation: Problems, Paradigms and Possibilities" by Peniel Rajkumar, Sathianathan Clarke
Book Review: "Hocus bogus," Gary, Romain., Sylvie Vanbaelen
Book Review: "Liturgy of Liberation: A Christian Commentary on Shankara's Upadesasahasri," Reid B. Locklin, Anantanand Rambachan
Book Review: "Ousmane Sembène: the making of a militant artist," Gadjigo, Samba., Sylvie Vanbaelen
Book Review: "Oxford Bibliographies: Hinduism and Christianity", Christopher R. Conway
Book Review: "Piety and Responsibility: Patterns of Unity in Karl Rahner, Karl Barth and Vedanta Desika," John N. Sheveland, Reid B. Locklin
Book Review: "Ramanuja and Schleiermacher: Toward a Constructive Comparative Theology," Jon Paul Sydnor, Sucharita Adluri
Book Reviews Table of Contents
Book Review - Steven Kahan, Karen Farrell
Books A-list Alist, Jan Anderson
Bookstore Names For Fun and Profit, Bennie Hollingsworth
Borgmann: The Man Behind The Legend, Faith W. Eckler
Borrowed English, Dan Tilque
Bosnia Pain (SOB!), Winfred S. Emmons
Bottom-Up Finds Some Squares Faster, Leonard Gordon
Boundary work: An interpretive ethnographic perspective on negotiating and leveraging cross-cultural identity, Noriko Yagi and Jill Kleinberg
Brain Teaser, Ove Michaelsen
Bringing Home the Cryptographic Bacon, A. Ross Eckler
Britannia Rules the Waves; Others Waive the Rules, Don Hauptman
British Car Registrations, Darryl Francis
Brit Wit: A Slang Quiz, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Bryan Furuness is Writing an Essay on Facebook Status Updates, Bryan M. Furuness
Building the Future - One College Graduate at a Time, Jayne M. Comstock
Buried States, Darryl Francis
Butler University Bulletin, Butler University
Butler University Jordan College of Fine Arts: A Chronological History of the Development of the College, Jack L. Eaton
Butterfly Transadditions, Susan Thorpe
Calendar Curiosa, Monte J. Zerger
Calling A Cat A Cat, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Can All Words Be Expressed As Sumagrams?, Daniel Austin
Canine Capers, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Canine Star Shined, Edward R. Wolpow
Can Math Limericks Survive?, Will Nediger
Can You Translate Esperanto?, Thomas E. Murray
Captain Smith's Vlgrie, George H. Scheetz
Card Deck Wordplay, A. Ross Eckler
Cards, Dice, and Horses, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Card-Shuffle Anagrams, Michael Keith
Careless Feet, Martin Gardner
Carnival Speech: Making the Jump, Sarah Hautzinger
Caroline and Chums, Rex Gooch
Caroline, Neustria, Aeilnorst, Barcelona, Darryl Francis
Castaway Numbers, David Morice
Caulfield and Copperfield, Robert F. Fleissner
'Cause the Bible Told Me So, Martin Gardner
C Can Cause Cancer, William Gillespie
Celebrity One-Word Anagrams, Michael Keith
Centerpieces - 1, Steve Kahan
Century Words, Susan Thorpe
Changing Male name Fashions 1870-1950, A. Ross Eckler
Characterization of esterase activity from the bacteria, Francisella tularensis, the causative agent of tularemia, Leigh Anna Weston
Charade Cubes, Christopher McManus
Cheater's Palindromes: Part 1, Walter Fretlaw
Cheater's Palindromes: Part 2, Walter Fretlaw
Cheater's Palindromes: Part 3, Walter Fretlaw
Cheater's Palindromes: Part 4, Walter Fretlaw
Chemical Improvements, Edward R. Wolpow
Chemical Symbols of Elements 110 and Beyond, Darryl Francis
China, Matthew Batt
Chinese Stepladders, Leonard J. Gordon
Chiral Recognition Study of a Bimolecular Process in Amino Acid Chiral Ionic Liquids, Laurel Millikan Heckman
Chit-Chat and Bibble-Babble, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Christology after Dominus Iesus: the Early Panikkar As a Creative Resource, Erik Ranstrom
Classic Latin Palindromes, Ove Michaelsen
Climbing The White-House Ladder, Leonard Gordon
Clock Words, Susan Thorpe
Codebreaker Grids, Peter Newby
Coinicons: A New Word Game, Nyr Indictor
Collectible Words, Alfred Lubran
Collinear Words, Leonard Gordon
Color Transposals, Darryl Francis
Comment on "Ladies' Diary Riddle - An Answer", Jim Puder
Comments on Some Common Words, Robert J. Wilson
Common 4x4 Wordsquares, Leonard Gordon
Common Acronym Words, Chris Cole
Common Ground, William Webster
Common Place Names, Dan Tilque
Compass Curios, Christopher McManus
Compassionate Conservative, Mike Morton
Compass Roses, Rex Gooch
Competitive Word Squares, Peter Newby
Complementary Letters and Words, Rex Gooch
Compound Fractions, Peter Newby
Computer Anagrams: Not Much Progress, Mike Morton
Computer Jotto and Crash, Leonard Gordon
Concrete Considerations, Edward R. Wolpow
Confessions of a Psycho Killer, Mark Saltveit
Consistent Sesquipedalianism Update, Jeff Grant
Consonants in Order, Susan Thorpe
Constrained Pyramids, Susan Thorpe
Consumer Choice Tactics for Common, Repeat Purchase Products: Using Tissues and Deodorant to Predict and Understand Consumer Behavior, Alicia Elizabeth Dixon
Contrary Cognomina, John Holgate
Counting With Your Fingers, Eric Iverson
Cracking The Pi-Code, Dave Morice
Crazy As A Betsy Bug, Mary Christine Craig
Cringe Binge: More Media Bloopers and Ephemera, Don Hauptman
Crossnumber Forms, David Morice
Cross of Understanding, Walter Shedlofsky
Crossword, Derrick Niederman
Cruel Unending Drama, Mike Keith
Crypotograms on the Prowl, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Cryptickles, Vernon D. Maclaren
Currency Events, Steve Kahan
Curricular Review: Supporting the Move to Digital Tools for Audio and Video Production 1, Christine Taylor
Cyclic Difference Words, Rex Gooch
Dalend Talent: Dutch Purple Turtles, Hugo Brandt Corstius
Daniel, Alissa Nutting
Darehitsfibertyros!, William Webster
Dark Stars, Ethel Rohan
Day and Color Packing, Darryl Francis
Deaf Aged Cabbage Dead, Peter Wesley-Smith and Martin Wesley-Smith
Dealy Deli Specials, Doctor Duck
Dear Computer, Is The Letter-String A Word?, Michael Keith
Death: A Logological Perspective, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Deb Abed, Jeff Grant
Debra and Theresa Shop, William Webster
December, Laura Read
Deep In A Can I Peed, John E. Connett
Definitive Anagrams: M-O, . Anil
Degendrification of Modern English, Steven Cushing
"Demi Ran, Nan," Anna Rimed, Jim Puder
Denser Yet, And Yet Less Dense, Rex Gooch
Designer Isomorphs, Susan Thorpe
Designing a List for Word Squares, Leonard Gordon
Development of the femur of the cat, E. A. Brown
Diagonal-Letter Words, Eric Iverson
Dialect Drinking, Jeff Grant
Dial N for Negative, Don Sharp
Dictionary Symphony, David Morice
Dictionary Words, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Did Xanadu Derive From Xamdu or Xaindu?, Robert F. Fleissner
"Did You Just Make That Up?" Puns in Everyday Conversation, Don Hauptman
Did You Write A Shakespearean Sonnet?, A. Ross Eckler
Directed Word Chain Networks (Part 1), A. Ross Eckler
Directed Word Chain Networks (Part 2), Leonard Gordon
Directed Word Chain Networks (Part 3), Leonard J. Gordon
Disguising the KGB Senorita, Peter Newby
Dog Doo? Good God!, Win Emmons
Do Mamaroneckers Like to Neck?, Mary Stewart Craig
Don Quixote Pangrams, A. Ross Eckler
Don't Waste Words: Recycle!, Jan Anderson
Double Digrams, Timothy J. Wheeler
Double Doubles, Susan Thorpe
Double or Nothing, Barry Duncan
Double, Triple, and Quadruple Bigrams, Kyle Corbin
Double Word Squares, Jeff Grant
Double Word Squares From Scrabble Tiles, Mike Keith
Doubly-True Alphametics, Leonard Gordon
Doubly True Alphametics in Base 27, Leonard Gordon
Drawn Inward and Other Poems: Part 1, Mike Maguire
Drawn Inward and Other Poems: Part 2, Mike McGuire
Dream Sequence, Matthew K. Franklin
Dr. Ford's Palindromia, David Woodside
Drow Rot or Word?, Peter Newby
Dr. Pangloss's Puzzle, Nyr Indictor
Dual Cryptograms, M. Douglas McIlroy
Dual Perms, Rex Gooch
Dude, Not One Dud!, Win Emmons
Dutch Number-Names Are Interesting Too, Hugo Brandt Corstius
Dynamaic Trios, Richard Lederer
Dynamic Trios, Richard Lederer
Easter Island Scrabble Championships, Jeff Grant
Edge Words, Susan Thorpe
Edith Plays Word Treblecross, Jeremiah Farrell
Editor's Introduction, Bradley Malkovsky
Ed's Palindromic Trickery, John E. Connett
Edwin Pitzpatrick, Palindromist, Robert Funt
Effects of exposure to low, ecologically relevant doses of atrazine on somatic and gonadal development in American toad (Bufo americanus) tadpoles, Tyler Davis Hoskins
Egdopegdoh, John Ferguson
Eggshells-1, Steve Kahan
Eight-Letter Metalleges, John J. Bulten
Eight-Squares in Webster's Second, Eric Albert
Einschwein's Magic Numbers, Lee Sallows
Electricity, Chris Smith
Electronic Word Search Programs, Anthony Sebastian
Elemental, My Deat Watson, A. Ross Eckler
Elementary Combinations, Darryl Francis
Elementary Transadditions, Darryl Francis
Elf Eyrie, Jan Anderson
Elf Eyrie, Jan Anderson
Elf Eyrie, Jan Anderson
Elvis For Everyone, Darryl Francis
Elvis Lives, Darryl Francis
Embedding Hamlet In Pi, Mike Keith and A. Ross Eckler
Embedding Many Words in Pi, A. Ross Eckler
Emit Time Item, Michael Keith
Ending the Cycle of Child Sex Slavery in Cambodia, Carmen Marie Murphy
End Play, Faith W. Eckler
English and What Does She Mean?, Charlton Lawrence Edholm
"English for Today" Anagrammed, Barry Tunick
English in Foreign Dress, Leonard R.N. Ashley
English Loanwords in Japanese TV Ads, Richard R.P. Gabbrielli
English Words From Greek Letters, Darryl Francis
Enlarging Dutch Tautonyms, Hugo Brandt Corstius
Enlarging English Tautonyms, A. Ross Eckler
Equine Equivocations, Brooks H. Rohde
Erotic English, Richard Lederer
Escaped from the Language-Lab, Rudy Kousbroeck
Etaoin Shrdlu Non-Crashing Sets, Donald E. Knuth
Ethical and religious values in Lotze's philosophy, John Wesley Burkhardt
Ethnic Onomastics, Thomas L. Bernard
Eth Rat Coed Face, William Webster
Etymology of Sexual Terms, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Eulerian Magic Word Squares, Leonard Gordon
Euler Path Words, Eric Iverson
Eva, Eh? In A Can I Heave!, John E. Connett
Eva: Palindromic Chaos In A Cave, Bill A. O'Connor
Even More Long Words From the OED, Darryl Francis
Every Word-Pair In This Set Has One Crash, A. Ross Eckler
Evolutionary Anagrams, Susan Thorpe
Excerpts From Two Lists, Bryan M. Furuness
Exchanging Antonyms, Susan Thorpe
Exemplary!, Mike Meginnis
Extreme Syllabification, A. Ross Eckler
Exuberance, A Motivation for Language, Allen Walker Read
Eye Spoonerisms, . Anil
Fabulous Creatures, Jeff Grant
Facing the End, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Facing the Fear: A Free Market Approach for Economic Expression, Nancy J. Whitmore
Fair is Foul and Foul is Fair, Howard Richler
False Spanish Friends, Jay Ames
Familiarity Breeds Confusion, Richard Lederer
Famous Last Anagrams, John Holgate
Famous Scrabble Quotes, John Holgate
Fantasia for the Left Hand, William Zinsser
Farmland Preservation: A Broad Perspective From Indiana, Stephen W. Leatherman
Fast To The Foc's'le, Facile Fossil!
Fatback's Setback, A. Ross Eckler
Fictitious Names, Robert M. Rennick
Fifteen Alphabetic Playlets, Nyr Indictor
Fifteen-Letter Transdeletion Pyramids, Darryl Francis
Five-Letter Connoisseur's Ladders, Rex Gooch
Five-Letter Internal Palidromes, Bruce Pyne
Five-Letter Overlap Word Chains, Leonard Gordon
Fledge Ledge Edge, Jan Anderson
Fledge Ledge Edge, Jan Anderson
Fledge Ledge Edge, Jan Anderson
Fledge Ledge Edge, Jan Anderson
Flemish Giants, Susan Yount
Foldedness Factor In Letter Arrays, James Puder
Folk Etymology, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Footwords to Howl, For Solomon, Onon Gonsborg
For Some Reason Cheese, Stephen J. Chism
Fortune Cookie Fortunes, Dave Morice
Forwards and Backwards Words, Rex Gooch
Four Byte Word Text News, John Henrick
Four From Four Isn't Zero, John Henrick
Four-Letter Super Connoisseur's Ladders, Rex Gooch
Four-Letter Word Network Update, Leonard J. Gordon
Four Out of Five, Jeff Grant
Foursquares:Four Letter Word Fun, Don Morrison
Four Universal-Recipient Words, Susan Thorpe
Fourwords, Anthony Sebastian and Renee Merriam
Foxen in the Henhice, Richard Lederer
F. P. Ramsey, Meet Scrubwoman Edith, Jeremiah Farrell
Fractured English Defractured, Don Hauptman
French and German translations of Shakespeare, May Brayton
Fresh Silo Polish, Serf!, Patrick O'Brien
From Djeffrey to Jyfree, Jeff Grant
from The Book of Time, Michael Bazzett
Front Cover and Publication Information, Vollume 26 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 19, Number 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 20 Number 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 20 Number 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 20 Number 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 20 Number 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 21, Number 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 21, Number 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 21, Number 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 21 Number 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 22 Number 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 22 Number 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 22 Number 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 22 Number 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 23 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 23 Number 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 23 Number 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 23 Number 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 24 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 24 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 24 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 24 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 25 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 25 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 25 Number 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 25 Number 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 26 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 26 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 26 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 27 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 27 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 27 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 27 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 28 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 28 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 28 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 28 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 29 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 29 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 29 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 29 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 30 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 30 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 30 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 30 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 30 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 31 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 31 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 31 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 31 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 32 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 32 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 32 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 32 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 33 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 33 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 33 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 33 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 34 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 34 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 34 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 34 Issue 4, Jeremiah Farrell
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 35 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 35 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 35 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 35 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 36 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 36 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 36 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 36 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 37 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information Volume 37 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 37 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 37 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 38 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 38 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 38 Issue 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 38 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 39 Issue 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 39 Issue 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 39 Issue 4
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 45, Number 1
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 45, Number 2
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 45, Number 3
Front Cover and Publication Information, Volume 45, Number 4
Full Many A Sonnet End-Word Have I Seen, Mike Keith
Full-Name Palindromes, Jeff Grant
Fumbling and Stalling: More Editorial Lapses, Don Hauptman
Funny Plurals, Chris Cole
Funny Words 4, . Anil
Furry Dale, David Galef
Further Cracks in the Pi-Code, Michael Keith
Further Fabled Phrases, Peter Newby
Further Struggles With A Ten-Square, G. H. Ropes
Further Transposals From the Dictionary of American Regional English, Darryl Francis
Gag Me With A Spoonerism, Richard Lederer
Games on Nonsymmetic Word Configurations, Jeremiah Farrell
Games on Word Configurations, Jeremiah Farrell
Gap, David Morice
Genealogic, David Morice
Generalised Fibonacci Sums In Words, Rex Gooch
Generalized Alternades: Part 1, Rex Gooch
Generalized Alternades: Part 2, Rex Gooch
Geograms and Internet Logology, Nyr Indictor
Geometeric Letters, Susan Thorpe
Geometrical Words: Part 1, Susan Thorpe
Geometrical Words: Part 2, Susan Thorpe
German Humour, Peter Newby
Gerunding, Ron Singer
"Get Out of Your Cave And Smell The Coffee!" Many More Mixed Metaphors and Malaphors, Dan Hauptman
Getting Around in Wordland, Leonard Gordon
Getting It All Together, Leonard Gordon
Ghostbusters, Alan Frank
Glenelg: History of a Palindrome, Dan Tilque
Glossery, Nyr Indictor
Going Home, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Goose Thighs Rehashed, Christopher McManus
Grandma Clancy's Cootherman Box, Timothy G. Clancy
Graphing the Proverbs, Leonard Gordon
Greenwood Grammar, Douglas Greenwood
Groucho Plays Scrabble, John Holgate
-Gry Words In The OED, A. Ross Eckler
Guggenheim Sentences, A. Ross Eckler
Gulf War Communiques, Howard Richler
Gull-Day-Looks Enter Tree Bars, William E. Brandt
Gypsy Hobby Gry, Harry B. Partridge
Haiku Maze, David Morice
Half-Alphabet Nursery Rhymes, A. Ross Eckler
Half and Half Words, A. Ross Eckler and Eric Iverson
Half-Half Transposals, Susan Thorpe
Half-Palindromic Words, Mark Saltveit
Halfway Words, Christopher McManus
Hallucinations Brought on by Inclement Weather, J.A. Tyler
Hard-Working Words, Chris Cole
Headlines I Have Loved, Mary Christie Craig
Headshots and Footprints, Eric Iverson
Headshots and Footprints Revsisted, Susan Thorpe
Heavyweight Terms, Darryl Francis
Hebrew or Japanese?, Solomon W. Golomb
He Hates Smith, David Morice
He's A Dirty Bird, Mary Stewart Craig
Het Clabbers Downplay, William Webster
Heterogrammatic Eight-Squares, Rex Gooch
Heterogrammic Word Squares, A. Ross Eckler
Heterograms and Their Alphomes, Susan Thorpe
Heterograms With No Adjacent Letters, Rex Gooch
Het Eten (The Eating), Hugo Brandt Corstius
Het Fryer Dire, William Webster
Hey, Dog - Run (No Sweat!), Doug Nufer
Hidden Bard, Richard Lederer
Higher Cardinal Transposals, Darryl Francis
Higher Ed "International Exchange Rate" Leaves Intellectual Capital Behind, Jayne M. Comstock
High-Scoring Scrabble Words, Darryl Francis
History, Audrey Walls
History Reinterpreted, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Hodgepodge, John Ferguson
Holy Mackerel, Mr. Rice!, Robert C. Layton
Homos and Heteros: The Truth Revealed, Rex Gooch
Honorificabilitudinitatibus: A Sonata, William Gillespie
Horse Latitudes, Robert Rebein
Horsing Around With Swift, Robert F. Fleissner
Hot Sun, Or Life in a Car, Darryl Francis
How Big is English?, Chris Cole
How Likely Are Duplicate Anagrams, A. Ross Eckler
How Many Alphomes Are There?, Rex Gooch
How Many Anagrams Are There?, Rex Gooch
How Many Words Support a Square?, A. Ross Eckler
How Sweet is it, really? The Anomalous Effects of Glucose at Retrieval, Sarah A. Gillott
How to Increase Your Vocabulary
How to Make a Beginning, Aubrey Ryan
How to Name the Residents, Vernon D. Maclaren
How to Pack Months, Presidents and States, David S. Robinson
Hunting The Ten-Square, Rex Gooch
Hypersyllabic and Oligosyllabic Words, Hugo Brandt Corstius
Identifying Authors by Lexicostatistics: 1, Enoch Haga
I Felt, Y'Know Like Wow, Leonard R. N. Ashley
I Hear America Talking: Now Slang, Leonard R. N. Ashley
I Love to be Squoze, Mary Christie Craig
Imaginary People for You to Meet, Leonard R. N. Ashley
I'm (Alas!) A Salami, Win Emmons
Immeasurably Fishy, Don Laycock
I'm Now Challenging Abysmal Pen, A. Ross Eckler
Importunate Permutation: Aphorstical Parochialist, Stuart Kidd
Incompatible Strings, Lee Sallows
Indiana State Board of Health In-House Open File Data Collection Search. Planning and Development Region 1B-Jasper, Newton, Pulaski, Starke, Butler University
Indian Givers: Amerindian State Names, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Information From the Highest Quarters, Thomas L. Bernard
In Goodly Gree: With Goodwill, George H. Scheetz
In Quest of a Pangram (Part 1), Lee Sallows
In Quest of a Pangram (Part 2), Lee Sallow
In Search of the Ten-Square, Jeff Grant
Insertion-Deletion Networks, A. Ross Eckler
Insertion-Deletion Networks, Leonard J. Gordon
Integrating Students into the Operation of a University-Owned Television Station, Christine Taylor
Internal Isomorphs, Susan Thorpe
In the Beginning, Jeremiah F. Farrell
Introduction to Word Graphing, Leonard Gordon
Inversion Squares, Frank Rubin
In Words of One Syllable, Frederick Crane
IOUEA: A Creative Coup, Stuart Kidd
IOUEA: A Cretaceous Coup, Susan Thorpe
Irish Bulls, Dmitri A. Borgmann
"Ironing the Bugs Out": Mixed Metaphors, Don Hauptman
"Is Anal Retentive Hyphenated?": Self-Referential Humor, Don Hauptman
Is English Gematria?, Barry Chamish
Isidore Ducasse précurseur d'Odilon Redon. L'hypotypose en noir et blanc., Eloise Sureau-Hale
Is It A Satiety? Yes!, A. Ross Eckler
ISMS Taler, William Webster
Isograms: The Sequel, Rex Gooch
"Is That a Pun in Your Pocket, Or...?", Don Hauptman
Is That Letter-String Really A Word?, A. Ross Eckler
Is that so? Would you believe?, Jan Ackerson
It's A Jumble Out There, James Puder
It's a Sonnet (Not Sestina), Mike Keith
It's Greek to Me, Leonard R. N. Ashley
It's Raining, It's Pouring, Kay Haugaard
I've Broken My Word, Leonard Gordon
Jade, Darryl Francis
Jailhouse Businesswoman Discourages Gregarious Darrelhousing, Darryl Francis
Japanese Heist-Slang, Peter Constantine
Jesuit-Ignatius Palindromes, Jim Puder
Joaquin Through The Pangram Window, Eric Chaikin
Joel David Funk, Joel David Funk
Julian Calendar Verse, Jan Anderson
Junctures: An Abecedum, Alfred Lubran
Junk Palindrome Email, David B. Woodside
Katie and Jay, An Odious Essay, Nick Montfort
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, Murray Pearce
Kickshaws, Willard R. Espy
Kickshaws, Edward R. Wolpow
Kickshaws, Eric Albert
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Richard Lederer
Kickshaws, Richard Lederer
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Susan Thorpe
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, Dave Morice
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
Kickshaws, David Morice
Kickshaws, David L. Silverman
King's-Move Word Packing, A. Ross Eckler
Knight's-TourLetterSquares, Michael Keith
Knotted Word Worms, Michael Keith
Kophobelemnonidae, Jeff Grant
Labeling A List With Unique Identifiers, A. Ross Eckler
Ladders Summary, Rex Gooch
Ladder Words, Susan Thorpe
Lamb Chops, My Weanling Eanling?
Lame Duck or Swan Song?, Robert C. Layton
Larger Letter Trees, Rex Gooch
Last But Not Ceased: Puns in Real Life Situations, Don Hauptman
Lattice Play, Christopher McManus
Lead Quayle In!, David Morice
Lear's In Israel?, Ghil'ad Zuckermann
Leigh Mercer, Palindromist, A. Ross Eckler
Les Chants de maldoror: plaisir de la négation, négation du plaisir, Eloise Sureau-Hale
Lets Trade Phantom Monkeys, Hugo Brandt Constius
Letter and Word Frequencies, Rex Gooch
Letter Banks From The Chemical Elements, Darryl Francis
Letter Banks of the Capitals, Will Nediger
Letter-Deletion Acrostics, Fraser Simpson
Letter-Deletions: A type Collection, Darryl Francis
Letter Frequencies and Word Lengths, Rex Gooch
Letter Lengths, Eric Iverson and A. Ross Eckler
Letter Perfect, Richard Lederer
Letter-Perfect Word Games, Richard Lederer
Letter Repetition in Web 3, Chris Cole
Letter-Shift Words In the OSPD, Leonard J. Gordon
Letters of the Presidents, A. Ross Eckler
Letter Spirals, Michael Keith
Letter Sums and Differences, Eric Iverson
Letter Trees, Eric Iverson
Let Your Fingers Do The Wordplay, Michael Keith and Dave Mroice
Lewis Carroll and Douglas Adams, Will Nediger
Lewis Carroll's Word Ladders, Leonard J. Gordon
Lexicographers' Lib, Kay Haugaard
Licensed Confusion, Mike Morton
Life Lessons To Be Learned From The Extinct, Robin Black
Life's Secret Files, Susan Thorpe
Lighter and Heavier, Susan Thorpe
Light Verse for the Logologist, John Newton
Lima Item, William Webster
Limberlost, Kelcey Parker
Linguistic Thoughts At Random, A. Ross Eckler
Lipograms and Other Contraints, A. Ross Eckler
Listen to the Mocking Word, William Tunstall-Pedoe
Literary Cryptarithmetic By Computer, Leonard J. Gordon
Literary Lipogrammatic Windows, Michael Keith
Literate Cryptarithmetic, Peter Newby
Living Ten-Squares, A. Ross Eckler
Logogensis, Alan De Wenzer
Logological Epistolography, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Logological Resistentialism, A. Ross Eckler
Logo Rythms, John Henrick
Logozoology, Richard Lederer
Loldigocks and the Bhree Tears, William Brandt Jr.
London Underground (Tube) Names, Darryl Francis
London Wordplay, Darryl Francis
Long Pair Isograms, Jeff Grant
Long Palindromes From A to Z, Jeff Grant
Long Trails of Etymology, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Long Words In The OED, Darryl Francis
Long Word Weaves, Rex Gooch
Look Back!, A. Ross Eckler
Look Back!, A. Ross Eckler
Looney's My Name, But I'm Not Insane, Mary Christine Craig
Looping, Grouping and Aligning the Vowels, Susan Thorpe
Lord of the Ralphs, John McNally
L'Orlanda de Jacqueline Harpman: Virginia Woolf rencontre Carl Gustav Jung, Sylvie Vanbaelen
Love and Mono, Bryan M. Furuness
Love Letters, Gary Roma
Lycanthropus Palindromis, James Puder
Lyrical Palindromes, Mark J. Russell
Mad Adam?, John E. Connett
Madam, I'm Adam (Sir, I'm Iris), Howard Richler
Mad Dashes, Richard Lederer
Maggie Had A Little Pigpen, Peter Newby
Magic Square Logology, A. Ross Eckler
Magic Square Magic, Jeremiah Farrell
Magic Word Squares: A Challenge
Ma, Is a Fool as Aloof as I am?, Bruce Young
Ma Is A Nun, As I Am, Win Emmons
"Ma is the Measure of All Things": A Linguistic Potpourri, Don Hauptman
Making the Alphabet Dance, David Morice
Malaproverbs, Neo-Adages, Wrongerisms
Mallarme's Cigar-Sonnet: Part 1, Paul Maxim
Mallarme's Cigar-Sonnet: Part 2, Paul Maxim
Mallarme, Word-Painter of Comets, Paul Maxim
Mama, Me Shemighvinianebia, Harry B. Partridge
Mammal Magic, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Mammary Vowelindromes, Jeff Grant
Manias, Alfred Lubran
Manners, Victoria Bosch Murray
Man of the Field, Gary Dop
Manual D'Enigmistica, Jesus Llado
Maori Rolls Update, Jeff Grant
Maoris: A Word Puzzle, Jeremiah Farrell
Mapping Mercator, Walt Quader
Marceauisms, Peter Delin
March 2012 - Digital Minute Issue 15, Brad Matthies
Mary Had a Letter Lamb, Richard Lederer
Mary Had a Little Lampoon, David Morice
Mary's Little Anagram, A. Ross Eckler
Mary's Wayward Letter-Lambs, James Puder
Matched Terminal Deletions, Rex Gooch
Mathematics And Wordplay, Martin Gardner
Mathematics of Square Construction, Chris Long
Mathematics of Word Quality, Chris Long
Maxwell's Demon, Elizabeth Hazen
Meaningful Offspring, Susan Thorpe
Mean Words, William Butler Yeats
Medical Curiosities, John Holgate
Medical Flowers, Horticultural Ailments, William E. Brandt Jr.
Mediocre Napoleonic Palindromes, Howard Richler
Medjugorje, Charles Booth
Merriam-Webster: Voice of Authority, Trip Payne
M.G.M -- A Palindromic Legend, Peter Newby
Miami Words, Susan Thorpe
Middle Names, William Webster
Minimal Word Ladders, Kyle Corbin
Minimum-Length Pangrammatic Ladders, Leonard J. Gordon
Miscommunication Code Words, Chris Cole
Mississauga, Canada's Oddest City, Howard Richler
Mixed Reviews, A. Ross Eckler
Mixed-Up Classics, Jeff Grant
Mizmaze: The Labyrinth of Lanugage, Dave Morice
Mnemonics for Overlapping Groups, A. Ross Eckler
Modern Nine-Squares, Chris Cole
Modular Ladders, Leonard Gordon and A. Ross Eckler
Moi et 'Autre: identità et diversité dans un cours sur le film francophone, Sylvie Vanbaelen and Corienne Etienne
Montey, A Word Game Hustle, Jeremiah Farrell
Moore or Less the Night Before Christmas, Jan Anderson
Moose Laurels: New Spoonerisms, Part 1, Don Hauptman
Moose Laurels, Part 2: Story Spoonerisms, Don Hauptman
More Albuquerque Words, Steve Kahan
More Alphabetic Clusters, Darryl Francis
More Balanced Word Pairs, Rex Gooch
More Chemical Element Letter Banks, Rex Gooch
More Elementary Improvements, Susan Thorpe
More Insertion-Deletion Networks, Leonard J. Gordon
More Letter Conundrums, Vernon D. MacLauren
More London Wordplay, John J. Bulten
More Long Words from the OED, Darryl Francis
More Martin Magic, Jeremiah Farrell
More Middle Names, Jeff Grant and Pat Grant
More Mixed Reviews, A. Ross Eckler
More Morse, Susan Thorpe
More Nice N-Isograms, Eric Chaikin
More Palindromes, Rex Gooch
More Phallicdromes, Win Emmons
More Purple Turtles (Part 1), Susan Thorpe
More Purple Turtles (Part 2), Rex Gooch
More Quality Word Squares, Dmitri A. Borgmann
More Sliding-Letter Puzzles, Mike Keith
More Transposable Names, David S. Robinson
More Word Network Spasns in the OSPD, Leonard J. Gordon
More Words Newfound, Words Reobserved, Darryl Francis
Mother of Anagrams, Susan Thorpe
Mothers and Their Vowels, Thomas L. Bernard
Mothman, Jeremy Tinder
Mucho Ado About "Nothing", Thomas L. Bernard
Multiple Bigrams, Susan Thorpe
Murderous Wordplay, Peter Newby
Musical Wordboxes, Christopher McManus
Must Be Nice, Bryan M. Furuness
My Best Canadian Place Name Transadditions, Darryl Francis
My First Ten-Square, Rex Gooch
My Life in the Headlines, William Young
My New Pals, Susan Thorpe
Mysterious Precognitions, Martin Gardner
Mystery Mammals, Dmitri A. Borgmann
My Struggle with a Ten-Square, G. H. Ropes
Name Those Presidents!, Richard Lederer
Naming the Chronisms, Paul Dickson
Naming the Schwarzkopf Baby, Robert Cass Keller
Nationali-Tease, Stephen Sniderman
Naughty Words in British Placenames, Darryl Francis
Nautical Creativity, Thomas J. Palumbo
N-Ciphered Texts, Donald E. Knuth
Neal, Norma and Ronald, Jeff Grant and Pat Grant
Near-Alternating Vowels and Consonants, A. Ross Eckler
Near-Ideal Eight-Letter Word Ladders, Rex Gooch
Near-Ideal Nine-Letter Word Ladders, Rex Gooch
Neologisms for the New Millennium, Ove Michaelsen
Nepenthe, Joe Sacksteder
Nested Word Squares, Leonard Gordon and A. Ross Eckler
Never Again, Doug Nuffer
New Categories of Typewriter Words, Susan Thorpe
New Elemental VIstas, Dmitri A. Borgmann
New Five-Letter Palindromes, Jeff Grant
New German Triple-Letter Words, Jim Puder
New Lighweights and Heavyweights, Susan Thorpe
New Pair Isograms, Darryl Francis
New Palindromes, Jeff Grant
New Palindromes, Susan Thorpe
New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English, Robert Cass Keller
New Phonetic Name Search Algorithm, Alan Frank
New Punctuation, New Meaning, David G. Armstrong
New Record Pangrammatic Windows, Mike Keith
New Transposals of California Placenames, Darryl Francis
New Word Palindromes, Will Shortz
New Zealand Scrabblers' Anagrams, Jeff Grant
Nine-Square Round-Up, Rex Gooch
Nine Square WIth Palindromic Diagonal, Rex Gooch
Noah's Consonants, Susan Thorpe
Nobody's News, Dave Morice
No Gnus is Good Gnus, Jim Puder
Nomen Est Omen, Harry B. Partridge
Nomen Est Ominous, John Holgate
Non-Standard Conjugations, Andy Liu
Non-Transitive Word Games, Jeremiah Farrell
Nonverbal Vocalization, Maxey Brooke
Norfolk Island Lanugage, Jeff Grant
"Not New York" Roy Went On, John E. Connett
Not Seeing Double, Steve Kahan
Noun-Sense, Stephen Sniderman
Number Name Equations, Susan Thorpe
Number Names in Words and Phrases, Rex Gooch
Number-Names Revisited, Rex Gooch
Number Names With A Snowball Letter Distribution, Eric Harshbarger and Mike Keith
Numbers Functioning As Nouns, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Number Trees and Networks, A. Ross Eckler and David Mroice
Numerically Equivalent Letter Replacements, Susan Thorpe
Numerical Palindromes: Part 1, Susan Thorpe
Numerical Palindromes: Part 2, Rex Gooch
Numerical Palindromes: The Next Generation, Susan Thorpe
Numerical Rhymes, Susan Thorpe
Numerical Simulation of Nonlinear Wave Propagation with Application to Geophysical Prospecting, Andrew M. Smith
Nurses Run, John E. Connett
Of Kangaroos and Joeys, Richard Lederer
Of Visa For The Mind, Faith W. Eckler
Of Vowels and Things, John Foster
Oh, Cello Full of Echoes, Herbert Pfeiffer
Oh, You Beast!, Kay Haugaard
Oiliqo, The Looking-Glass Crab, Jim Puder
Old Saws Repaired, Christopher McManus
Ominous Worldly Maxims, Christopher McManus
Omitted Letters in Crosswords, Jeremy Morse
On Babbage and Babbling, Enoch Haga
On Beyond Zillion, Nyr Indictor
On Constructing Long Words, Dmitri A. Borgmann
On Converting Numbers Into Words, Anthony Sebastian
One Alphabet Scrabble, Richard Sabey
One-letter Words: A Dictionary, A. Ross Eckler
One More, Elvis, A. Ross Eckler
One Sup Honor Thyme, Peter Newby
On Location With AEIOU, Susan Thorpe
On Location With Pair Isograms, Susan Thorpe
Onomastic Anomaly: New South Wales, THomas I. Bernard
Onomastic Puns, Robert M. Rennick
Onomatopoeia and Language Perception, Joshua Nash
Onomatopoeia: The Daily Grind, A. Ross Eckler
Onomatopoeia: Things That Go Bump, A. Ross Eckler
On Palindromes, Richard Lederer
On Pruning Trees for Pangrams, Leonard Gordon
On Reflexivity in Words, Anthony Sebastian
On Staging "Boojum!", Martin Wesley-Smith
On Teaching Palindromes, Steven J. Chism
On The Abundance of Palindromes, Jim Puder
On the Table, Henri Picciotto
On the Violence of Systemic Violence: A Critique of Slavoj Žižek, Harry van der Linden
On Word-Botching, Ted Clarke
Opening A Can of Words, Don Hauptman
Opera's Not Over 'Til Arepo Returns, Peter Newby
Oprah's Not Over 'Til Harpo Returns, Bert N. Weepy
Orchard Words, Jeremiah Farrell
Order in a Resistentialist World, Dmitri A. Borgmann
'Or' Son Visits The Escorial, Harry B. Partridge
Outtakes, Steve Kahan
Oxymoronology, Richard Lederer
Packing The Cardinals, Leonard Gordon
Packing The Cardinals, A. Ross Eckler
Packing Words, Leonard Gordon
Palimericks, James Puder
Palindromania, Win Emmons
Palindromania: Do Nod, Roland A. Duerksen
Palindromania: Don't Nod, Roland A. Duerksen
Palindrome and Palindromes, Darryl Francis
Palindrome in a Palindrome, Howard Richler
Palindrome Park, Jeff Grant
Palindromes From Perth, Jeff Grant
"Palindrome" Trans-3-Deletions, Tom Pulliam
"Palindrome" Transadditions, Tom Pulliam
'Palindrome' Trnas-3 Deletions Revisited, Darryl Francis
Palindromic Construction, Howard Richler
Palindromic Decalogues, Bill O'Connor
Palindromic Fancies, Howard Richler
Palindromic Fortune Cookies, John E. Connett
Palindromic Habitations, Andrea Cantrell
Palindromic History of Civilization, Howard Richler
Palindromic Names, Jeff Grant
Palindromic Relationship, Susan Thorpe
Palindromic Triads: Not Quite Agamemnon, Steven Kahan
Palindromic Word Squares, Rex Gooch
Palindromy's Unseen "Virtual Verse", Jim Puder
Palingroans and Amalgrams, Lee Sallows
Panalphabetic Windows in Literature, Michael Keith
Pangram Competition, William Shortz
Pangrammatic Crosswords, Jeff Grant
Pangrams, Maxey Brooke
Paper Caper, Stephen Sniderman
Party Smarty, Martin Gardner
Patentspeak: A New Logoputian Lingo, Michael Keith
Patterns in Dutch For Ten-Letter Words, Hugo Brandt Corstius
PC Madness, O. V. Michaelsen
People of the Nineties, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Peppertree: The Logological Holy Grail, Dave Morice
Permed Ends, Susan Thorpe
Permutations of United States Capitals, Rex Gooch
Personal Anagrams, Harry L. Stern
Phallicdromes, Howard Richler
Pharmacist perception of opioid overuse for analgesia in the retail setting, Kenneth Jacob Craig and Josh Winebough
Phobias from A to Z, Jeff Grant
Photon What?, Dan Tilque
Phys. Ed. 112 Syllabus: You and Your Apocalypse, Alexander Lumans
Pick Your "-lily" Adverbs With Care, John J. Henrick
Pig Lawns and Diaper Spas, Christopher McManus
Pigpen-Cipher-Invertible Squares, John Bulten
Pi Words, Howard Bergerson and Michael Keith
Pl8 Speek, The Language of Vanity Plates, John Brooks Tenney
Placename Isogramy, Dan Tilque
Plane Earth Planet Packings, Jim Puder
Planet Packing, A. Ross Eckler
Planet Packing in Two Dimensions, A. Ross Eckler
Planet Packing Revisited, Dana Richards
Playing Hangman With A K.G.B. Senorita, Peter Newby
Playing Jotto Against a Computer, A. Ross Eckler and Faith W. Eckler
Playing the Numbers Game, Al Greengold and Richard Lederer
Plutarch's use of ancient literature, Jessie Christian Brown
Pneumonoultramicrostuff, Edward R. Wolpow
Poegematry, Michael Helsem
Poetry and the Palindrome, Haim Kilov
Poet Tree Without Mist Aches, Scot Morris
Poisonwood Palindromes, Jeff Grant
Political Palindromes, Mark Saltveit
Political Polemics: What's in a Name?, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Political Theology in a Postsecularist Key, Brent A. R. Hege
Polygonal, Pyramidal, Prismatic Words, Rex Gooch
Pop Culture in NY Times Crosswords, Faith Eckler
Portrait of Lucifer as a Young Man, Bryan M. Furuness
Positive Affect During Goal Adoption : Why Happiness Breeds Success, Katherine Wainwright
Possessionlessness Pluralized?, David G. Armstrong
Post Officialese, Jeff Grant
Powerful Words, Susan Thorpe
Prehistory in Action, Chris Cole
Presidential Letter Shifts, Monte J. Zerger
Presidential Name Games, Jim Puder
Presidents, Pairs and Primes, Monte J. Zerger
Prime TIme, Susan Thorpe
Proper Names, Improper Uses, Oren N. Dalton
Pseudopornography, Jeff Grant
Punk Whiz 17, Anil .
Punk Whiz 18, . Anil
Punk Whiz 20, . Anil
Pun Palindromes, Winfred S. Emmons
Purple People Eater Words, Oren N. Dalton
Purpose and Result Clauses in Hebrews and John's Epistles, J. L. Brady
Purpose clauses in the gospel of Luke, C. A. Brady
Purpose expressions in Acts, G. G. Bruer
Puzzles and Games on Word Configurations, Jeremiah Farrell
Pygmalion: A Pappus Word Game, Jeremiah Farrell and David Wright
Qhats, Peter Newby
Qing Pangrams, Alan G. Wagner
Quancrete Poetry, Charles Suhor
Quarter Ten-Squares, Rex Gooch
Quasi Eleven-Squares, Jeff Grant
Queen's-Move Graphing, A. Ross Eckler
Queen's-Move Graphing Revisited, A. Ross Eckler
Queen's-Move Text, A. Ross Eckler
Quelque Chose, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Quelque Chose, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Qwaints, Peter Newby
Race in Rhetoric: A Textual Analysis of Barack Obama's Campaign Discourse Regarding His Race, Andrea Dawn Andrews
Rare Maps for Collectors, Lee Sallows
Rare Maps for Correctors, Lee Sallows
Rat Slink Trestle, William Webster
Raven Two, Michael Keith
Reading Between the Lines, Christopher McManus
Reaganagram Reprise, John Henrick
Real Word Squares, Leonard Gordon
Recent Articles of Interest 2012
Reception and Influence of a Postmodernist Opera : John Adams' Nixon in China , 1987-2011, Casey Jo Brege
Recreated, William Young
Reflective Word Networks, Leonard Gordon
Reflexicons, Lee Sallows
Refractory Rhymes, Chris Cole
Reg, or Roger?, John E. Connett
Rejoinders, Stephen Sniderman
Removing Embedded Letter Patterns, Susan Thorpe
Renaming the Schwar(t)zkopf Baby, Eric Chaikin
Representaciones del Otro en el cine espanol y el resurgimiento de la ideologia franquista, Anthony J. Erlandson
Residual Heterograms, Susan Thorpe
Resume Muser 2003, Jim Puder
Retro-Active Words, Richard Lederer
Reversals Revisited, Christopher McManus
Reversed Placenames, Dan Tilque
Reverse Engineering, Eric Harshbarger
Reverse Homophonic Charades, Susan Thorpe
Reversible 6-Squares, Rex Gooch
Reversible Heterograms, Rex Gooch
Reversible Seven-Squares, Rex Gooch
Review of The Messiah: A Comparative Study of the Enochic Son of Man and the Pauline Kyrios, James F. McGrath
Revisiting the Beasiary, Leonard Gordon
Revisiting The Panagrammatic Highway, Faith W. Eckler
Rich Dutch Words, Hugo Brandt Corstius
Rich Man’s War, Poor Man’s Fight, Harry van der Linden
Right on the Money, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Rivals, Matt Rowan
Robin's Gazette-Free Lipogram, Howard Richler
Robots on the Rampage, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Roller-Coaster Word Chains, Leonard Gordon
Roman Ways, Susan Thorpe
Room For Expansion, Enoch Haga
Roots and Branches: A Simplified Diagram, Darryl Francis
Rorrim's Mirror, David Morice
Same Name Game, Don Hauptman
Scrabble-Friendly Eight Squares, Darryl Francis
Scrabble in Nursery Rhyme, John Holgate
Scrabble Patterns, Susan Thorpe
Scrambled Alphabets in Word-Lists, A. Ross Eckler
Screenplay on Words, Gary Roma
Scrooge's Humbug Dissected, Robert F. Fleissner
Scrubwoman Edith Meets W.R. Hamilton, Zhi Hong Chen, Jeremiah Farrell, and Thomas Rodgers
Searching for a Double 10-By-10, Frank Rubin
See It Now On TV!, Mary J. Hazard
Self-Contained Words, Solomon W. Golomb
Self-Descriptive Euler Magic Squares, Leonard Gordon
Selfish, Selfless, and Equable Words, Rex Gooch
Sematrimagic Squares of Order 3, Lee Sallows
Senator's Opera Treat - To A Rope, Ted Clarke
"Sending A Clear Mixed Signal" Still More Amusing Bloopers and Anomalies, Don Hauptman
Sending Messages by Telephone, A. Ross Eckler
Senescent Sentences: Ten Scenes, Nyr Indictor
Sequential Snakes and Ladders, Rex Gooch
Sequential Words, Susan Thorpe
Sesquipedalian English, Richard Lederer
Sesquipedalianists, Seek No Longer, Peter Delin
Sets of Mutually Antonymic Words, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Sets of Words with Alphabetic Progression, Rex Gooch
Set Squares, Peter Newby
Seventeen Synonyms of Semordnilap, James Puder
Sex, American Cities and Palindromes, Howard Richler
Sex and the Taxman, Jeff Grant
Shakespeare Anagrammed, Mike Keith
Shakespeare and Psalm 46, Once More, Robert F. Fleissner
Shakespearean Telesonnet Program, David Morice
Shakespearean Title-Play, Robert F. Fleissner
Shakespeare's First and Last Words, Angus G. James
Shakespeare's Pangrammatic Sonnet, A. Ross Eckler
Shalom! Salaam!, Howard Richler
Sheesh! A Yiddish Quiz!, Leonard Ashley
Shelling Peas Analysis, Jeff Grant
Shelling Peas with Gramps, Peter Newby
She Was Not a Cousin A Mentor or a Sister, Only a Phantom Who Taught Me How to Bury My Life in the Ground and Run, Caitlin Vance
Shiftgrams Ciphered, Analyzed, Richard Sabey
Shiftgrams: My Deft Ruse, Susan Thorpe
Shiftgrams Revisited, Darryl Francis
Shiftgrams: Spangled Wordplay, Richard Sabey
Shifts Progress, Susan Thorpe
Shortest Words Containing A Given Number Of Number-Names
Siamese Triplets, Peter Newby
Sighted Rhymes, Sank Same, Edmund Conti
Sign Here, Edmund Conti
Significance of figures in Hawthorne, Lulu Brevoort
Significantly-Different Word Squares, Leonard Gordon
Signs of Deer, Nora Hickey
Silvery Sleep, Darryl Francis
Simon: The Genius in My Basement, A. Ross Eckler
Singer, Singer!, Dmitri A. Borgmann
Single Letter Prefixing, Rex Gooch and Susan Thorpe
Single-Letter Words, Stephen J. Chism and Andrea Cantrell
Singularly Imperfect Tautonyms, Susan Thorpe
Sisyphus and the Rockettes, Susan Klinke
Six-Letter Connoisseur's Ladders, Rex Gooch
Slang Forenames, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Sliding-Block Anagram Puzzle, Leonard Gordon
Slub Glub, Faith W. Eckler
Slurring Your Words, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Smynonyms or Definitive Palindromes
Snakes and Ladders, Rex Gooch
Solution of the Gematric Equations, Lee Sallows
Some Capital States?, Faith Eckler
Some Conventional Anagrams, Mike Morton
Some Fossil Words, Maxey Brooke
Some Men Enjoy Oysters, A. Ross Eckler
Some More Quality 8-Squares, Richard Sabey
Some Narrative Alphametics, James Mayfield
Some New Discoveries, Darryl Francis
Some New -GRY Words, Darryl Francis
Some New Long Transposals, Darryl Francis
Some New Palindromes, John E. Connett
Some New Results on King- and Queen- Graphable Words, Mike Keith
Some Properties of One, Two, Three..., Michael Keith
Some Really Unusual Words, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Some Sentential Palindromic Five-Squares, Jim Puder
Some Superior Ten-Squares, Rex Gooch
Sounding of the Pun: the Official Spoonerism Game, Don Hauptman
Sound Spelling, Stuart Kidd
Southern Fried Churches, Mary Christie Craig
Spanagrams, Lee Sallows
Spanning the Globe With Scrabble Tiles, Mike Keith
"Speak Softly but Carry a Big Can of Paint" - Banksy, Wall and Piece: Street Art as Radical Political Activism, Rosemary Reedy Booth
Special Vowel-Consonant Patterns, Susan Thorpe
Special Word-Unit Windows In Running Text, Mike Keith
Spectres, monstres et fantômes. Les Chants Maldoror" et le spectacle de la fantasmagorie, Eloise Sureau-Hale
Spelling It Out, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Splendid Symbolism, A. Ross Eckler
Split Sentence Transposals, Susan Thorpe
Split Wit Definitives, Howard Richler
Spoonertoons, Don Hauptman
Spoonertoons 2: We're Punning for Resident, Don Hauptman and Jim Siergey
Spoonertoons 3: The "Eek!" Shall Inherit The Mirth, Don Hauptman
Spreadsheet Logology: Letter-Shifts, Anthony Sebastian
Spreadsheet Logology on the PC, Anthony Sebastian
Square and Triangular Number-Names, Monte J. Zerger
Stab Deletions, Eugene J. Ulrich
State and Presidential Square Sets, Jim Puder
State Letter Banks: The Long and Short of It, Darryl Francis
State Name Overlaps, Darryl Francis
Statenames Revisited, Darryl Francis
States and Capitals in Combination, Darryl Francis
State Weights, Darryl Francis
Statistics of Word Neighbours, Rex Gooch
Statue of Limitations, Don Hauptman
Stew Inside Curies, William Webster
Stinky Pinkies: The Real McCoy, A. Ross Eckler
Stop Press! Newspaper Lanuage Lapses, Don Hauptman
Straight Down the Middle, Susan Thorpe
Strandings, Andrew Payton
Strange Connections, Odd Etymologies, Leonard R. N. Ashley
Strange Names, O. V. Michaelsen
Strike While The Irony Is Hot: Humorous Proverbs, Don Hauptman
Stubborn Rhymes, Ove Michaelsen
Stuffing the Isogrid, Eric Chaikin
Sub-60-Letter Pangrammatic Windows, Mike Keith
Subdermatoglyphic: A New Isogram, Edward R. Wolpow
Substitute-Letter Isogram Networks, Leonard Gordon
Substitute-Letter Transposals of AEINRST, Darryl Francis
Suffix Quiz, Maxey Brooke
Sumwords: A New Crossword Game, Peter Newby
Sumwords: Record Scores and Anagrams, Darryl Francis
Super Duper Loopers, Richard Lederer
Super Heavyweights (Part 1), Rex Gooch
Super Heavyweights (Part 2), Rex Gooch
Super-Ideal Seven-Letter Word Ladders, Rex Gooch
Swapping Terminal Letters, Rex Gooch
Symmetrical Letter Patterns, Susan Thorpe
Synonagrams, Stuart Kidd
Tammy Gave Ev A Gym Mat, Win Emmons
Tautonyms and Tens, Arthur F. Holt
Tautonyms in Biology (Part 1), Samuel S. Long
Tautonyms in Biology (Part 2), Samuel S. Long
Telephone Tic-Tac-Toe, Rex Gooch
Telephone Words, Rex Gooch
Ten-Letter Word Ladders, Rex Gooch
Tenno's Sonnet, Jeff Grant
Ten Riddle-Poems, Paul Maxim
Tense Homophones, Susan Thorpe
Ten-Square Hunters, Unite!, Ted Clarke
Ten-Square With Place Names, Rex Gooch
Textual Logology, A. Ross Eckler
Text With Each Word Used Just Once, A. Ross Eckler
That is IE - or, is That EI?, Paul Leopold
The 11 Heterograms of Farthalomew Splib, Fender Tucker
The ABC's of Anglish, Peter Newby
The ABCs of Logology, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Aceinorst Transposal Problem, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Acronym Continues To Inspire Creatively Abbreviated Language (Tactical), Don Hauptman
The Adeinrst Alphome, Darryl Francis
The Adventures of Word Man, Don Hauptman
The Aeginrst Transposal: Part 1, Jeff Grant
The Aeginrst Transposal: Part 2, Jeff Grant
The Aeilnorst Problem, Darryl Francis
The Aeimnorst Problem, Darryl Francis
The Aeinrst Problem, Darryl Francis
The "A" Game, Richard Lederer
The Albatros in Ferdinand Bolstraat, Rudy Kousbroek
The "A" List, Steven Kahan
The Alphabet and the Golden Ratio, Monte J. Zerger
The Alphabet Cube, David Morice
The Alphabet Cube and Beyond, Darryl Francis
The Alphabet Puzzle, Howard W. Bergerson
The Alphabet Race, A. Ross Eckler
The Alphabet Ruler, Susan Thorpe
The Anglo-American Hyphen, Peter Newby
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalog of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalogue of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Catalogue of Butler University, Butler University
The Annual Register and the Annual Catalog of the Northwestern Christian University, Butler University
The Annual Register and the Annual Catalog of the Northwestern Christian University, Butler University
The Annual Register and the Annual Catalog of the Northwestern Christian University, Butler University
The Annual Register and the Annual Catalog of the Northwestern Christian University, Butler University
The Annual Register and the Annual Catalog of the Northwestern Christian University, Butler University
The Ascent of Man, Rex Gooch
The Bellamy Charades, Doris Nash Wortman
The Best 9X9 Square Yet, Eric Albert
The Best Ten-Squares, Jeff Grant
The Biggest Hoax, Chris Cole
The Borgmann Apocrypha, A. Ross Eckler
The Boys of Summer, Leonard R. N. Ashley
The Burletta of the Quest Nears, Ted Clarke
The Bwbachod, Don Laycock
The "C-14" Problem, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Calligraphic Decalogue, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Campkin Poem, Ove Michaelsen
The Case of the Enigmatic Rebus, Walter Shedlofsky
The Case of the Six Piles, Water Shedlofsky
The Case of the Wrong Answers, Walter Shedlofsky
The Chainsaw Critic, Jan Anderson
The Chemistry of Placenames, Dan Tilque
The Commonest 6-Square, M. Douglas McIlroy
The Commonest Alphomes, Rex Gooch
The Commonest Double Word Squares, M. Douglas McIlroy
The Consolidation of Responsibility and Students' Definitions of Situation in the Mixed-Age College Classroom, Jay R. Howard and Roberta Baird
The Creatures of English Idioms, Leonard R. N. Ashley
The Death of Gravity, Jason Nemec
The Debunking of Torpenhow Hill, Darryl Francis
The Dentist (Eth Stinted), William Webster
The development of the protective tariff legislation in the United States, Robert Alexander Bull
The Dictionary of Wordplay, Richard Lederer
The Dispatchful Byeworkman, Michael Keith
The Effect of Tidal Disruptions on Giant Stars in the Galactic Center, Brian B. Geiss
The Effect of Virtuality on Individual Network Centrality and Performance in On-going, Distributed Teams, Priscilla Arling and Mani Subramani
The Effects of a Brief Mindfulness Intervention on Impulsivity in College Students, Myles Elgin Trapp
The Electronic Speller, Faith W. Eckler
The Elegant Double Negative, Kay Haugaard
The Elemental Game, Susan Thorpe
The Eleven-Square - Take One, Rex Gooch
The Eleven Square - Take Two, Rex Gooch
The Elucidators, Jeremiah Farrell, Frank Harary, and Christopher C. Mihelich
The Elusive Triangle, Susan Thorpe
The Encyclopaedic Dictionary, Jeff Grant
The End of the Word: J, Dan Tilque
The Enigmatic Yams of May, James Puder
The Eternal Feminine, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Evolution of a Transposal Set, Darryl Francis
The Fibonacci Alphabet, A. Ross Eckler
The Fine Art of Misspelling, Dave Morice
The First Double and Triple Acrostics, A. Ross Eckler
The Franklin Wordmaster, Bruce Pyne
The Game of the Name, Nurse Pathos
The Generation Game, Susan Thorpe
The Gettysburg Distress, Mike Maguire
The Girl on the Bench, J. Malcolm Garcia
The Great Dog Mystery, A. Ross Eckler
The Great Times Ten-Square Hoax, Rex Gooch
The Grinning Cow and His Successors, Mike Morton
The Growth of a Word Network, A. Ross Eckler
The Gunpowdery Blacksmith, Eric Chaikin
The Hebrew and Greek words expressing forgiveness critically examined, George Green Bruer
The Heptcat Perspicuous Palindrome Producer, Jim Puder
The Heptcat's Other Trick, Jim Puder
The Historical and Theological Background of the Reformed Church in the United States, Carl J.G. Russom
The history of the historian, Nell Brevoort
The Humiliation of Beasts, Robert Kulesz
The Hydra, Michael Keith
The I18n Phenomenon, Nyr Indictor
The Immanent of Warsaw County, Nate Fisher
The Imperial Sotadic Legacy, Walter Fretlaw
The Information Superhighway, Mike Morton
The Internal Combustion Typewriter, Dave Morice
The Ladies' Diary, 18th Century English Almanacs, and One Frustrating Enigma, Ronnie B. Kon
The Landing, Sarah Carson
The Language of Business, Leonard R. N. Ashley
The Last Mystery of Lord Sunnday, Walter Shedlofsky
The Letter Conundrum, A. Ross Eckler
The Life of Riley, Walter Fretlaw
The Linguistic Genetic Message, Anthony Sebastian
The Listmaker, Dave Morice
The Logological Millionaires, Peter Newby
The Magic Asteroid, Jeremiah Farrell
The Mallarme Cryptopuzzles, Paul Maxim
The Malleability of Yoga: A Response to Christian and Hindu Opponents of the Popularization of Yoga, Andrea R. Jain
The Marathon in Palindromes, Jeff Grant
The Mating Game, Susan Thorpe and Peter Newby
Theme and Variations, John E. Connett
The Meaning or Purpose of Life, John Henrick
The Miracle, William Jablonsky
The Model A Palindrome Machine, Bill A. O'Connor
The Monosyllabic Raven, David Morice
The Moriarty Challenge, Angus G. James
The Morristown Fables: Part 1, Peter Newby
The Morristown Fables: Part 2, Peter Newby
The Morristown Fables: Part 3, Peter Newby
The Morristown Fables: Part 4, Peter Newby
The Most Anagrammatic Capital?, Mary Lois Dennison
The Most Fecund Consonyms, Dana Richards
The Most Versatile Palindrome, Jeff Grant and Pat Grant
The Movie Star Behind the Presidents, Dave Morice and Monte J. Zerger
The Myseterious Advertisement, Ted Clarke
The Name is the Game, Richard Lederer
The Name's the Game, Christopher McManus
The New Merology, Lee Sallows
The OED Misinterpreted, Darryl Francis
The OED Supplement (Se-Z), Darryl Francis
The Only Man Infinity Fears, A. Ross Eckler
The Ontological Problem, Lee Sallows
The Origin of the -Gry Problem, Chris Cole
The Oz Contradictionary: Part 1
The Oz Contradictionary: Part 2
The Oz Contradictionary: Part 3
The Oz Contradictionary: Part 4
The Oz Contradictionary: Part 5
The Oz Contradictionary: Part 6
The Palindromes of Mangareva, Jeff Grant
The Palindromic Dead Sea Scrolls, Howard Richler
The Palindromicon, Jeff Grant
The Palindromic Peace Process, Howard Richler
The Palindromic Slide Rule, David Morice
The Panamanian Rejects, John E. Connett
The Pangram Film Festival, Douglas Fink
The Pangram Film Festival Revisited, Richard Sabey
The Pangrammatic Highway, Udo Pernisz
The Parables of the Kingdom of God, Danielle Brin Reist
The People in Slanguage, Leonard R. N. Ashley
The Persian Version, Leonard Ashley
The Pi Code, Michael Keith
The Piku, Michael Keith
The political history of Cuba, Frank T. Brown
The Polyglot Ten-Square, A. Ross Eckler
The Postal Union, A. Ross Eckler
The Power of "a" Prefix, Thomas L. Bernard
The Presidents, More Or Less, James Puder
The Prime Ministers, More or Less, Jim Puder
The Proper Name in the Proper Use, Leonard R. N. Ashley
The Protean Pastern, Richard Lederer
The Proverbial Word, Peter Newby
The Purple Turtle, Dan Tilque
The purpose of this thesis is to show that the Turkish Treatment of the Armenians would justify foreign nations in intervening, James Calvin Burkhardt
There, Denis Borris
There's a Word for it, Leonard R. N. Ashley
(the result is constellation), Kristen Orser
The Search for Gadsby, A. Ross Eckler
The Shaming of the True, Peter Newby
The Society for Hindu-Christian Studies
The Sorcery of Context, Michael Constantine McConnell
The Speculation Puzzle, Jeremiah Farrell
The Squarehead and the Square, Ernest W. Ager
The Star Wars Anagrams, Mike Morton
The State Capitals Revisited, Darryl Francis
The States We're In, Richard Lederer
The Structure of a Word Network, A. Ross Eckler
The Stutter Game, Oren N. Dalton
The Suet Alphabet, Nyr Indictor
The Suet Alphabet Revisited, Darryl Francis
The Symbols of the Chemical Elements, Darryl Francis
The Syndrome, A. Ross Eckler
The Tebahpla, David Morice
The Tell-Tale Typewriter, Enoch Haga
The Ten-Square: A Tribute, Ted Clarke
The Titania Acrostic Revisited, James Kovalick
The Transmutation of Lanugage, Robert Schleifer
The Two-Year Grid, Eric Angelini
The Ugliest Words In English, A. Ross Eckler
The Ultimate Presidential Rectangle?, Leonard Gordon
The Ultimate Synonym Group, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Undefined Middle: Exploring the Role of the Union Representative in the Modern Teachers Union Structure, Amanda Erin Lee
The Unkindest Cut, Rex Gooch
The Unstoppable AEGINRST Machine, Darryl Francis
The Unstoppable Aeginrst-Machine, Darryl Francis
The U.S. No Longer Makes the Grade: Economic Inequality Put an End to the 'American Century', David S. Mason
The "V-14" Problem, Dmitri A. Borgmann
The Vowelindrome, Stephen Chism
"The Whole Kettle of Fish in a Nutshell": Mixed Metaphors Redux, Don Hauptman
The Word Calculator, David Morice
The World of Agamemnons, Susan Thorpe
The World's Worst Dictionary, Christopher McManus
The X-Bird Files, William Young
The XX Bigram, Jeff Grant
This Rugged World, Sir Jeremy Morse
Thoughts on Being Plagiarized (sort of), Richard Kostelanetz
Three Anagrams of Psalms 119, Richard Brodie
Three New Transdeletion Pyramids, Richard Sabey
Through Tough Thorough Thought
Tic-Tac-Toe Played As A Word Game!, Martin Gardner
Tiling By Computer, Leonard Gordon
Titles To Trace, Christopher McManus
To Free Up A Wealth of Shining Promise, Pete Stickland
Tom Swiftie Potpourri, Mary Christie Craig
Tool-Naming by Iron Workers, Alan Buczynski
Top-Down Seems Best in Full Searches, Leonard Gordon
Top-Eye, The Peyote Man, Jim Puder
Top Row Typing, Rex Gooch
Toward a Fusion of Theological Horizons: Constructivist Reflections and Responses to the Question of Theism in the Yoga Sutra, Graham M. Schweig
Towards A More Logical Keyboard
Trandformations of a Text (A Literary Puzzle), Paul Maxim
Transdeleted and Transadded Presidents, Darryl Francis
Transdeletion Nests in Chambers, John Holgate
Transplants, Peter Newby
Transposals of 15 or More Letters, Kyle Corbin
Transposing One Genre Into Another, Susan Thorpe
Transposing Rates, Jeff Grant
Transposing the State Capitals, Darryl Francis
Traveling Around the Ouija Board, Eric Iverson
Travelogue, Claire Kiefer
Triangular Progressions, Susan Thorpe
Trinanagrams, Jim Puder
Tripartitle Numerical Tautonyms, T.A. Hall
Triplets, Jeremiah Farrell and Karen Farrell
Triplets: An Added Dimension, Peter Newby
Trisograms, Quadrisograms, Quintisograms, Eric Chaikin
Trout, Emily Viggiano Saland
T-T-T-That's All, Folks!, A. Ross Eckler
Tucson Word Squares, Leonard Gordon
Twenty Consonant Poetry, William Gillespie
Twenty Thousand Palindromic "And" S, Bill A. O'Connor
Twenty-Twenty Vision, Susan Thorpe
Twin Places and Other Top Anagrams, Rex Gooch
Two-Consonant Sentences, A. Ross Eckler
Two Dual Cryptograms, Candice Hirst
Two Early Palindromic Peoms by "Caliban", Ove Michaelsen
Two Hundred Eight-Squares, Jeff Grant
Two More Electronic Spellers, Bruce Pyne
Two New Books on Scrabble, Alan Frank
Two New Pangrammic Challenges, Mark Isaak
Two New Transdeletion Pyramids, A. Ross Eckler
Two Palindrome Recreations, Jim Puder
Two Poems, Mitchell Untch
Two Sonnet Anagram Puzzles, Michael Keith
Typewriter Words, Michael Keith
Typewriter Words: All Fingers Used, Rex Gooch
Typoclycemic Anaphoric Verse, Dave Drayton
Ultimate Homophones, Richard Lederer, Al Greengold, William Ward, and Miriam Espinosa
Ultrapalindromes, John E. Connett